Annotation. The article analyzes the indicators of early detection of cancer and the index of five-year survival of patients in progressive and crisis countries in Africa. An analysis is made of the possible causes of the low detection rate and five-year survival of patients in crisis countries. The ways of possible international cooperation of the Russian Federation are outlined. The interaction of countries can be aimed at training personnel for the healthcare system, developing standards for the early detection of oncological diseases of the most typical localizations, and treatment protocols. These programs require political, economic, scientific, technological and socio–cultural cooperation between Russia and foreign countries.
Keywords: oncological diseases, early detection, cervical cancer, localization.
Introduction. In 2015, the UN General Assembly formulated 17 directions characterizing the global goals and objectives of the development of civilization as a whole as a plan for achieving a better and sustainable future for all [6]. They formed the basis for the formulated Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2030. More than 190 countries have developed and are implementing national SDG sustainable development programs.
The purpose of this work is to conduct a statistical study within the framework of SDG 3 – Health and well-being in the countries of the world, prospects and systemic challenges. Our research is aimed at studying the indicators of early detection, prevalence and mortality from cervical cancer in order to determine possible prospects for cooperation with the Russian Federation.
The object of the research project is the process of organizing cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries in order to develop effective strategies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of SDG 3 - Good health and well–being.
The subject is the directions, forms and methods of organizing cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries in order to develop effective strategies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals within the framework of SDG 3 – Good health and well-being.
The aim is to study the problems of screening for precancerous diseases that contribute to the occurrence of cervical cancer due to the widespread spread of oncological pathologies; to find possible strategies and models of partnership between the Russian Federation and foreign countries on early diagnosis of precancerous diseases.
1. To conduct a theoretical study of the prevalence and government measures for cervical cancer screening abroad.
2. To explore the prospects for possible cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries on early detection of cervical cancer as a condition for the implementation of SDG 3 – "Good health and well-being".
3. To determine the possibilities of introducing an innovative development of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of Omsk State Medical University in order to optimize the collection and transportation of material for cytological examination using envelopes for biopsy and autopsy glass preparations, as well as gel for sampling material for the purpose of liquid cytology of the cervix.
Research methods: theoretical analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison of literary sources on the research problem; experimental method.
The research base is the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Omsk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Practical significance - Timely diagnosis will make it possible to take preventive measures and reduce the risk of cervical cancer in the population, which will contribute to the implementation of the global Sustainable Development Goals under SDG 3 – "Good health and well-being".
Sharma R. He and his co-authors indicate that in 2020, 1.1 million new cases and 711,429 deaths from cancer were detected on the African continent. [Sharma R 2020: 9]. The localization structure reveals that breast cancer was the most common malignant tumor in women. Cervical cancer took the second place. This pattern of morbidity is typical for most African countries [5].
Mulongo M. and Chibwesha Cl., analyzing the problems of secondary prevention of cervical cancer, in the conditions of African countries with limited resources, a large role is assigned to screening for early diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions of the cervix.
The analysis of high detection rates of oncological pathology in highly developed African countries is due to the fact that breast cancer screening using mammography is organized at the state level in these countries [2]. Cervical cancer screening by visual examination and Pap smear is available only in 25.5% of African countries. Thus, the high numbers of early detection of oncological pathology in the population of highly developed African countries indicate a fairly high level of the state of the oncological infrastructure. In crisis countries in Africa, due to the insufficient development of laboratory infrastructure and trained personnel, the proportion of women who have passed the Pap test is no more than 1% (for example, in Ethiopia) [Mulongo M. and Chibwesha Cl. 2022:7].
Sharma J., Yennapu M., Preyanka Y., developing recommendations and screening programs to combat cervical cancer in countries with different income levels, emphasize the high prevalence of HIV infection. HIV-positive women are at higher risk of developing cervical cancer (6 times more likely than HIV-negative women). Therefore, in addition to cytological screening, the authors propose screening for human papillomavirus (HPV) [Sharma J., Yennapu M., Preyanka Y. 2023 : 10]
Namanou J.E.W., Musi M.A., Taal B.K., Dohbit J.S., analyzing barriers and facilitators of screening for precancerous cervical diseases, the lack of national medical programs and haphazard work of screening service providers are highlighted as factors hindering early diagnosis; the lack of a consistent algorithm for screening for precancerous diseases; insufficient awareness of the need for screening; the high cost of the procedure and the duration of waiting for its results. As facilitators, there are free and affordable medical programs for the detection of precancerous diseases of the cervix and HPV diagnosis [ Namanou J.E.W., Musi M.A., Taal B.K., Dohbit J.S.. 2023: 8 ]
Thus, a theoretical review of the state of the problem made it possible to formulate the main vectors of possible international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the form of the introduction of inexpensive and effective systems for cytological screening of precancerous diseases of the cervix, as well as optimization of the collection and transportation of material for cytological examination.
