Entrepreneurship and innovation are two interrelated concepts that are becoming increasingly important in the business world. Entrepreneurship is the creation of new businesses, while innovation involves the development and application of ideas, products or services that add value or improve existing ones. The general purpose of the work is to talk about the development of a new method of welding using graphite from used batteries to reduce emissions of pollutants into the environment.
The combination of entrepreneurship and innovation can generate creative solutions and transform entire sectors of the economy. It is not limited only to the production of batteries, but also plays a crucial role in the repair and disposal of electronic devices to ensure their proper functioning and contribute to the sustainable growth of environmental safety. This combination can stimulate progress and encourage entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship and innovation are two closely related concepts that are becoming increasingly important in the modern business world. Entrepreneurship refers to the creation of new companies and enterprises, while innovation is the process of developing and applying new ideas, products, services, or processes that add value or improve existing ones.
Together, entrepreneurship and innovation can generate creative solutions and transform entire sectors of the economy. Entrepreneurs and innovators are the driving force behind these changes, as they are willing to take risks and challenge existing paradigms.
Today, science is characterized by great technological advances and constant changes, and the need to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship is becoming more important than ever. That is why the use of "Sole Battery" (solar panels) requires a fundamental process in the manufacture and maintenance of batteries, as it allows you to safely connect the internal components, providing energy supply. However
However, the topic is not limited only to the industrial production of batteries, but also plays a crucial and fundamental role in the repair and disposal of electronic devices. We can observe the transformation of ideas into reality, which contributes to sustainable growth in the future, and is the driving force behind the progress of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship and innovation not only create business opportunities, but also contribute to economic growth and job creation. Thus, they are fundamental to the competitiveness of the economy and are increasingly recognized and promoted by both Governments and companies.
The relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation is revealed through the changes experienced by social organizations and economic activity in general. Each undertaking generates efforts related to innovation; the difference lies, perhaps, in the scale of the enterprise and the scale of innovation (Parellada, del Palacio & Aguirre, 2007). In this regard, the need to study entrepreneurship and innovation is justified in order to learn and compare modern ideas about these two concepts and their practical application. The purpose of this study is to understand the conceptual and academic aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation using the example of a detailed analysis of these two concepts.
An entrepreneur is someone who undertakes to organize, manage and take on the risks of a business. It goes hand in hand with innovation, because it's not enough just to have a good idea, they have to implement it.
The concept of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is an effort made by a person or group of people to promote a project, create a company, or create an innovative solution. (Cardenas, 2023). An entrepreneur is someone who undertakes obligations to organize, manage and take on business risks.
Characteristics of the entrepreneur.
Full dedication, dedication and perseverance.
The ability to achieve goals.
Focus on goals and opportunities.
Initiative and perseverance.
How to start a successful business?
It is important to clearly understand the concept of entrepreneurship: This is a set of characteristics that force a person to act in a certain way and allow him to exercise certain competencies to visualize, define and achieve goals.
A. Identify your tastes and preferences.
B. Identify the goals you want to achieve.
B. Eliminate economic obstacles and barriers to
D. Develop a good business plan.
Entrepreneurship and its significance.
One of the most important decisions in your life is to become an entrepreneur, and it may not be easy to do it successfully. To turn your idea into a profitable company, the first thing you should do is analyze whether there is such a real need for your product or service to be sold, and whether you have the resources to meet this need.
The entrepreneurial process:
For this purpose, the following points are recommended:
Market dominance
Thanks to this, you will know in detail what is happening in the environment in which your business will develop.
B. Business plan
This is a document in which you specify the goals of your company and the strategies that you will implement to achieve them, as well as the organizational structure and budget that you need to implement your business project.
Defining a goal
A target is your target audience, and to determine it, you only need to study the behavior and patterns of its consumption.
G. Competence
Analyze what others are doing in the same line of business, find out about their characteristics and check if they meet the needs of consumers.
D. Investments
Technology is fundamental, and you should invest in it, because it is a basic tool for entrepreneurship, and thanks to this, we will stay up to date with what the market requires.
Creativity and its process.
Ideas come spontaneously. Discard ideas that are not feasible.
A plan is needed to implement the idea.
Ask yourself and imagine - who am I working for?
Watch and keep asking.
Practice and change.
Types of creativity.
Mimetic creativity: This type focuses mainly on copying, imitating, reproducing something exactly the same.
Creativity by analogy: It is important that a person uses what he knows to understand, relate, connect what he does not know.
Dissociative creativity: This happens when two different ideas combine to create a new result, create a new idea, product or object.
Narrative creativity: reflecting the ability to create stories by combining elements.
Intuitive creativity: This is because you can create an idea in your mind without any image prefix.
Characteristics of creative people.
A. The fluidity of ideas.
B. Flexibility of thinking.
B. Originality and imagination.
G. The spirit of research.
D. A high degree of curiosity.
E. Their knowledge is based on new ideas.
To innovate is to introduce new ideas that create value, creativity itself is not an innovation.
Innovations require execution, commercialization of ideas.
