An unpredictable future.
We welcome all readers of this science fiction article. In it you will be able to get acquainted with the assumptions of the development of mankind in the next 88 years, put forward by the younger generation and supported by both scientific facts and frankly absurd ideas, whose implementation is either very complicated or completely impossible.
So, we will begin our narrative with the main predictions, the implementation of which will definitely be very soon.
The human population of the planet is a very important factor. It is impossible not to pay attention to the scale of reproduction of the dominant representative of the animal world on Earth, when considering and predicting the future.
Consider the trend. In 1987, the population was 5 billion people. After 12 years in 1999, it was already 6 billion. After another 12 years, the population has increased by another billion people. Thus, it can be noted that recently the increase in the World's population has been in sequence - 1 billion people every 12 years. Contrary to this, quite recently, namely on November 15, 2022, the population officially increased by another billion. For the first time in the last few decades, the number has increased not in 12, but in 11 years.
If the dynamics of population growth does not undergo dramatic changes, then the milestone of 9 billion people will be overcome by about 2037, and 10 billion by 2058. In general, according to UN forecasts, the world's population will continue to grow, potentially reaching a peak of 10.4 billion people in the 2080s.
Also, according to forecasts, already in 2023, India will become the most populous country in the world, overtaking China. Based on all this, it can be assumed that the population of the planet in the year 2100 will be 10.36 billion people.
The next, but no less important prediction is the landing of a man on Mars.
A successful flight to Mars will revolutionize the space industry, and also, in theory, will help solve the problem of overpopulation on Earth. The development of the red planet will give impetus to the development of science, will allow to discover and discover new elements, materials, minerals and significantly expand the human habitat.
On March 16, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla - Elon Musk indirectly confirmed the plans of his corporation for the speedy colonization of Mars. The entrepreneur outlined the dates for the start of a possible Martian expedition - 2029 - 2030.
Another prediction, despite the previous ones, is quite creepy.
American scientists are confident that, taking into account Moore's Law (an observation according to which computer performance doubles every two years), in 20 years artificial intelligence will be able to make its own decisions and fully engage in creativity.
This process is fraught with many dangers, but experts still believe that the computer mind will not be able to escape from human control.
These predictions are well-founded and supported by numerous proofs.
And they are considered the most important for the near future, along with the melting of the Arctic ice, the complete restoration of the Earth's ozone layer and other events that do not stand out particularly against the background of the previous ones, but require increased attention.
So, now we have listed the main predictions for the near future. Starting with the most, in our opinion, important. Now we can, based on all of the above, scientifically assume about the general future of the year 2100:
1. It is expected that by the year 2100, the level of the world's oceans will rise by 30-365 cm, as a result of which billions of people risk losing their living space.
2. The sun's rays are already an important element in modern energy systems, by the year 2100 such a source will play a more significant role in the priorities of energy production.
3. By the year 2100, people's deaths will decrease due to increased dependence on artificial intelligence, automation and more accurate weapons.
4. Despite the fact that the infrastructure of many countries receives negative assessments from year to year, there is hope that by the year 2100 the existing problems will be eliminated with the help of machines. All new high-speed rail and other transport systems will replace the current ones. Even then, it will be possible to drive from the District of Columbia to New York in less than 30 minutes.
5. The population of the planet in the year 2100 will be 10.36 billion people, and there will not be so many suitable places to live. Therefore, powerful drilling machines will build underground infrastructure relatively quickly and make it cost-effective. The implementation of this concept, its testing has already begun.
6. In the year 2100, it is possible to foresee an air taxi that shares the sky with manned aircraft.
7. In 80 years, most of our goods will be delivered by drones or pneumatic tubes.
8. By the year 2100, life and work in space will become a daily routine. Space elevators will increase the population on Earth. Self-sufficient colonies will appear on the moon.
9. By the year 2100, machines will help humanity find out if there is anyone else in space besides us.
So, after making scientific predictions, let's get down to fantastic ideas that, nevertheless, make sense.
In the near future, different options are possible. Both good and not so good. The future is unpredictable.
You can imagine a future in which cars fly through the sky, people wear glasses that can help them in all analytical processes. Who knows? Maybe in the near future the planet will become completely clogged with technology. Colonies will be built on other planets. It is possible to create entire cities on the moon.
Well, and if you imagine a not very colorful option?
Unemployment, lack of energy, food, housing. Inflation. It is possible that only rich people will be able to live well in such a future. The creation of citadels in which only influential people would live. And the poor would exist in slums and garbage dumps near the citadels. The forests would have been cut down. Coal and oil would have run out. People would live exclusively on those types of energy that are difficult to extract or restore. The planet would have turned into one continuous nightmare and horror.
However, we can imagine the future in any way, but no one knows exactly what will happen tomorrow. And today we just assumed what could happen in the next 100 years.