In order to organize the sustainable development of states in the future, interdisciplinary fundamental and applied areas of physical, technical and radio engineering measurements should become one of the most important priorities of scientific instrumentation. The activities of organizations that are engaged in both metrological support and instrumentation should be aimed at developing a system to ensure the uniformity of measurements in order to solve problems in accordance with the priorities of socio-economic development, national defense and security, both of individual countries and the entire planet as a whole.
The creation of metrological foundations at the turn of 2100 is a strategic goal of scientific instrumentation, where these areas play a crucial role. This primarily concerns such areas of scientific instrumentation as quantum measurements with the creation of measuring instruments based on new physical effects, for example, based on the Rydberg effect, as well as measurements of ultrahigh frequency radiation (hereinafter referred to as microwave) in the range up to 650 MHz, which will require the consolidation of efforts of researchers and developers of scientific instruments to create breakthrough technologies. In the same vein of breakthrough technologies lie the problems of creating measuring instruments for radiophotonics, the introduction of which into science and production should give a synergistic effect. It is also worth noting the future of digital doubles. Scientists have already begun work on creating digital models of materials for various photonic devices, such as integrated circuits, optical fibers and emitters. To do this, they conduct multi-level modeling of materials, which allows them to predict their properties and behavior during operation. These models can reach the atomic level, which allows for a deeper analysis of the future capabilities of these devices.
The applied side of this effect and the role of scientific instrumentation in terms of physical, technical and radio engineering measurements can be described as follows.
The development of the millimeter range of the radio frequency spectrum up to 325 GHz is associated with the creation of promising electronic equipment in the field of active and passive radar and ultrahigh-frequency radio communications.
It is fundamentally important to solve the urgent problem of ensuring measurements of the characteristics of microwave devices on the plate. The metrological support of measurements on the plate is the basis for the creation and production of micro and nanoelectronic devices, without which our future seems impossible. Integrated circuits operating in the microwave frequency range are widely used to create radio communications, radar, radio navigation, etc. These funds will be necessary for us to explore space and the possibility of conquering it. Within the framework of this direction, it is necessary to create: bolometric and diode wattmeters of absorbed waveguide power, polarization attenuators of waveguide and calibration measures of vector circuit analyzers in waveguide paths in the frequency range from 178.4 to 325 GHz.
For metrological support of the growing fleet of promising microwave and extremely high frequency antennas (hereinafter – EHF antennas) and antenna systems, it is necessary to carry out work on the creation of appropriate primary and working standards. The active introduction of advanced guidance and control, radar and reconnaissance antenna systems in the millimeter and submillimeter ranges, which significantly improve the efficiency of the technology as a whole, necessitates the development of a special standard for the energy characteristics of antennas in the frequency range from 50 to 178.4 GHz.
The problem of metrological support for measurements of the characteristics of radio–absorbing materials and coatings in the frequency range from 37.5 to 110 GHz, primarily for materials of the scattering type and small values of the reflection coefficient modulus, is unresolved. The lack of standards for metrological support of measurements of the scattering properties of objects and materials leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the development and testing of inconspicuous objects and special materials.
To master the subterahertz region of the radio frequency spectrum and the subsequent creation of measuring instruments in this area, it is necessary, based on the synthesis of radioelectronics, optoelectronics and photonics technologies, to begin work on the creation of ultra-wide-band electro-optical switches and other radiophotonic components, as well as to conduct a study of technology to ensure the uniformity of measurements and ways to build measuring instruments for the energy flux density of the electromagnetic field in the frequency range from 178.4 to 650 GHz and in a promising frequency range up to 1 THz. This is the reason for the relevance of the work.
The unity of measurements in the world is achieved as a result of the functioning of the measurement uniformity system, which is formed by a set of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulatory, technical and methodological documents in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, participants in the measurement uniformity system, a reference base and a fleet of measuring instruments [3].
The growing role of innovative measuring instruments in all spheres, as well as the increase in the necessary level of their accuracy, necessitates the achievement of a technological leap both now and at the turn of 2100 to ensure the safety and long-term development of our planet, which can be achieved by organizing a full production cycle of measuring instruments involved in key measurement areas, which It is impossible without creating organizational innovations that will ensure a bright future for us.
The purpose of writing this paper is to form proposals in order to achieve a technological leap at the turn of 2100.
Achieving the goal is possible by solving the following tasks:
1. Identify the key areas of development.
2. Creation of a draft scientific and technical council.
The source base of the research: in the course of the work, the author turned to the source material in particular: laws, regulations, international standards, metrological instructions and GOST standards.
The main part
To solve the tasks set, it is necessary to introduce organizational innovations. Organizational innovation should address the issue of creating organizational mechanisms for project management in terms of the development and production of measuring instruments. The World Program for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements should be based on the activities of the Scientific and Technical Council (hereinafter referred to as the NTS), which must be created to implement such a program. This body should be created on the basis of such organizations as the UN, BRICS, EAEU, CIS, European Union, etc. This NTS will allow NTS members, namely competent specialists of the industry, to gather for the opportunity to hold productive discussions, or to hear reports on the work done in terms of the development of instrumentation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
NTS will work on the basis of each regional organization, solving regional problems. Within the framework of the UN, the world NTS will gather, at which representatives of the regional units of the NTS will make reports on the work done and their results. It is possible to organize regional cooperation within the framework of regional NTS to achieve common goals.
