"To stand on the soil of asteroids, lift a stone from the moon with your hand, observe Mars from several tens of kilometers, land on its satellite or even on its very superficiality, what could be more fantastic?"
The relevance of scientific research.
Even 100 years ago, it seemed completely unreal and fantastic. And to think about the complete colonization of Mars is madness at all.
However, a flight to Mars is a difficult task, not only from the technical and psychological side, but also from the economic side. Different countries have different policies and different progress in various branches of science and technology, therefore, it is very difficult to answer exactly who will be the first to take such a serious step.
Scientists have always been interested in Mars and in particular its exploration. Every year, exploring the planet, I wanted to visit it more and more, because this is not only a huge step into the future of mankind, but also a huge step in the development of progress. Mars is the most accessible planet for settlement, capable of changing a lot. What can we get?
A more detailed history of the solar system
Detect signs of living creatures
To study how space conditions affect the physical and mental state of a person and how exactly this will help.
To launch a new stage of human development and progress
By taking such an important step, we will launch a new era of modernity.
The purpose and objectives of the study.
The purpose of the research is to predict and develop the ideology of the future on Mars, in a society divided into several regions and regions.
This goal determines the need to solve the following scientific tasks:
- to summarize the accumulated information about the idea of colonization of Mars
- to consider the definition of ideology and its features
- to assume what the way of life will be on Mars will be the original
- to determine by what criteria the division of a single territory into cities with separate ideologies could occur
- to propose a concept of the society of the future on Mars, which arose under the influence of human values and motives.
Scientific novelty of the work
The new ideology is the basis of public life, economic projects, political strategies and cultural manners. It can lead to dynamic changes in society, but also to possible problems. The scientific work examines and analyzes the new ideology manifested on Mars, which changed the life of society.
The participants of the 14th International Congress of the Martian Society in Dallas (USA) agreed on one point: it is imperative that a human fly to the red planet Mars. The main questions of the congress were: "Why fly to Mars?", "How expensive is it?", "What risk will people be exposed to?", "What should they do on this distant planet?", "Who will fly to Mars and when?", "Will people fly to Mars as part of such a a crew whose goal would be the interests of the whole society?"
A flight to Mars will give a powerful impetus to the development of technology, and after a successful flight, new ways to conquer space will become available to mankind. It is safe to say that this will be the pinnacle of scientific and technological progress for humanity: it is difficult to assess which inventions will be necessary for this and how they will make our lives easier. It will be a real heroic act that will be able to inspire entire generations.
The USSR also thought about the intention to fly to Mars. The project of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics provided for the Mars Manned Complex (MPC). It was supposed to be assembled in Earth orbit from different blocks. According to the data of the complex under development, its initial weight should have been 1,650 tons. And upon returning to Earth, only a part of the MPC weighing about 15 tons would remain. The total flight time was supposed to be approximately 2.5 years.
Currently, the American company Space X is working on 3 space exploration projects:
- colonization of Mars. Currently, SpaceX spacecraft have colonized near-Earth orbit;
- creation of a global transport system, due to which people will be able to go into space in the future;
- providing the entire globe with high-speed Internet, for which it sends Starlink satellites into orbit.
The company's first launches were unsuccessful, but a few years later, they were able to put the rocket into near-Earth orbit. The first successful launch was the Falcon 1 rocket, its stage was equipped with a parachute system, allowing it to return back. The next rocket to conquer space was the Falcon 9 and about 70 of its analogues, it successfully landed and gave rise to a future generation of rockets. Falcon Heavy is the heavyweight among rockets, expeditions to Mars were planned on it. It is a modified Falcon 9 with the addition of a modified first and zero stage, equipped with 27 engines, however, the function of piloting on the rocket was not provided and its main purpose was cargo delivery.[1]
In 2023, Elon Musk's company created a launch vehicle that is most suitable for colonizing other planets today. The Starship rocket is the most powerful launch vehicle capable of putting into Earth orbit a weight of more than 100 tons (up to 150 tons of reusable and up to 250 tons of disposable).
The SpaceX Starship spacecraft is a reusable transport system, the purpose of which is to transport the crew and cargo to near-Earth orbit, the Moon, Mars and further into space. The rocket offers an integrated payload bay and has the ability to transport passengers and cargo into Earth orbit, to planetary destinations and between destinations on Earth. Starship can transport both cargo and people to the ISS, as well as return them back. It provides tremendous opportunities for space activities.
