The future of society
Author: КНБ | NCF

Our team consists of specialists from various fields of great importance to society, such as medicine, economics and law. Each of us brought his own view of the future of society to the project, and together we created a unified vision.

We have proposed the creation of an independent international organization called The Navigation Committee of the Future.

You are probably wondering: "what does the National Security Committee do?", the answer is the Committee, an organization that develops forecasts and mechanisms for managing the future in order to create a healthy society, maintain the level of social development, preserve traditional values and cultural heritage.

The Committee is an independent international organization that develops forecasts and mechanisms for managing the future in order to create a healthy society, maintain the level of social development, preserve traditional values and cultural heritage.

The motto of our team explains the whole idea with which we developed the NSC: "We are responsible for our future!".

The project includes the following sections:

Scientific and technical breakthroughs
Economic development
Healthy society 
Social development
Managing the Future
The main objectives of the Navigation Committee of the Future:

1. Development of new models and approaches to equitable development and global growth. 

2. Combining the efforts of partner countries to overcome crisis situations and threats in the economic sphere. 

3. Establishing international cooperation to achieve economic security and effective development. 

4. Development and implementation of mechanisms for successful trade and financial cooperation of the countries that are members of the National Bank. 

5. Improving the standard of living of the population of the participating countries. 

6. Uniting countries with the aim of developing an innovative global economy. 

7. Reform of international institutions. Reform of international institutions.

In its activities, the Committee undertakes to adhere to the following principles:

Compliance with international law by the countries that are members of the National Security Council. 
Recognition of the role and non-interference in the activities of other international organizations.
Compliance with the rules of the international trading system.
Preserving the sovereignty and equality of the participating States. Consideration of the national interests of all member countries of the Association.
Transparency and reasonableness of decision-making. 



We were one of the first to arrive at the hotel. There were three of us, me, Nastya and Vitaly. Not the whole team, it's a pity. And the lights were turned off. It's pitch dark, and our rooms lie deep in this darkness, well, what can we do, we're going to go for a walk anyway. We've known each other in absentia for a month, but meeting a person in person is a completely different feeling. By the way, a little more about our team, in addition to the previously mentioned Nastya and Vitali, we had Tanzila, Veronica and Kristal in our team. Nastya and I work in the medical field, which means we help people, Veronica is studying to be a lawyer, in which case she can help us not get into trouble because of loroga running a red light (hello to our tutor Eddie), an excellent teacher. Vitaly is an official, he likes to tinker with papers! Tanzila, like Eddie, is a teacher, but not only a teacher, but also an excellent analyst and just a 24-by-7 artificial intelligence (in the best sense!). Well, Kristal, I don't have much to say about her, I just remember that she is a translator or tutor in Spanish. So, the three of us got out into the street. First, Nastya had to arrange something for the forum, which we did safely, well, and then we went to St. Isaac's Cathedral, exactly, because we decided to visit the observation deck, from where there was a beautiful view of the city, here it is, the Admiralty building and the Aleksansnadriysky Garden, behind which the bronze horseman hides, behind them Vasilyevsky Island, slightly to the right of the Kunstkammer, Neva and Peter and Paul Fortress, to the left, the port is visible in the distance, in general, a beautiful view! But the music didn't play for long, it immediately started raining, we had to take shelter with one umbrella for three! Well, somehow we got to meet other forum participants together with Olaf. In the evening, we contacted Tanzila online together, because due to circumstances she could not come to us in person. 
    The next day, after breakfast, we went to the Peter the Great Polytechnic Institute, where we finally joined forces with Veronica, and started working on the foresight session. The first performance, the edit, the second performance, the edit again, and so on, there is little time, but a lot of work, somehow we spent the whole day joking and working on our project. At the end of the day, we didn't get to the performance the next day, but we weren't too worried about it, but we could relax at the SPIEF itself! In the evening, well, at night, Nastya and Veronica and I decided to go for a walk, Vitaly stayed to work at the hotel, and Kristal found a common language with her Spanish-speaking colleagues. It's 3 a.m., and it's still not dark, it's still light! Here they are, the white nights! An amazing phenomenon. It's so nice to walk around St. Petersburg, yes, thanks to Peter for visiting such a beautiful city!
    An hour of sleep is quite enough for yourself, student mode, nothing unusual, we are ready, SPIEF, meet us! We got there again by bus. A bunch of pavilions dedicated to the future and the economy, crowds of people, it's better to stick together, take another step, and get lost. Expositions for every taste, robots, AI, air hockey, mini cities, whatever you want! There were many important and intelligent people at the foresight session, such as Alexander Chulok or Anatoly Vaserman, it was very interesting to listen to them, but time is limited, there won't be much. After that, we took another walk around the pavilions, and realized that we needed to run as fast as possible, because thunderclouds were gathering over the city, and as soon as we jumped into the bus, it started raining again, it was also funny to listen to claims from the passenger that we allegedly do not know how to count, even though we participate in the SPIEF, there are such things Funny people! In the evening we took another walk around St. Petersburg, chatting and discussing further plans, after which we began to slowly go to the train stations, because departure is coming soon, but what can we do, all good things end sooner or later to repeat themselves, that's such an eternal return!
