Scientific research and innovation are the engine of human progress. Every day, scientists and engineers are offering new ideas and concepts that promise to change our world in the coming decades and centuries. The developed modern technologies are already having an impact on many aspects of the usual world order. For example, the impact of artificial intelligence on the labor market can be compared with the industrial revolution of the 18th century, when automated mechanisms began their work, and hundreds of thousands of factory workers were left without work, since it is more rational to give preference to machines and machinery. Already, researchers are stating the fact that technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI) have a significant impact on workers of "routine work", automating the process of their work. The data provided on the areas of employment affected by artificial intelligence state that 32.8% of professions may face serious impacts from neural networks, 36.5% may face partial impacts and 30.7% will not be affected by the impact of neural networks in any way. On the one hand, this is an undoubted challenge for the state and society, since many segments of the population will have to retrain in order to remain in demand in the labor market, and the state needs to create favorable conditions in order to prevent unemployment. On the other hand, artificial intelligence can create additional workers, as well as optimize the work process for many professions, increasing their work efficiency. However, it is safe to say that artificial intelligence will have an impact on the labor market, the key question is for the positive or negative side.
In this article, we will review the scientific and practical works of researchers who have tried to assess the impact of innovative ideas and technologies on the future up to 2100. In order to fully cover all the transformations in the future that researchers are talking about, it is necessary to focus on the main sectors of the functioning of modern society, namely technological innovations, by analogy with artificial intelligence, research in the field of climate change and ecology, health care development, as well as social innovations that academics talk about. Having considered the key changes in these industries, it will be possible to fully present an extensive picture of the changes that may be expected in the next century.
The main part
The role of innovative technologies, namely artificial intelligence, has already been partially disclosed in the introduction, but the topic of neural networks is only part of a large layer of advanced developments by scientists. So, we can say that almost everywhere modern technologies and developments are being integrated, which by 2100 can have a significant impact on the usual organization of life.
Thus, genomic editing can take a special place in biotechnology and genetics. Bioengineering is the process of using technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 to stimulate the growth of crops and livestock. Genetic changes are being used and will be applied more widely with the increasing popularity of these technologies and the acquisition of a more widespread character. Such technologies are needed for the treatment of hereditary and chronic diseases that are currently untreatable. Bioengineering methods can also be used for the development of agriculture, which will be especially important with the growth of the world's population, which many demographers state by 2100. To date, it can be stated that genetically modified products and plants have a number of advantages over conventional agricultural crops. Firstly, the breeding of agricultural varieties with an increase in shelf life makes it possible to minimize the risks of crop losses before and after harvesting, which is an undoubted advantage if we are talking about exports and imports, for example, grain. Secondly, as many studies show, plants that have undergone changes in the genome are characterized by higher yields compared to conventional plants, which is also an advantage, since it allows you to grow products hundreds of tons more. Thirdly, agricultural crops that use CRISPR-Cas9 are more adaptive to climatic conditions, which is also a key advantage that will be relevant in the future due to the threat of global warming. Fourth, plants bred using bioengineering are more resistant to the negative effects of parasites and pests. This allows you to ignore the use of various pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which improves product quality. Thus, plants become more resistant to extreme weather conditions such as drought, floods due to genetic modifications. Thus, bioengineering makes it more affordable, productive and simple. reproduction of plants. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to genetic engineering, invest in such research, and create a favorable environment for scientists studying the issue of biotechnology. Of course, the safety and ethical aspects of genetically modified plants have always been an urgent topic for discussion. Nevertheless, many researchers and organizations are working to ensure that the genetic modification of plants using CRISPR-Cas9 is carried out safely and taking into account potential environmental and consumer health impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to give biologists and geneticists the opportunity to conduct such experiments so that they can breed new plant varieties that are characterized by higher yields, adaptability and resistance to diseases.
It is also worth paying attention to the possible genetic modification of human DNA, which becomes possible with the development of science, and is also likely to become a mass feature of medicine of the future until 2100. Firstly, the key advantage of this kind of medicine will be the possible treatment of genetic diseases. With the help of CRISPR-Cas9 and similar technologies, doctors will probably be able to correct mutations that cause hereditary diseases, which can prevent or treat a number of serious diseases. So, to date, there are already many studies confirming this precedent. Also, such a practice can significantly increase a person's mental and physical potential, which can lead to even greater stimulation of the development of science. However, such a topic already seriously affects the moral and ethical aspects rather than the genetic modification of plants, moreover, serious pressure from conservative and religious social groups can be exerted on such practices. It is also worth mentioning the risks that genetic modification can entail, which can cause side effects and mutations that can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to conduct extensive research to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the process after the discussion on the feasibility of such research has been settled.