Financing problems force States, despite their foreign policy, to recreate their obligation to cooperate, believing that by strengthening international cooperation, "space" and simply using space for their own benefit will stretch their horizons, increase the amount of knowledge and significantly improve the quality of life.
The Aurora program has significant potential to achieve its intended goal, as it involves cooperation (the European Agency is going to put forward the Aurora program, such countries as Belgium, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland and Sweden took part in it). They intend to land a man on Mars by 2033, but due to insufficient funding, spacecraft are being launched to explore the Red Planet, a manned flight to the Moon (2024) and an unpiloted flight to Mars (2026) are planned.
Thus, it is permissible to say that in order to achieve this goal, countries need to cooperate. By exchanging experience in various branches of space engineering, companies will be able to come together and find a new, innovative way of shipbuilding, which will enable a person to fly to Mars with maximum safety, land and begin colonization. In addition, having gained invaluable experience, it will become much easier for humanity to begin colonizing more distant planets. The countries will unite and begin colonizing the Red Planet together, the ideology will not be similar to the earthly ideology of any country, a new ideology will be formed here, which will imply the idea of "unity" aimed at friendly relations between people of all states and nationalities, despite possible differences.[2]
The topic has long attracted the attention of philosophers and researchers. They continue to develop and analyze the essence and role of ideology.
Thus, we can revise the classical and frequently mentioned definitions of ideology and try to understand this concept from a new, deeper perspective. We can consider ideology as a spiritual phenomenon that is of great importance in the modern era.
Admittedly, ideology is the logical and psychological foundation of a system of political governance; a system of views, ideas, political programs and philosophical concepts that express the interests of various social classes, groups and societies; a set of principles, norms and rules.
Representatives of different schools and trends of political thought have different approaches to understanding the nature, role and place of ideology in the life of society.
The systematic approach presented by T. Parsons considers ideology as a key element of the political system of society. Ideology defines values, directions of development and supports the existing social order.
The Marxist approach distinguishes between bourgeois and Marxist ideologies. Bourgeois ideology serves to preserve the capitalist system and manipulate the consciousness of the proletariat. Marxist ideology reflects the interests of the proletariat.
The culturological approach presented by K. Manheim considers ideology and utopia as forms of false consciousness created to manipulate and mislead people.
The critical approach supported by R. Aron and E. Shiels considers ideology as a "political religion" associated with social crises. He also argues that a modern highly industrial society can be de-ideologized.
Modern political science considers political ideology as a doctrine justifying power and influencing public opinion. It is a set of ideas and ideas that reflect the political positions and interests of various political actors.[3]
The modern world has become more global and informational, which leads to the possibility of external forces influencing ideology within the country. Different political groups can use such ideologies, sometimes with the support of foreign interests, to achieve their goals.
Such reflections lead to a discussion of the role of ideology in history. Mannheim emphasizes that ideologies can replace each other in the historical process, and each of them can express the interests and values of different social groups.
This approach also emphasizes that religion and ideology can perform similar functions and overlap with each other. In some cases, religion can also serve as an ideology. However, when considering many ideologies, it is important to note that only the ideology that provides the right directions for the development of man and society and is humanistic is capable of saving humanity from potential destruction and contributing to its genuine development. This means that an ideology based on the principles of humanism and addressed to man can become the basis for the creation, survival and development of society and humanity as a whole.[4]
Thus, ideology is the logical foundation of a management system that has its own ideas, views and philosophy. It shows the interests of various groups and society as a whole and is the basis for the creation, survival and development of society.
The countries have adopted mutual assistance from all sectors of society, from ordinary workers to scientists. Initially, the colonies that arrived were one, they solved the problems that appeared together and adhered to the same rules and traditions. The whole society complemented each other, and helped each other in difficult situations, everyone was valuable. This way of life lasted for the first years, until Mars was fully developed for life. Several people who consider themselves leaders gathered groups of people on various grounds, and went to different parts of the region, founding their own cities and asserting their power. Having extensive experience in construction, they easily erected new buildings, as well as created their own sets of rules.
Every year, people began to move away from the prevailing ideology more and more.
