Author: Команда "Будущее технологий" / Team "Future of technologies"
Analytical note α-version of the model of the future for 2030
Our Tech-Priests team made the next attempt to predict the future for 2030 - consideration of the legal aspects of the recognition of artificial intelligence. Due to the narrowness of the chosen topic, we could not fully formulate the goal and objectives. In addition, the chosen topic required special knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, which we did not have.
As a result, we were unable to cover the topic holistically and draw valuable conclusions.
Therefore, we have to state that the full-fledged first stage of our team for modeling the future of 2030 cannot be highly appreciated. It is worth noting some mistakes, the presence of which is recognized by each member of the team (in particular, the timing did not allow to tell the designated topic in more detail). Therefore, it was decided to start work from the beginning.
Analytical note of the β-version of the model of the future for 2100
Our Tech-Priests team has done significant work modeling the future for the year 2100. By expanding the topic to consider artificial intelligence by the year 2100, we were able to put forward a clear goal - to provide our vision of artificial intelligence at the beginning of the 22nd century.
The following tasks were also formulated:
1. Consider the scope of AI use;
2. Describe the positive aspects of AI and identify possible risks associated with AI;
3. Make proposals on the issue of international regulation of the AI sphere.
As a result, it was concluded that AI poses a great threat to humanity, despite its capabilities, without strict monitoring and fixed legal rights. Therefore, proposals submitted for discussion within the framework of the UN are needed. The very first and necessary is the creation of a separate committee within the UN structure to address economic, legal, and ethical issues related to AI.
It is also worth noting that today the team worked well together, thanks to which they were able to complete the project.
The team also learned one of the principles of team performance: more creativity, less boring matter. In view of this, the team captain decided to portray a robot, which he did.
Therefore, the defense of the project was lively and informative.