The future of humanity at the turn of 2100

I understand the "future" as a set of phenomena and processes that will occur after a certain time interval. In my opinion, it contains events and mechanisms of the past and present times and includes something new that did not exist before.
Many people, thinking about the future of the planet, imagine skyscrapers, flying cars, robots, etc. This is due to the fact that at the moment states are moving to post-industrial societies or are; such societies are characterized by the development of high-tech industries and means of communication, computerization and robotization of production, the development of virtual culture, etc. We, taking into account what is happening, judge what can happen, and this justifies the widespread picture of the vision of the future.
Of course, I believe that by 2100 it will become much more comfortable and easier to live thanks to innovative technologies, and I hope that the level of happiness of the world's population will increase.
Many professions will be virtual, this will lead to fast, efficient customer service, increasing the professionalism of employees by gaining new knowledge and skills throughout their lives. I would like full-time and part-time education to be practiced in school education in the future. Studying according to this system, students will become more independent and advanced, they will have more time to repeat and work out the material, and the constant reproduction of theory, solving practical problems contributes to the development of mental abilities, successful self-realization of children.
I also think that in the future, social inequality will decrease in almost all regions of the world; people, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, race, will express themselves using global telecommunications networks. Human rights will come to the fore, as well as the interests of the individual; members of society will begin to respect each other more, pay special attention to the needs and desires of others. I really want everyone to try to take into account their individual characteristics when interacting with others, because such an attitude will lead to harmony in society, and it will give rise to other positive changes.
Undoubtedly, by the year 2100, democracy will be established in most States. Only such a way of political organization of society leads to the adoption of significant decisions that suit the majority of citizens, and, consequently, to reduce the risk of inciting political uprisings, riots, etc. In democratic states, many political parties will compete with each other, reflecting the interests of the people.
It is worth mentioning about the relationship of man with nature. People will begin to treat it more carefully due to increasing environmental pollution, an increase in the rate of depletion of non-renewable and a decrease in the rate of restoration of renewable resources. For example, scientists have predicted water consumption in the 21st century many times. The task of mankind is to prevent this from happening, to restore water resources when they are exhausted.
Summarizing the above, it can be noted that our planet has a happy future if global problems do not worsen. Many ways to solve them have been proposed, including monitoring and controlling all global processes on the planet, forming a new planetary mindset, widely informing people about global problems, etc. Philosophers argue among themselves about which political ideology will contribute to harmony in society, political scientists offer courses of political change to solve problems on a global scale. But the surest way to prevent catastrophes, terrorist attacks, epidemics, the backwardness of developing and underdeveloped countries and other negative factors and phenomena is the concrete actions of people from different parts of the World, and not the well-stated thoughts of scientists. Each of us must take steps to solve global problems: respect others, financially help those in need, fulfill our duties and fight for our rights, protect nature, take care of our health and the health of others, etc. Only then will there be harmony in the world, and we will be able to bring the future closer to the present.