The future of AI, digital and other key technologies
Author: Предвестники 5.0 | Harbingers 5.0


In the context of rapid technological progress, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in various spheres of public life. The impact of AI on the economy, politics, social sphere and demography will be in the spotlight in the coming decades. Our analysis covers the period from 2024 to 2100, dividing it into two main blocks: 2024-2050 and 2050-2100. In this study, we look at key events and trends in the field of economics, politics, social and psychological spheres, and we will also touch on the topic of genetics as an integral part of the future of demography.

1. AI and Economics
In the near future, major technologically advanced countries such as Russia, the United States, China, Germany and Japan will begin to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) into macroeconomic analytics at the level of central banks and finance ministries. This will be an important step towards more efficient and accurate management of the economy.
Banks around the world will rapidly close their branches, and most banking transactions will be carried out online, which will simplify financial transactions and reduce the cost of maintaining branches.
As a result, more than 50% of harmful and routine professions will be replaced by robots and AI. Remote work and flexible schedules are already becoming the norm for many professions, especially in the field of services and intellectual work. However, such changes will cause increased anxiety due to economic instability and social inequality. People will have to adapt quickly to constantly changing conditions, which stimulates the development of new technologies and a change in the perception of technological "partners".

2. AI and legislation
Most countries will develop regulations aimed at regulating the use of AI and intellectual property issues. These documents are intended to create a legal framework for the safe and ethical use of AI in various fields.
In some countries, attempts are already being made to recognize AI as a subject of law, which will allow it to have its own rights to the results of its activities and protection from misuse.
However, the question of who will be the author of the results of AI's work remains open. 
Thus, the adoption of regulations governing the use of AI and intellectual property issues will create a legal basis for the safe and ethical application of this technology in various fields. This will help ensure a balance between the interests of society, AI developers and users, as well as protect the rights of all parties.

3. AI and security
In the near future, there will be the creation of state cybersecurity agencies and the inclusion of "white" hacking in educational programs. This will be important steps to increase the overall level of protection and awareness of cyber threats.
Government cybersecurity agencies will play a key role in ensuring the security of the country's information systems and networks. They will develop and implement strategies and measures to prevent, detect and respond to cyber attacks, as well as cooperate with international organizations and partners to share information and experience.

4. AI and government regulation
In recent years, there has been an active development of artificial intelligence (AI) in many countries of the world. This process is especially evident in regions such as Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and some European countries. Here, AI begins to be used for government regulation, which leads to management optimization and increased efficiency of public services.
However, the active use of AI in the public sector is also fraught with a number of problems and challenges. One of them is to ensure data security and protect the personal information of citizens. There is also the problem of training personnel who are able to effectively use AI technologies in their work.

5. AI and demographics
The modern pace of life, with its stresses and strains, makes it difficult to find a partner to create a strong family. The answer to this problem may be an AI for matching using mobile applications. This innovation may contribute to an increase in the birth rate in the long term.
AI-based mobile dating apps use strict criteria to select a couple, asking users for salary, marital status and other important information. This approach helps users to be sure that they are choosing a partner who is committed to creating a family and has the necessary capabilities for this.
After approval by the system, users will have to indicate their values and expectations from the partner. The AI will then select candidates with similar values to create a pair. Users will not have to search for partners or communicate with them on their own, everything will be controlled by the AI and the service operator.

6. AI and medicine
Modern medicine, focusing on determining the causes of diseases, and not only on eliminating symptoms, will use artificial intelligence in combination with genetic testing, which will create new opportunities for clinical research.
The use of AI and genetic testing will allow doctors to study the mechanisms of disease occurrence more deeply and develop more effective treatment methods. These technologies will help identify genetic mutations associated with the development of various pathologies and create personalized approaches to the treatment of each patient.
The use of AI in combination with genetic testing also contributes to the early detection of diseases and the prevention of their progression. Thanks to this, patients will be able to receive timely care and avoid serious health consequences.
Thus, the integration of artificial intelligence and genetic testing into medicine opens up new horizons for the development of clinical practice and improving the quality of life of patients.


As a tool for implementing development strategies, our team offers the created club "THE FUTURE".


The purpose of this club is to gather all the participants of the HORIZON 2100 competition and the SPIEF for their further fruitful cooperation.
Their collaboration will be expressed by working on new futuristic projects that they will come up with as a member of this club.
Membership in the club allows you to exchange ideas, opinions and suggestions on issues of global human development and major changes.
To become a member of the club, you must, at the beginning, take part in the international competition "HORIZON 2100" or become a member of the SPIEF. After receiving a participant's diploma, a person must register on the club's website and pass moderation.

The address of the club's website:


AI and genetic technologies will play a key role in shaping a new social order, improving the quality of life and contributing to sustainable development.
Ultimately, the integration of AI into society can lead to significant improvements in the quality of life and sustainable development, but it remains important to maintain control over these processes in order to avoid reproducing the script of the Terminator movie.



The Chronicle 
On the first day we met on June 6, the Harbingers 5.0 team. Part of the team was familiar with each other, so everyone was incredibly happy to see each other again. The eyes sparkled, and the smiles did not leave their faces. The evening of this day was filled with incredible emotions and impressions from dating. We had a joint training session under the guidance of Olaf Hauer, and we ended the evening with a walk in the garden. 
The next day, our team participated in a Foresight session at the boiling point of the Polytechnic University. To begin with, we presented the work that we had been doing for 2 weeks before the session. After the report, we received comments on the work and we began to improve our project. We tried to listen to every expert and take into account the opinions of the team members. During the break, we discussed the details of our project and what our performance in the final would be, because we believed and knew that we would definitely go further! And so it happened.

On June 8, our team presented the project at the SPIEF and it was just incredible. We were delighted with the event and had a fantastic experience. Our entire team expresses great gratitude to the organizers and everyone who participated in the creation of such a wonderful project, which opens up a whole Horizon of possibilities for you!

As a tool for implementing development strategies, our team offers the created club "THE FUTURE".

The purpose of this club is to gather all the participants of the HORIZON 2100 competition and the SPIEF for their further fruitful cooperation.
Their collaboration will be expressed by working on new futuristic projects that they will come up with as a member of this club.
Membership in the club allows you to exchange ideas, opinions and suggestions on issues of global human development and major changes.
To become a member of the club, you must, at the beginning, take part in the international competition "HORIZON 2100" or become a member of the SPIEF. After receiving a participant's diploma, a person must register on the club's website and pass moderation.

The address of the club's website:

