This study is devoted to psychological aspects, profiling and the relationship between verbal and non-verbal behavior on the example of young people from the SGN and Russia, this work assumes a theoretical basis about the future, specifically in the formation of scientific theory at the turn of 2100. The influence of the fundamentals of psychology, profiling, as a "new" branch of communication from the 19th century to the turn of the 21st year. Hypothesis. How it can help developers of artificial intelligence, the creation of robot assistants. At the moment, scientists from around the world are trying to program robots to understand emotions, but what if you look at it in a new way.
The novelty of the topic lies in the development of intelligence assistance in understanding people's emotions, as well as support for people with disabilities with age – deterioration of thinking abilities. This theory will allow you to take a fresh look at psychology, as well as an in-depth understanding of profiling.
Profiling is a relatively new direction in the science of psychology, which appeared relatively recently and allows you to decipher nonverbal and verbal components used in interpersonal communication. Profiling is a set of methods and techniques for evaluating and predicting human behavior based on the analysis of the most informative signs, characteristics of appearance and behavior. In order to better understand the subject of the study, we will set goals and objectives.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to study psychotypes, to draw connections between verbal and non–verbal behavior on the example of young people from the CIS and Russia in the future - in theory at the turn of 2100. The research aims to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between linguistic utterances and non-verbal signals, as well as predict possible changes in this relationship in the future, help AI developers develop intelligence in understanding people's emotions, as well as understanding for people with disabilities with age.
Tasks: 1. To study the basic theoretical approaches of profiling, to understand its role and significance in psychology.
2. To analyze existing research, analyze the specific features of communication.
3. Conduct a video survey with representatives of the target group to identify their own perceptions and feelings in the process of communicating with others.
The object of research: The object of research is young people from the CIS and Russia in the future – in theory at the turn of 2100. In this paper, we examine their linguistic utterances and non-verbal signals in order to identify connections and understand possible changes in this regard.
Subject of research: The subject of research is the psychological aspects of profiling and the relationship between verbal and non-verbal behavior. The study is based on the example of young people in theory at the turn of 2100. The study involves the analysis and comparison of linguistic and non-verbal data, as well as testing to identify and evaluate the links between linguistic utterances and non-verbal signals.
The work uses theoretical methods of analyzing nonverbal data, as well as psychological testing to identify and evaluate the links between linguistic utterances and nonverbal signals.
1. Psychological aspects, profiling at the turn of 2100.
Today, there are many discoveries and studies taking place in the world, in various industries. Let's consider the basis in order to give a scientific justification for the theory of psychological aspects, namely the introduction of profiling into robots. Let's remember the British scientists who made a huge contribution to history and created a humanoid robot that can transmit human emotions. I believe that the future with such innovations is not far off. Programmers over the past ten years have made leaps with the neural network, the program of personalized advertising collections and in Russia, created an anthropomorphic robot with the appearance of a girl. She started working at the MFC. These scientific papers become the direct vector of the assumption of the proposed theory. The world is developing at the speed of "light", it is impossible not to mention the human mindset is a unique component, we can only assume how it will change.
This scientific topic can be the subject of extensive discussion and research. At the moment, it is impossible to predict the future with accuracy, we can theoretically assume some possible changes in psychology based on the expected changes in the socio-cultural environment.
Let's highlight several possible aspects. The impact of socio-cultural and technological transformations, the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and biotechnology, can significantly change the ways in which people interact with the world and each other. This can affect their behavior, motivation, and ways of expressing their personality. These changes, such as demographic shifts, changes in values, needs and norms of society, can also have an impact on psychological aspects, namely profiling can be a starting point for a new study of AI programming, as well as robot assistants.
New factors as a new branch of evolution. We do not exclude the possibility of the emergence of new forms of thinking, as a few years ago we could not imagine that clipper thinking would appear, that a person would be able to consume information in a minute. This is due to the fact that the information field is constantly changing, we live in an endless information field, it also contributed to opportunities, changes in motivations, desires of people associated with the increased availability of technology and the development of virtual worlds, but something will remain unchanged. This scientific work acts as a vector of fundamentals in understanding emotions, as well as with deepening their branches.
The influence of the psychotype. One of the most important foundations in the profiler's work is the definition of the personality type and the psychotype of the person with whom he is communicating. This helps the profiler establish a trusting relationship with the person being communicated.
A psychotype is a complex of positive and negative qualities and properties, features of behavior in a particular situation, reactions to difficulties and various events. This is a three-dimensional characteristic of a person that reflects his essence. There are many classifications of personality types in psychology. Profilers use eight main ones in their work, which give a general idea of a person in order to understand what approach to find to a particular person:
1. Hysteroid . Such a person likes to do everything for show and at the same time admire himself, not paying attention to mistakes, flaws. It will not work to ignore such a psychotype: it will remind you of itself (and more than once!). Everything will be used – verbal aggression, manipulation, banter. Everything external is of great importance for the hysteroid. When he hears a compliment addressed to him, he will immediately blossom and feel happy.
2. Epileptoid. The main feature of this psychotype is the desire for power and control, although this desire does not go beyond what is allowed. The epileptoid does not tolerate pressure on his own person (however, he does not violate the bounds of decency himself), does not tolerate criticism of himself. His own reputation is important to him. So is friendship. He knows how to keep promises, but he can't control his emotions.
3. Paranoid. The characteristic features of this psychotype are purposefulness, activity, energy (and there is enough fire for both yourself and that guy). Such people are simply irreplaceable when it is necessary to solve some difficult task, to break yourself into a pancake, but to achieve a result. However, these energizers do not tolerate criticism, are sensitive to the fact that their merits are underestimated, and do not need feedback.
