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INS – Interneuron network space 
What's it?
A cloud-based network space for processing neural queries to support the life of connected citizens. 
A centralized information processing system in a completely electronic world where everything works through INSs, from opening the door to slicing tomatoes in the kitchen through a robotic machine, from buying plane tickets to uploading a nanobot scan report to a hospital information database. Also, through INSs, people have communication that is carried out not in words, but in concepts/ concepts. (in the context of instant data transfer between users, words as information carriers are an extremely inefficient method of communication. It is much faster for a communicator to convey an idea/meaning/image/concept directly into the communicant's mind). Accordingly, the speech apparatus is atrophied, used only for food consumption. 
Human-INS connection
Nanobots are implanted into the spinal cord of newborn citizens. Nanobots connect the nervous system (and/or consciousness) to the INS. 
Access to INSs and restrictions
 In the INS world, there is a social rating system that dictates the level of interconnection and integration with INSs.
Universal Laws – the legislative body of the state
Universal laws are the principles on which INSs are built, for example, a social rating consists of 4 variables that cannot be deleted or new ones added to. 
Social rating (part of Universal Laws)
The social rating determines the scale of integration with INSs (conditionally 0-1000)
Variables defining the social. Rating: 
1) law–abiding - violation of any laws (Criminal Code or administrative code) leads to a corresponding decrease in the social rating;
2) financial situation – as in any society, finance opens up additional opportunities;
3) Strata of society/social classes – there are classes in societies, whether formally as in India with castes or medieval Europe, or informally as in liberal democracies, where the financial situation still determines the class. In this world, the class determines the level of integration with INSs, thereby determining the access to the functions and capabilities of INSs;
4) public opinion* is an important factor determining the social rating. The risk of becoming a hermit is low, because total. opinion is not the only factor in the formation of a social rating. A positive public opinion increases the social rating. Public opinion will also be a lever to prevent the formation of a limited elite of INSs.
Strata/class of society
1- Hermits.
Hermits are those people who have been completely disconnected from the Internet, thereby losing touch with the real world. There is no official access to the functions of INSs, which is tantamount to isolation from society. Since the usual way of communication (through INSs) is impossible, the hermits have re-developed the speech apparatus for sound communication (naturally it differs from the languages we are familiar with, it can be primitive or more sophisticated compared to ours). Hermits have a "black market" for trading bodies (for INSs), as well as chips (like Elon Musk's NeuraLink, but in our universe its technology is already of an older generation and gives only extremely limited access to the functionality of INSs, for example. Open the apartment door, order groceries, etc.). Hermits have the opportunity to reintegrate into society through special "boarding houses" (institutions where people are gradually restored access to INSs, depending on social indicators – danger and benefit to society).
2- The working class
Connected to INSs. Extremely limited access to information, to movement, to the functionality of INSs. INSs meet basic needs.
3- Middle-upper classes
Connected to INSs. All classes except hermits and SME-persons have gradational integration with INSs. Accordingly, access to the functionality of INSs, access to information, etc..
4- INSpersons
The highest elite of society. The brain/consciousness is fully integrated into the INS. Accordingly, they exist as conditional "servers" of INSs. They directly affect the functionality (except for universal laws) of INSs. Public opinion helps to prevent an irremovable (relatively) stratum of the elite, because while an INS person cannot be downgraded by social rating, there is a constant influx of new consciousnesses to the number of INSs, increasing the neural diversity of INSs, thereby balancing decision-making. Unlike other classes where people connect to INSs from their bodies through nanobots, INS persons, being directly integrated with INSs, have the ability to connect to the body from INSs. 

1. Efficiency and automation: The system manages everyday tasks, freeing up time and resources for people.
2. Instant communication:Transferring ideas and concepts directly into consciousness improves the accuracy and speed of communication.
3. Improved health:The INS monitors the health status in real time, improving medical care.
4. Access to information:INSs provide instant access to information, improving education and professional activities.
5. Security: Automated control and monitoring systems increase the level of security.
6. Motivation through INSs:
INSs motivate people to do good deeds through a social rating system, encouraging participation in socially useful activities and compliance with laws, which contributes to a harmonious and organized society.


Our first meeting in zoom was an acquaintance, we got to know each other. The first week we tried hard to come up with something, nothing came to mind. At the third meeting, one of the participants in our group talked about some,, chips in the head,, which were invented by Elon Musk. 
The main goal of Neuralink is to create a secure neurointerface capable of capturing brain activity and processing signals without the risk of rejection by the body.
The purpose of creating Neuralink is to develop a minimally invasive neurochip (microcircuits for implantation into the brain and influencing neurons with minimal interference in the body).
Using the device, scientists want to implement the process of transferring data from the brain using bluetooth technology. This will allow you to control the technique directly, using brain impulses.
In 2021, Elon Musk's company made an experiment public — a neurochip was implanted in the monkey's brain and the animal was taught to play video games.
We were inspired by this topic and all the participants thought about this question, because the idea is interesting, but I want to come up with something of my own, maybe refine or improve. After numerous suggestions, we came up with the idea of creating a kind of SME (interneuronal network space )for a better life in the year 2100 in a certain,,Internet world,,. 
We decided to name our team BrainPro Society in honor of the principle of operation and functions of our invention. For the second week, we perfected our thought, throwing up new thoughts. We adjusted and developed possible strategies and outcomes so that our roadmap and strategic plan would be more accurate. Of course, we argued without conditionally, criticized each other's ideas for the best result.
In the future, we hope that our idea will come true in the future and we will be proud to bear the titles of those who predicted this system.