The first city to break away was Darikus. Many were concerned about the departure of the first group, led by the chief technician. His goal was to create an industrial city for the production of various kinds of products and equipment. A small group supported his idea, and they left. They began to adhere to such a trend as Anarcho-communism, which presupposes egalitarianism, as well as the rejection of social hierarchy and differences resulting from the uneven distribution of benefits, from private property and commodity-money relations. They are being replaced by collective production and distribution of benefits through voluntary association. Their territory was separated from the metropolis and was a small plain. From their settlement, only the huge dome of the city covering its skyscrapers was visible.
The region followed the ideology of "Religious Communism" as a form of communism "directly stemming from the basic principles of religion." It had a small number of members and was closest to the central government. A religious movement that supports "joint ownership of goods and the accompanying abolition of private property." In turn, religious communism occupied the city of Anteris, in which one person began to promote the ancient Greek religion, but as a result it turned out that the whole region became interested and imbued with this religion, soon the inhabitants of this region wanted to separate themselves from others, and made their leader the person who introduced religion to the region.
In addition to regions with communist ideologies, which represented only a small population, there were areas where ideologies such as socialism, liberalism and the remaining ideal communism were well distinguished, only in turn it was the center of the city. Let's look at each of them.
This area was distinguished by huge houses and a variety of educational and industrial centers, due to which they were able to help others. Located near the slope, they had an overview of the vast expanses of Mars. They were the center of the metropolis and had the greatest influence in the country. Their ideology has not changed. The basis of which was the absence of classes and social inequalities. There were no rich and poor, employers and workers in their society. All people are equal and have the same rights, they are not aware of social conflicts and economic contradictions. They had no private property, everything was collective, and resources are the property of all. The state and the collective played a key role in their society. They allocated resources and planned the economy to meet the needs of the whole society, thereby eliminating inequality. Economic relations are based only on mutual support and cooperation, such a concept as the exploitation of someone has disappeared from their lives. They have plenty of opportunities to develop their potential and invest their efforts in the common good. Thus, the Royal helped all cities and regions, regardless of whether they are allies or vice versa. Everyone understood how difficult it was to live on a completely different planet without help, despite the fact that many had their own views, ideas and values, they remained a single "family" that occasionally clashed.
The next area is Kenya, the first to resist the general government by creating its own place with its own ideology, which was Socialism. They didn't go that far, just a few kilometers from the city border. Their society was equal and fair. There were the best scientific centers on their territory. People with higher intelligence worked day after day to develop new technologies for the whole country. They have equalized incomes and provided citizens with access to basic needs and social services. He also provided social protection for all citizens and included access to healthcare, education, housing and other social services. The head of the city controlled and regulated economic processes in order to ensure the interests of society. Factories and production belonged either to the state or to society, that is, the income generated by such organizations was divided into the whole society. People participated in political processes and influenced decision-making. In addition, citizens were confident in social protection from economic crises. In the end, their society was equal and the interests of many were recognized and protected. Keni managed all the finances of the nearby cities and was in charge of such matters
The next area is Mersey. Their ideological concept was liberalism. Their town was located near Keni and was the commercial center of the whole country. Located in profitable and fertile lands, they could provide almost any goods for everyone. Marcy adhered to the idea that every person in the region has personal rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, assembly and expression. They ensured personal autonomy and freedom from arbitrary restrictions by the state. They apply the law evenly and fairly to all citizens, no one can stand above the law, which contributes to the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms. Their society is accompanied by democratic principles such as elections, freedom of the media and separation of powers. Decisions are made with the participation of the people and are subject to public control. All citizens have equal access to rights and opportunities, regardless of their race or religion. Economically, the people of Mersey support the idea of a market economy in which entrepreneurial initiative and private ownership are encouraged, subject to regulation, preventing monopolies and unacceptable inequalities. They adhere to the principle of world order and international cooperation.
In addition to all regions and regions in each of them, there are small areas that only strive for the absence or minimal role of government and the power of society. They are attracted to freedom and self-government, but so far they only depend on all areas at the same time. They oppose the idea of centralized power and state control. They call on the people to ensure that decisions in society are made in a decentralized manner, at lower levels, and that they are based on the needs and interests of citizens. In addition, many put forward the idea of collective cooperation and mutual assistance instead of competition and individualism. They strive to create a society where everyone can meet their needs through mutual assistance and cooperation. They fight against hierarchies, privileges and exploitation, and advocate for equal rights for all citizens, giving people more control over their lives and decisions. They reject authority and violence as a means of governing and controlling society, and also oppose the police and the armed forces.
