The future of the global and Russian economy
Author: E-FLOW


This analytical note is devoted to a detailed analysis of the future of the global and Russian economies by 2100. The E-FLOW presentation examines key trends and challenges that will shape the economic future, including the evolution of professions, the need for rapid adaptation, digital leadership and the transition to digital currency, as well as the dominance of multinational companies.

Key Challenges and Trends

1. The Evolution of Professions

   - Current Situation: In recent years, we have seen significant changes in the employment structure. Professions that have existed for decades are disappearing or being transformed under the influence of new technologies. It is becoming increasingly clear that automation and the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many routine tasks, freeing people up for more creative and intellectually saturated roles.

   - Future Changes: By 2030, it is expected that more than 50% of current professions will be changed or replaced by new types of employment. New professions will require skills related to AI management, big data analysis, cybersecurity and other high-tech fields. In this context, the key challenge will be the need for rapid adaptation of the able-bodied population to new conditions, which will require significant investments in education and retraining.

   - Education and Retraining: It is necessary to develop flexible and adaptive educational programs that can quickly respond to changes in the labor market. The joint efforts of the state, business and educational institutions will be aimed at creating a system of continuing education that ensures constant updating of knowledge and skills.

2. Digital Leadership

   - Digital Transformation: In the coming decades, digital technologies will become the main driver of economic growth. Digitalization will cover all spheres of the economy and society, from production to services, from healthcare to education. The widespread adoption of blockchain technologies and the transition to a digital currency will ensure transparency and security of financial transactions, which will lead to increased trust and lower transaction costs.

   - The role of the State: States will play an important role in ensuring the conditions for digital transformation. This includes creating a supportive regulatory environment, supporting innovation, and developing digital infrastructure. At the same time, cybersecurity and data protection issues will need to be addressed in order to minimize the risks associated with digitalization.

   - Social Change: Digital transformation will lead to significant social changes. The quality of life will increase, access to information and services will improve, and production and consumption costs will decrease. However, an important aspect will be the need to address the problem of digital inequality in order to ensure equal opportunities for all segments of the population.

3. The Dominance Of Multinational Companies

   - Economic Impact: Multinational companies (TNCs) will continue to play a key role in the global economy. Their influence on political and economic processes will only increase. TNCs have significant resources and opportunities to invest in innovations and new technologies, which makes them important players in the process of digital transformation.

   - Global Imbalances: The dominance of TNCs can lead to increased global imbalances and social inequalities. An important challenge will be the need to develop new regulatory mechanisms to protect national interests and social well-being. States will have to cooperate internationally to create fair business conditions and prevent monopolization of markets.

   - Social Responsibility: TNCs will have to take on more social responsibility by participating in solving global problems such as climate change, poverty and social inequality. This will require them to develop sustainable business models and implement environmentally friendly technologies.

Statistical Forecasts

1. GDP growth

   - The impact of AI on GDP:According to forecasts, AI technology can ensure the growth of Russia's GDP by 46% until 2030. This indicates a significant potential for Russia's economic development due to the introduction of AI in various industries. AI will help improve production efficiency, optimize business processes and create new growth opportunities.

   - Global GDP Growth: Global Sachs forecasts that global GDP will grow by 7%. This confirms the global positive trends in the economy related to the introduction of new technologies and the development of international trade. The growth of the global economy will be accompanied by an increase in demand for resources and services, which will open up new business and investment opportunities.

2. Public Administration

   - Digitalization of Public Administration: A significant increase in the share of cases related to public administration is expected. This indicates the need to adapt government institutions to the new conditions and challenges of the digital age. States will implement digital technologies to improve governance, transparency and efficiency of public services.

   - The role of the State in the Economy: Changing the role of the state against the background of digitalization will be an important aspect of future development. States will actively support innovation, create favorable conditions for business and ensure the protection of citizens' rights in the digital space. This will require new approaches to regulation and cooperation at the international level.

Roadmap For The Development Of The Global Economy

1. The year 2030

   - Evolution of Labor Capital: In 2030, there will be a significant evolution of labor capital. New high-tech professions will dominate the labor market. This will require constant updating of the skills and knowledge of the employees.

   - A new Global Economic Model: The formation of a new global economic model and the era of technology will become a key trend. Innovation, digitalization and sustainable development will play an important role in this process.

   - Changing The Role Of The State: Against the background of digitalization, the role of the state will change. States will actively participate in the process of digital transformation, creating conditions for sustainable development and digital well-being.

2. The year 2045

   - Deepening Digital Transformation: By 2045, digital transformation will become even deeper and more comprehensive. The integration of sustainable technologies and the development of new economic models will be key areas of development.

   - New Regulations for TNCs: The introduction of new regulations for multinational companies will be aimed at reducing global imbalances and social inequality. The States will cooperate to create fair business conditions.

3. The year 2060

   - Integration of Sustainable Technologies: Strengthening the trends that began in 2045, with an emphasis on further integration of sustainable technologies and the development of the knowledge economy. Cooperation at the international level will play an important role in solving global problems.

   - Development of the Knowledge Economy: The knowledge economy will become the basis of global economic development. New technologies and innovations will stimulate growth and create new opportunities for business and society.

4. The year 2075

   - Full Integration of Digital Technologies: By 2075, digital technologies will be fully integrated into all spheres of life. This will lead to an improvement in the quality of life and increase the efficiency of all processes.

   - New Economic Models: The dominance of new economic models focused on sustainable development and the well-being of mankind. The economy will be based on the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility.

5. The year 2100

   - Digital and Sustainable Economy: The global economy will become fully digital and sustainable. All processes will be automated, and technologies will be used to improve the quality of life and protect the environment.

   - Global Governance Mechanisms: Multinational companies will be integrated into global governance mechanisms, ensuring a balance between economic growth and social development. International cooperation will become the basis for solving global problems and ensuring sustainable development.


The future of the global and Russian economies will be determined by technological innovations, changes in the labor market and the dominance of multinational companies. Adapting to these changes will require significant efforts on the part of both government institutions and the private sector. Governments and companies will have to develop strategies aimed at sustainable development, digital transformation and social well-being in order to ensure prosperity in the new era of the global economy.

Joint efforts will be aimed at creating an inclusive and sustainable economy where digital and environmentally friendly technologies play a key role. Investments in education, research and innovation will be the foundation for future growth and prosperity. Ensuring equal opportunities for all will be an important aspect, which will create a more just and sustainable society.