This is improving what is there, providing new options that meet the needs of consumers, or even creating new products to be successful in the market (Re^o, 2019).
An innovative approach
It is a set of values, habits and attitudes that contribute to knowledge-based change processes, the result of which generates economic and social value. These traits and competencies do not have a genetic origin, but are principles or guidelines for action that we can gradually learn
Willingness to learn: a person with an innovative mindset always needs new knowledge.
Cooperation orientation: an innovator should contrast his ideas and exchange opinions.
Action in decision-making: a person with an innovative approach is in a continuous process of reflection, learning and matching ideas.
Mistake: it is impossible to imagine making decisions without mistakes.
Thinking model: People with an innovative approach have so-called lateral or divergent thinking.
Vision of the present: the goal of any innovator should be to combine the experience learned from the past and the situation of the present.
Sense of humor: characterized by positive personal qualities: optimism, faith and courage.
Psychological strength: In situations of change, innovators face circumstances, analyzing them, providing the means and resources for adaptation.
In accordance with the development of the introductory part and the conceptual framework, it was possible to create an innovative practical project that will be in demand in society. Several ideas on innovative products arose in the working team, the optimal solution was adopted and developed, which determined the leader for the implementation of the proposed idea.
The presented project is closely related to innovation, as a whole creative process was used to ensure that it complies with the United Nations SDGs, based on caring and preserving the environment. A thorough study was conducted to find out what distinguishes our product from traditional welds and what the benefits and contribution of our product will be for both the consumer and the care of the planet.
The traditionally used product was found to be too expensive, and the goal was transformed into making it more affordable by collecting, extracting, and reusing graphite from batteries. As for entrepreneurship, market research was conducted to know what type of audience it is aimed at, we compared ourselves with competitors in search of a differentiator and thus identified several advantages of the product.
Product Advantages
It is easy to handle and resistant to heat shock
It does not melt, but passes directly from the solid state to the gaseous state, which prevents wear
Its density is five times lower than that of copper, resulting in lighter electrodes.
The material has an increased strength equal to or greater than other materials used in bonding
It has the ability to conduct current in the same or greater way than conductors
Withstands repeated damage
It does not deteriorate over time, as the joints do not weaken and do not corrode
As can be seen in Figure 3 below, the new proposal is aimed at solving the problem of environmental protection, thereby maintaining a closed-loop economy and not using a linear economy that only produces, consumes and throws away, thereby causing the only thing it causes is the depletion of resources on the planet.
To develop a new form of welding produced and obtained from graphite used batteries.
Supporting a closed-loop economy based on sustainable development and battery reuse at all stages.
Reducing emissions of pollutants into the environment in factories where our welding is used.
This project is based on the development of a new method of welding graphite, which is extracted from used batteries, which in most cases are placed in special underground tanks to avoid contamination. Further research will then be given on the creation of this weld.
THE MAIN PART IS ABOUT collecting batteries.
The municipal company ETAPA collects 200,000 batteries of all types and sizes per year.
A mercury battery can contaminate 600,000 liters.
ETAPA uses the collected batteries to create ecological concrete monuments or sculptures to encapsulate them.
The advantages of graphite.
A. Time saving: Graphite welding is a fast method that allows machine shops to repair parts more efficiently. This is due to the fact that graphite provides high thermal conductivity, allowing the metal to melt and harden quickly.
B. Cost savings: Using graphite as a welding material is more economical compared to other welding materials. In addition, graphite is a durable material that does not wear out, which reduces the need for frequent replacement.
B. Higher welding quality: Graphite ensures high solder quality, as it does not contain impurities that can weaken the solder and make it susceptible to premature destruction.
G. Versatility: Graphite can be used for various types of metals, which means that mechanical workshops will not have to change the welding material for each type of metal in need of repair.
Who is this offer for?
People over the age of 18 who have knowledge in the field of welding.
For the automotive industry, metal mechanics.
Carpentry with thin and thick sheets.
Assembly and repair of household appliances.
The impact of traditional welds and welds on the environment.
A traditional electrode. The stack of welds.
Pollution of the atmosphere by welding smoke and gases.
It affects the ozone layer.
Water pollution by welding particles.
It affects health and causes lung cancer.
The stack of welds
It does not emit toxic compounds that can cause environmental pollution.
Only gases from metal are released
Graphite does not dissolve in water.
It is less poisonous
In conclusion, it should be noted that entrepreneurship and innovation are key elements of economic and business development. Entrepreneurship involves the creation of new businesses, while innovation seeks to create value through new ideas. These two terms go hand in hand as entrepreneurs look for innovative ideas to create and grow their businesses. These concepts are vital for maintaining market competitiveness.
In addition, entrepreneurship and innovation have a significant impact on society by creating jobs, stimulating economic growth and offering creative solutions to current problems. They stimulate progress and open up opportunities for economic and social development. Therefore, it is important to encourage and support entrepreneurship and innovation, both at the individual level, as well as at the organizational and state levels. By encouraging creativity, critical thinking and a willingness to take risks, we can create an environment conducive to change and growth.
For the practical part and illustrative material, see the appendix