The world we live in today is the result of various changes, transformations, achievements, wars and riots that arose because we are all different people, we think differently, and there were brilliant minds who offered theories, explanations, equations and rules for understanding the world we know; Nevertheless, this world continues to undergo changes, so I think it's important to ask the question: what will planet Earth be like in 2100?
To answer this question, this essay was written, the purpose of which, in my opinion, is to present all the ideas about the future achievements of society, offering optimal, positive and fantastic solutions to existing problems and presenting future realities with globalized people.
the main part
After 77 years, I am convinced that things will undergo extraordinary changes, our planet will no longer be the same, and we humans will have more globalized thoughts, ideologies and education, we will make huge strides towards acceleration and efficiency in the economic, political, artistic, scientific and technological fields.
There will be great innovations in the economic sphere. For example, there will be safes the size of watches, where physical money will no longer be stored, but a chip (bank chip) containing all the data of a particular user's bank accounts, which can be inserted into payment machines, thereby speeding up the procedure.
In turn, tattoos with patterns of bank chips will appear. These images will be available to everyone, however, skin-friendly light radiation will be used for their application, which will lead to greater subtlety and speed of any operation, since when these tags approach payment devices, they will immediately recognize the user and the type of payment being made.
Two blocs seeking to control the world will be formed in political campaigns around the world. To achieve this goal, they will have to demonstrate the ability to convince, creativity, business approach and technological thinking to achieve this without resorting directly to armed conflict, but acting with dexterity on every front. However, I am not talking about armed conflicts as such, but rather about progress, about demonstrating intelligence, because the world will no longer be even a grain of sand of what it is now.
In political campaigns, candidates will use technological means, for example, candidate A campaigns on all social networks, but in addition, there will be robots on the streets that will offer us amazing experiences, take us into the changes that may occur in the country or city if they are elected to various positions.
In the artistic sphere, the perception of paintings, canvases, oil paintings, sculptures and literature will be carried out in a different way, through virtual reality we will resurrect all these moments, find out the real inspiration of the author and feel the smells, light or darkness, climate and, above all, we will be transported to the past.
Science will achieve logarithmic success, will focus on restoring the planet, exploring the universe and solving today's exponential problems, for example, new species will be created or existing ones will be modified to improve the development of society, such as at school, where genetically improved dogs will be able to teach discipline, obedience and fidelity from an early age.
Finally, technology, which will be the foundation, support and source of society; this sector will be the starting point for general change, will be part of the social physiognomy and, therefore, will be connected to all spheres defined around the world. As an example in the scientific field, we will have solar ferns that receive sunlight through their leaves and convert it into energy, helping to supply electricity to the whole world; these plants were chosen because they can develop in different habitats and, in turn, their structure is amenable to modification.
In science, you will hear the phrases "I'm flying from Mars" or "I'm going to walk around red square, which is on Mars", the successes that we will have will be especially in the framework of space exploration; Special rooms will be developed for families on other planets, but we will already have teleportation for their arrival, which will shorten the time, and the physical or psychological training of travelers will no longer be needed.
On the other hand, intelligence translators will also be available for schools with hounds, through which the thoughts and ideas of these four-legged mentors will be understood. In the field of intelligence, brain death will also be eliminated through the development of electronic pulses generated by a mixture of chemicals and technologies, which will prevent a tragic outcome.
Looking into the future, it will be possible to determine the sex of the unborn child before conception, where parents will use machines similar to coffee machines to choose the sex of their offspring, and then conception will be performed with the help of specialized people or machines.
As shown in the previous paragraphs, all kinds of transformations will take place in the world in 2100, and obviously these changes cannot be avoided, they cannot be stopped or postponed, but as people, we will adapt to the new reality.
In concluding this essay and looking to the future, it is important to emphasize that we are human, that we feel and that we are unique; Therefore, no matter how many changes occur in the world, we must not lose our essence and human nature, and even more so assume that machines can replace us.
The original is in the application