4. Emotional. Such people tend to be hyper–responsible - both for themselves and for everyone around them. They take everything too personally, which is why they often become victims of manipulation. Modesty, a high level of empathy, commitment to naturalness – it's all about the emotional psychotype.
5. Hypertime. The soul of the company, an optimist in life who is always in a good mood and does not remember evil. He will easily find an approach to any person, although he does not differ in special empathy. Hypertimus cannot stand routine, it is difficult for him to concentrate. But to generate new ideas, to create is what is needed.
6. Schizoid. He is constantly thinking about something, analyzing everything around him - his behavior, the thoughts and actions of others, the causes and consequences of some events. For him, the process is more important than the result. He is good at generating new ideas, coming up with non–standard solutions, but efficiency is not his strong suit.
7. Anxious and suspicious. Perseverance, demanding, empathy in such a psychotype are combined with increased anxiety and susceptibility to external influences. Any criticism, failure, or pressure from the outside unsettles, deprives you of strength and desire to work.
8. Depressingly sad. He is careful, restrained, prefers solitude to company, is indifferent to other people's misfortune, does not differ in responsiveness. But it will be a pleasure to do some monotonous work.
Learning to analyze people is a skill that can be developed through practice and study. By observing facial expressions, gestures, postures and tone of voice. With the right one. A certain interpretation. They can transmit information about a person's feelings, emotions, and mood. It should also be noted that people have problems with memory and thinking at an age, in this case, you can try to develop a personal assistant that could distinguish a person's condition.
2. Improve the accuracy and efficiency of profiling.
The use of machine learning and data analysis can allow you to automatically process large amounts of information, identify hidden patterns and predispositions, as well as predict people's behavior and motivation with high accuracy. This will improve both the profiling and the creation of a new one, while considering a wide range of data and taking into account many variables. It can take a long time.
Profiling allows artificial intelligence to make more informed predictions and recommendations, as it can use user profiles and preferences to more accurately select content or offers. It can also help reduce the cost of training artificial intelligence, as it can better understand data and make decisions based on existing profiles.
3. In a changing society, the following new characteristics may become important for creating a personality profile:
1. Digital Consistency: With the increasing use of the Internet and social media, people are leaving digital footprints that can provide valuable information about personality, behavior, interests and preferences. Analyzing these traces can be important for making an accurate profile.
2. Adaptability and flexibility: In the face of rapidly changing trends and technologies, people need to be flexible and able to adapt. These characteristics can help predict human behavior and reactions to environmental changes.
3. Technology competencies: In today's society, technology ownership and competencies are becoming increasingly important. They may reflect intellectual abilities, the ability to work with data and analyze information.
We conducted a video survey, based on it, we will present the statistics in the table.
*the interviewees did not consent to the use of the video
№ |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
What do you think about robots? | An interesting topic, I am interested from time to time | I was not interested in this topic |
This is the innovation of the future |
We are moving forward, slowly but surely | This is the future |
Have you heard about profiling? | No | I've watched movies | It's part of psychology | I know, I've been practicing this topic from time to time | Been in this topic for a long time |
What is the future for you? | Something unknown |
Robots… |
The future is us | It's a contribution to science |
A quiet life |
Do you think a robot will be able to read deep emotions? | If programmed, it will probably be able to |
Anyway, a man teaches him, that's all his will |
Yes |
I don't know | It's a big job, I'll refrain. |
This is a visual part of the entire survey, on a full-fledged analysis, 50 percent understand and accept this theory, 30 percent are still thinking that 20 percent do not accept it. In the conditions of the survey, students from the CIS also participated, there was no global difference in behavior, facial expressions, gestures, except for well-established national customs.
Interesting results were found in the study of psychological aspects and profiling of children from the CIS and Russia in theory at the turn of 2100. It turned out that we often say one thing, but our body shows a completely different one. Based on the survey, we found that the majority is in favor of developing this theory.
This is due to the fact that our body, subconscious mind reflects the real emotional component of our thoughts and feelings. Even if people learn the art of deception and masking emotions, some physiological reactions will always betray true emotions. According to the study, guys from the CIS and Russia, in theory, at the turn of 2100, are likely to show some cultural characteristics and stereotypes that will be reflected in their psychological aspects, profiling. For example, they may have a higher level of self-control and restraint in expressing emotions, which can be observed in their physical reactions, as well as vice versa. However, it should be remembered that people are individual, and each person can have their own unique psychological characteristics and expression of emotions in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all contextual factors and circumstances when analyzing psychological aspects of profiling.
We analyzed the theory of the emergence of novelty, the help of intelligence in understanding people's emotions, as well as support for people with disabilities with age – deterioration of thinking abilities. This theory has allowed us to take a fresh look at psychology, and we have also delved into the understanding of profiling.
We have revealed the purpose and objectives. The purpose of this study was to study the psychotype, to draw connections between linguistic and non–verbal behavior on the example of young people from the CIS and Russia in the future - in theory at the turn of 2100. The study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between linguistic utterances and nonverbal signals, as well as predicting possible changes in this relationship in the future, considered from a humanitarian point of view helping AI developers develop intelligence in understanding people's emotions, as well as understanding for people with disabilities with age how this may help them. Tasks: We studied the basic theoretical approaches of profiling, understood its role and importance in psychology. We conducted an analysis of existing research, analyze the specific features of communication. We conducted a video survey with representatives of the target group.
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