The future of the environment and sustainable development
Author: Аврора | Aurora

The project examines long-term strategies and technological innovations to address global environmental challenges and support sustainable development by 2100. The project is based on negative trends such as deepening economic instability, labor exploitation, increased health of workers, escalation of climate crises, economic polarization, an increase in the number of environmental disasters and a decrease in biodiversity. The proposed solutions include the development of bioengineered crops, the use of quantum computing for environmental monitoring and the creation of an international legal framework. The project is focused on reducing the environmental impact, increasing the sustainability of production to climate change and improving working conditions. 
In 2024, environmental and sustainable development issues have revealed many challenges that portend serious consequences for the future of the environment by 2100. Intensive exploitation of natural resources and difficult working conditions in extractive and high-tech industries, combined with increased unemployment due to automation of production, threaten both the environmental and social well-being of the population. Developing countries are particularly vulnerable, where increased exploitation of resources and exposure to toxins worsen the health of workers and lead to social destabilization.
Climate change is exacerbating the situation, negatively affecting agriculture and food security, which is especially critical for poor farming communities dependent on outdated technologies. Environmental challenges such as air and water pollution and loss of biodiversity continue to intensify, threatening the sustainability of ecosystems.

At the 28th UN Conference on Climate Change, it was stated that the temperature increase on the planet could reach 2.8-3 °C, which would lead to a significant rise in sea levels - from 15 cm to 2 meters by the end of the century. Such changes threaten the existence of entire countries, such as the Maldives and the Pacific island States, and also cause serious problems for coastal cities, including Venice and St. Petersburg.
In addition, global desertification and the expansion of deserts may make up to 90% of the land unsuitable for agriculture by the middle of the century, which will especially affect regions with limited water resources, such as Central Asia. The aggravation of these conditions requires immediate measures to adapt and minimize the impact on the environment and society in order to ensure the possibility of sustainable development on the planet in the future.
Negative scenarios for the future
By 2050, deepening economic instability due to job losses and declining incomes, as well as continued exploitation under weak labor laws, especially in developing countries, are expected to become significant problems. These factors, combined with increased health problems among workers due to chronic exposure to chemicals and the escalation of climate crises, can lead to a reduction in agricultural production and create threats to food security.
The forecast by 2100 indicates a possible increase in economic polarization between developed and developing countries due to uneven access to technology. An increase in the number of environmental disasters such as droughts, floods and hurricanes is expected, which, combined with a reduction in biodiversity and worsening ecosystem degradation, will increase global challenges.
Solutions for 2050
To solve the problems by 2050, it is proposed to use nanotechnology to develop biodegradable pesticides and fertilizers that do not accumulate in the soil and do not harm health. The introduction of autonomous agricultural robots capable of adapting to climate change and optimizing yields without human intervention is also among the proposals. The development of a global environmental safety monitoring system based on artificial intelligence will prevent the exploitation of workers and improve working conditions.
The advantages of these solutions include reducing environmental impacts, increasing the resilience of production to climate change and improving working conditions. However, possible risks include the risk of displacement of work forces, dependence on high-tech equipment and potential violations in ensuring data privacy through monitoring systems.
Automation and robotics can reduce the number of jobs available, which will require States to create retraining programs. International agreements and strict laws will ensure better protection of workers' rights. The use of sustainable technologies in agriculture, such as drones and automated irrigation systems, will help farmers adapt to climate change. Vertical farming and urban agriculture will reduce dependence on drought- and disease-affected agricultural areas, increasing food security in the face of climate change.
Solutions for the year 2100
By 2100, it is projected that bioengineered crops resistant to climate change and pests will be developed and introduced, which will become a key factor in ensuring food security. The introduction of quantum computing in the field of environmental monitoring will make it possible to accurately predict and minimize the consequences of natural disasters, which will contribute to the prevention of environmental and emergency situations on a global scale.
The creation of an international legal framework for regulating environmental and labor standards will ensure the unification and effectiveness of measures to protect the environment and workers' rights around the world. These measures will lead to increased sustainability of agricultural production, minimization of environmental impacts and improvement of the quality and availability of food products.
However, possible risks include a deepening technological gap between countries and increased control over personal data, which could lead to the possibility of technology abuse. It is important to develop strategies that minimize these risks and ensure equal access to technology and its benefits for all countries and segments of the population.
Our forecast implies full automation of all major industries, including agriculture and manufacturing. Robots and automated systems will perform most tasks, which will reduce the risks to workers' health and increase production efficiency. The use of drones and automated harvesters for processing fields minimizes the need for human labor and reduces the impact on the environment.
Blockchain technologies will ensure full transparency of production and supply chains, preventing exploitation and unsafe working conditions. Genetically modified crops that are resistant to climate change will produce more food in a smaller area and with less environmental impact. Vertical farms in cities will use hydroponics and aeroponics to grow products without soil and with minimal water use, making production more sustainable and affordable.
New methods of water and air purification at the molecular level, such as nanofilters and bioengineered microorganisms, will be actively used to reduce pollution. 
Technology implementation strategies
The Government should play a key role in the technology adoption strategy by setting regulatory standards and providing tax incentives to encourage the use of sustainable technologies. It is necessary to develop national and international programs to subsidize research and development in the field of environmentally friendly technologies, which will ensure the widespread introduction of innovations.
On the other hand, businesses should invest in the development and commercialization of sustainable technologies, as well as implement corporate strategies based on the principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility. All this will help not only to minimize the environmental footprint of companies, but also to increase their competitiveness at the international level.
The conclusions of the forecast for 2100 show that the environment, sustainable development and the global economy are closely linked. The environment provides humanity with the necessary resources, but unrestrained consumption leads to its degradation. Sustainable development provides an opportunity to find a balance in which the economy can grow without harming nature.
By continuing to live in the old way, the world will face increased climate change, pollution and lack of resources by 2050, which will lead to economic crises and a deterioration in the quality of life. But if we start acting now, switch to clean energy and take care of natural resources, by 2050 we can achieve economic prosperity without harming the planet.
By 2100, if we make the right choice today, our descendants will be able to live in a world where the economy supports nature and nature supports the economy. Clean air, green cities and sustainable development will be a reality. Our future depends on the actions we take today, and we have the opportunity to create a future that we can be proud of.
As K.A. Timiryazev wrote, "Every ray of the sun that is not caught by the green surface of a field, meadow or forest is wealth lost forever, and for the waste of which a more dedicated descendant will someday condemn his ignorant ancestor." This thought reminds that the resources of the Earth are limited, and every unused potential or wrong The used resource is a lost wealth for future generations. Only through sustainable development, responsible consumption and advanced technologies can we ensure the prosperity of our planet without harming nature and leaving a healthy ecosystem to the heirs.