The scientific and technical council should include representatives of various fields of measurement, such as: measurements of geometric quantities; measurements of mechanical quantities; measurements of flow parameters, flow rate, level, volume of substances; measurements of phenomena, vacuum measurements; measurements of physico-chemical composition and properties of substances; thermophysical and temperature measurements; measurements of time and frequency; measurements of electrical and magnetic quantities; radio engineering and radioelectronic measurements; measurements of acoustic quantities; optical and physical measurements; measurements of the characteristics of ionizing radiation and nuclear constants. However, their number may vary due to the different priorities of different regions.
Each measurement area should have its own section, which will be engaged in the development and improvement of appropriate measuring instruments. It is possible to hold joint meetings of several sections if necessary, for example, when implementing complex projects to create measuring complexes that are capable of measuring in various fields.
The NTS, including the regional divisions of the NTS, should have an executive committee (within the framework of the United Nations, representatives of various States will be elected to this committee as chairmen and secretaries for a certain period), which will deal with organizational issues and coordinate the work of the sections. It is also necessary that the executive committee has a secretary of this committee, who will carry out the administrative and organizational work of this committee. In addition, the executive committee includes invited specialists – scientists, representatives of states, general directors of large enterprises in the field of instrumentation.
Next, after the executive committee, there are sections of measurement areas. Each section also has its own chairman, secretary and members of this section of the NTS. Each section meets twice a year, additional meetings can be initiated if necessary, and it is also possible to hold a joint meeting of various sections if the issues under discussion require it. According to the results of each meeting, the secretary or the secretaries of the sections (when holding joint meetings) prepare a protocol decision, where it is necessary to indicate the decisions that were taken during this meeting, it is also necessary to take into account the number of members of the section present – with the presence of less than 2/3 of the members of the section, these decisions cannot be taken. Further, this protocol decision is signed by the chairman of the section or the chairmen of the sections (during joint meetings) and sent for approval to the Chairman of the executive committee of the regional division of the NTS.
At the meetings of the sections, issues related to the identification of priority areas for the development of measuring instruments, the identification of key trends in industrial development for the possibility of proactive development and organization of production of necessary measuring instruments for metrological support of technological and production processes to be carried out should be considered. It is also necessary to identify lighthouse projects that are capable of forming new markets, which will lead to economic growth. As part of the interaction of different sections and departments of the NTS, one should not forget about the development of end-to-end technologies that will contribute to the development of several measurement areas at once.
It is also necessary to create a mechanism for joint development to accelerate development, since, in some cases, the scientific and technical reserve and production capabilities of one enterprise / country do not allow developing and putting into mass production the necessary products, in this regard, a mechanism for cooperation between enterprises / countries is necessary. The question of the expediency of this cooperation should be decided within the framework of the meeting of the section of the regional unit of the NTS, and the decision on expediency should be made by the members of this section. One of the main issues during these meetings is the provision of an electronic component base and purchased components, as well as staffing.
During the meetings of the NTS, the NTS members will exchange up-to-date information on the availability/absence of suppliers of the necessary ECB, and, in parallel, it is necessary to identify the real need of manufacturers of measuring instruments for ECB and direct this need to regional centers of competence for the production of ECB.
But, nevertheless, the main purpose of convening meetings of the NTS sections will be to raise the question of the expediency of starting the development and production of a measuring instrument. This will avoid spending money on unpromising projects that cannot be commercialized. It will also provide industry with exactly the measuring instruments they need, which will allow the global community to realize its potential not only within the framework of planet Earth, but also beyond our galaxy.
In addition, the Scientific and Technical Council should have a draft strategy that will determine the main directions of the council's activities for the coming years.
It is also necessary to develop a charter for the activities of the scientific and technical council. The charter should define the rights and obligations of council members, the decision-making procedure, the procedure for holding meetings and other organizational issues.
Representatives of government and science should be present within the framework of the activities of the regional departments of the NTS, and the participation of such enterprises, which are the main consumers of measuring instruments, is also necessary. For example, within the Russian Federation: Rosatom State Corporation, Rostec State Corporation, Roscosmos State Corporation, Rusnano State Corporation, etc. Within the framework of the international NTS, global giants should be invited to the UN - APPLE INC, Microsoft Corporation, AMAZON.COM INC, TESLA INC, META PLATFORMS. Do not forget about such investment giants as BlackRock and The Vanguard Group.
It is also necessary to involve potential manufacturers of measuring instruments and, directly, National Metrological Institutes and Design Bureaus.
Metrology is a very important component of the sustainable development of the global community as a global ecosystem. Without proper metrological support, as well as the lack of measuring instruments with the necessary accuracy characteristics, it will be impossible to build robots, fly into space, produce medicines for new diseases, trade between states, engage in cognitive technologies, etc.
As a simple example, I will give a situation where the manufacturer made a marriage, but this marriage was so small that it could not be identified with the available means of metrological support. The fact that the defect is small does not mean that it is not significant, in this regard, it can lead to terrible consequences within the framework of the entire final product, which can bring financial, human and other losses that could have been avoided using up–to-date measuring instruments.
In conclusion, I want to say that the future is impossible without collective cooperation between States and international organizations. Collective cooperation is impossible without all-party standardization, which will allow this ecosystem to work without the "marriage" mentioned above. Standardization is impossible without metrological support and high-precision measuring instruments.
In connection with all of the above, in order to achieve all of the following goals:
- reducing the vulnerability of humanity in the face of future pandemics;
- creation of prerequisites and mechanisms for the development and strengthening of humanity's resilience to possible challenges of the future;
- the formation of a future that will meet the needs of current and future generations.
It is necessary to develop metrology as a science and the instrument-making industry in order to be able to standardize, control, and test in all spheres of society.