A new ideology
Decades later, when people realized that they were increasingly moving away from each other because of the ideologies in their regions, at one of the joint meetings, the leaders of each region came up with the idea of forming a new ideology and coming to a society without dividing into regions, so a new and unknown ideology was formed, it was given the name superism, which is Latin it stands for "superius-from above". This ideology is aimed at improving the life of the population using all possible resources to achieve it, and also did not exclude or oblige people to believe in anything religious. It differs from dedicated absolutism in the main goal, which is to put central power above all else. Superism is similar in some parameters to communism, but there are also cardinal differences in the fact that each person can have their own private property, resources extracted from Mars can be exchanged for something from another person (in kind), absolutely anyone has the right to extract resources and the resources they extracted were his private property. The resources sent from Earth were common property, the use of which for certain purposes was possible only with the approval of more than 60% of the population. In this ideology, there was a market economy, however, with some amendments, since only natural exchange was possible on Mars and they did not seek to return to monetary. Free pricing was only within the framework of in-kind exchange, that is, the exchange is made on the basis of personal assessments of the needs of the seller and the buyer in the needs of the offered exchange goods. With this ideology, the person who worked the most could become rich.
There were fewer people with disabilities, the medical corps had enormous knowledge, as well as printers that could print the body parts to be replaced at any time, and with the help of doctors, all operations were 99% successful.
In accordance with the conducted scientific research on the colonization of Mars, as well as the presentation of the forecast of the development of ideologies in the regions, the following conclusions can be formulated:
Many scientific groups and organizations have been thinking about colonizing Mars.
Financing problems force States, despite their foreign policy, to renew their commitment to cooperate, believing that by strengthening international cooperation, "space" and simply using space for their own benefit will expand their horizons, increase the amount of knowledge and significantly improve the quality of life.
Based on the presented results, it can be imagined that there is very little left before the colonization of Mars and people will look for ways to survive on the red planet.
Ideology is the logical foundation of a management system that has its own ideas, views and philosophy. It shows the interests of various groups and society as a whole. It is the basis for the creation, survival and development of society.
It can be assumed that Mars will initially have a way of life that could provide colonizing people with the most comfortable social, economic and spiritual living conditions.
Following from the above, it will be a society with its own responsibilities and capabilities, which will respect everyone's work and support in case of failures.
One can single out such an important criterion for dividing society by ideologies as the human factor. It is he who forces us to move in a certain direction, it is because of him that we are people, and not mindless robots performing tasks assigned to them without a single deviation from the course. We can also name such factors as religion, thirst for power, and the need to lead a life independent of anything.
Thus, on Mars, the population was first settled according to ideologies, and then the population was united with the help of a new one, more and more people moving from Earth also did not resist the ideology, because from some side it was ideal for everyone, perhaps later there would have been some minor changes, but at the moment the inhabitants Everything was more than perfect on Mars, everyone was happy with the freedom of activity, huge opportunities for self-realization, many were happy with the opportunity to explore Mars, after all, this would mean that they were the discoverers of something, and of course the entire population was insanely happy that they still managed to settle on Mars without any branches in society.
[1] SpaceX: chronology of launches and a killer forecast for the first colonists of Mars URL: https://dzen.ru/a/Y4s9N46ILQBceHFi (date of application: 10/19/2023)
[2] Guryanov A.S., Gusev S.A., Steblev K.S. Political ideology of Mars exploration / A.S. Guryanov, S.A., Gusev, K.S. Steblev. – Current problems of aviation and cosmonautics. — 2018. — Volume 3. — p. 831. — URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/politicheskaya-ideologiya-osvoeniya-marsa/viewer (date of access: 10/21/2023).
[3] Approaches to understanding the political ideology of the URL: https://studopedia.ru/11_7446_podhodi-k-ponimaniyu-politicheskoy-ideologii.html (date of request: 10/20/2023)
[4] Ideology as a creative force of society URL: https://www.socionauki.ru/journal/articles/2433435 / (accessed: 10/22/2023)