On May 20, 2024, a meeting was held between the team members, who are united by the direction "The Future of the environment". Dr. Rosa Tazayan had an interesting conversation about the organization of work activities and the further action plan. During the conversation, a lot of new information about the team members became clear. It includes Tazayan Rosa, Yulia Dontsova, Alina Popova, Wang Tianjiao, Ilya Menshchikov, Yasser Davud Ahmed and Anna Michunovich.  They are representatives of different countries – Russia, Egypt, Montenegro and some others.
Also, all the guys got acquainted with the main organizational issues, looked at examples of last year's work, arranged the procedure and distributed some tasks among themselves.
In conclusion, all the issues discussed were summarized.
During the week, our "Future of the Environment" team worked very hard, for several days we collected information and consolidated it. The result is a bright and understandable presentation. At today's meeting (06/03/2024), we once again summed up the work done, distributed the remaining tasks and will soon be ready to present our work to the audience!
Our team spent most of June 6 on the road. In the late afternoon, we reached the pick-up point, successfully checked in and even managed to have dinner. After that, Olaf Hauer held a meeting of all the participants in the lobby of the hotel, we got to know each other, learned a lot of interesting things. The number of foreign participants left a special impression, and communication with them was very unusual. After the training, we took a walk in the park and went to rest, as everyone was tired from the road, and we had a busy day ahead of us.

On June 7, all the participants of the event woke up, had breakfast and gathered in the lobby. At the appointed time, a bus was waiting for us, which took all the team members to the Boiling Point. We spent the whole day there preparing projects. Very competent and friendly experts worked with our team, thanks to them we learned a lot of new things and fully completed all the planned work. I couldn't help but be glad that we were fed 2 times, and also had a coffee break. At the end of the day, all the teams defended their projects, and the experts chose the best ones.

On June 8, we got up early in the morning, almost no one got enough sleep, but everyone knew that the event for which we woke up would be large-scale. We had breakfast and went to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The exhibitions presented there were striking in their scale and colorfulness. At 10 a.m., we started defending our projects, which was successfully completed thanks to the organizers and the Forum participants themselves. Our team was represented by Tazayan Rosa and Ilya Menshchikov. After that, we had time to familiarize ourselves with all the installations. We received valuable emotions and even gifts from some of the participants. All team members express their gratitude to the organizers, coordinators and all other persons who took part in such an event!