The Department of Pathological Anatomy of Omsk State Medical University has created and is testing an innovative development – a technology for sampling the material under study using an isopropanol-based fixator and a specialized agar gel for biopsy and autopsy for the purpose of conducting liquid cytology of the cervix [1].
This technology has many advantages. Thanks to it, it is possible to eliminate overdrying of the cytological smear, to obtain more accurate results in a shorter time. A significant novelty of the development is the modification of methods for sample preparation of cytological research and the development of methods and approaches for the safe transportation, fixation and distribution of cellular material on the surface of a slide, which makes it possible to apply all technological stages of manufacturing a standard cytological preparation in existing routine practice at a qualitatively higher level.
A distinctive feature of the development is the complexity of the approach. A service is offered that accompanies the collection of cytological material from the moment it is received to the moment of research in the laboratory. The ready-made kit is designed to study samples from 20 patients, however, the configuration can be changed depending on the chosen business model.
The technical objective of the proposed solution is to simplify the composition of the gel, simplify the method of its preparation while maintaining the monolayer distribution of cells in the manufacture of cytological preparations using this gel.
The possibility of achieving a technical result in the distribution of cells in a monolayer is ensured by the fact that this composition can be obtained with minimal equipment, including scales and a plate, and without any additional devices such as a pH meter, magnetic stirrer, centrifuge, etc. It is an affordable and small set of components, including distilled water, agar and 95% ethanol; it has a simple product preparation procedure.
As a result, all stages of collection, storage and research of cellular material are optimized. The use of an isopropanol-based fixative and a specialized agar gel ensures spontaneous (independent) distribution-diffusion of cells with the formation of a monolayer in the final preparation [4].
The introduction of technology into the practice of medical research by increasing the information content of the study will allow for timely diagnosis of tumor growth at the early, and most importantly, reversible stages of carcinogenesis, which helps to reduce the socio-economic burden of society and the health system.
Another promising development of the department is test systems for cervical cancer screening. Such a test system involves the following services: material collection, labeling, transportation, laboratory testing, material storage, database formation. At the first stage, the passport part on the front side of the test system and the basic clinical data about the patient are filled in. Then the glass is marked, followed by the collection of material and the use of different types of cytological brushes. After that, the cytological material is transferred to the slide by "unwinding" counterclockwise movements with the fixation of the "wet" smear using a wet fixator.
Fig. 1. Complete test system
The completed test system is transported to the laboratory, stained using the Papanicolaou method, evaluated by a cytologist, and the cytological conclusion is duplicated on the test system. The marking colors matter. Green indicates a normocytogram, blue indicates signs of inflammation, and red indicates the processes of neoplasia.
Fig. 2. Archived color-coded test systems
This method of transportation and examination of cytological material optimizes the delivery from the sampling site to the laboratory. Since the envelope is made of thick cardboard, which absorbs external vibration effects, the traumatic delivery of the glass product is minimized. In addition, the process of performing the study is accelerated, since the main data of the patient is immediately written on the external and internal parts. This also reduces the risk of unintentional substitution of the glass preparation. And, of course, the absolute advantage of such envelopes is the low cost, because only cardboard and printing services are needed for their production.
Thus, we highlight the advantages of the test system:
- convenience and ease of use
- saving the doctor's time
- high quality of the prepared smear
- exclusion of loss and destruction of cytological material
- the ability to transfer patient information directly to the envelope
- convenience of transportation and storage of cytological material
- economic accessibility
- does not need a separate screening program – it is integrated into the existing health care system, can be successfully used within the framework of a functioning cytological screening program, being a budget-acceptable option that improves the quality of medical services
- the possibility of forming an archive database, including an electronic one [3].
Such developments expand the possibilities of diagnosing precancerous diseases and cervical cancer. Timely diagnosis will make it possible to take preventive measures and reduce the risk of cancer in the population. Thus, one of the areas of possible cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the African continent is the exchange of innovative technologies.
Conclusion. Our study has shown that limited access to modern methods of early diagnosis in foreign countries leads to high mortality rates. This necessitated the development of strategies and models of partnership between the Russian Federation and foreign countries within the framework of various international organizations and interstate associations, including BRICS. These programs may include training personnel for the healthcare system of foreign countries, the development of standards for the early detection of oncological diseases of the most typical localizations for African countries, and treatment protocols.
Such programs require political, economic, scientific, technological and socio–cultural cooperation between Russia and other countries.