However, in order for it to be possible to grow crops and livestock, as well as to continue to exist comfortably for a person, it is necessary to create a favorable natural environment, which can be carried out in any special industrial greenhouses or indoor farms, as well as in nature. Nevertheless, the forecasts of many climate and environmental researchers are rather disappointing, as many of them state the fact that weather conditions on the planet can change significantly due to the harmful effects of humans on the environment. Thus, scientists studying the phenomenon of global warming predict that in 2100 the average temperature of the earth may rise by 1.5-2 degrees Celsius, which is a very significant indicator that can lead to negative long-term consequences such as; sea level rise, threat to biodiversity, deterioration of water quality and increased demand for water resources, the increase in extreme weather events, the threat to agriculture, and as a result, the problems of migration and hunger. All this can become a reality by 2100 if due attention is not paid to the environmental component of technological progress and industrialization. In this case, innovative ideas, as well as the pursuit of their implementation, can cause environmental disasters and cataclysms. The most important task to avoid the long-term negative consequences of the problem of global warming is to educate the population about the importance of caring for the environment, such a soap was articulated during the study of the perception of environmental problems of residents of megacities. It turned out that despite understanding the importance of climate change problems, the causes and solutions for the population remain unclear, which is why it is necessary to correctly convey information about the importance of caring for the environment by conducting a campaign to educate the masses.
In addition to education, as one of the measures to combat environmental problems, the causes of which are, among other things, due to the emission of greenhouse gases (coal, oil) for the reproduction of energy intended for the organization of human life and industrialization, it is necessary to direct the fruits of modern technologies in the right direction. Thus, despite the ambiguous effects of technological progress on the environment, some researchers state that in the future emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen oxide (N20) can be reduced through the widespread use of environmentally friendly electric transport, which will be more environmentally friendly. Moreover, by 2100, the extraction of electric energy itself may become less harmful to the environment, since the process of extracting electricity will be entirely based not on traditional energy sources (coal, oil, gas), but on reproducible sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass. The "popularity" of these energy sources is growing, which can be evidenced by an increase in the capacity of green energy. In the future, such sources of renewable energy will become more widespread, as they have many advantages – cheapness, ease of extraction, if we talk about solar and wind energy, and also practically do not have a detrimental effect on the environment. Thus, the consequences of the development of science in ecology up to 2100 are very ambiguous. On the one hand, technological progress, industrialization and increased resource consumption will cause irreparable damage to the climate, which can increase the temperature of the planet earth by 1.5-2 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, humanity is making some attempts to overcome these problems by educating the population, creating environmentally friendly transport, and extracting energy in ways less harmful to the environment. That is why there is no consensus in the academic environment about the future consequences of the development of science up to 2100.
The development of science also has consequences for the development of the economy and the transformation of the social foundations of society. As already mentioned in the introduction, the development of science, machine-readable computing systems and artificial intelligence provokes the emergence of new professions, as well as the transformation of old ones or their elimination altogether. At the moment, it can be said that the development of communication technologies, as a result of scientific and technological progress associated with the opening of the Internet, affordable mobile phones and the emergence of new social institutions and communication channels, has led the economy to a new formation - the stage of the post-industrial economy. This concept was introduced back in the 20th century, but the most characteristic features of the post-industrial economy, as a consequence of the development of science, appeared precisely in the 21st century - the dominance of the service sector, digital, information and telecommunication technologies, globalization, knowledge economy. All these aspects will only multiply as society develops, and as a result, society will transform, the usual "proletariat" will be replaced by the "conglomerate" - a wide stratum of workers mainly of intellectual labor, which may lead to some social tension between some social groups in the future, which were able to adapt to changes, and which they could not find their new vocation in a changing world. Nevertheless, the post-industrial economy, as the brainchild of the development of science, is rather a blessing and many researchers have a positive attitude towards its development. Moreover, by 2100, society will be able to finally adjust to such a configuration in the labor market.
The consequences of the development of science and its conversion into human activity entail some dangers. On the one hand, science is able to create additional jobs, optimize processes, and modernize many sectors of life, including healthcare, which is undoubtedly a positive side of scientific and technological progress. On the other hand, in pursuit of additional scientific development, humanity can cause irreparable harm to the environment if it does not pay due attention to ecology and climate change. Thus, it can be concluded that humanity uses scientific and technological progress both on the positive side and on the negative side, however, academic research proves that the benefits society receives from the development of science will still be greater than the disadvantages, provided that humanity takes a responsible approach to the development of advanced technologies.
This article analyzes the scientific and practical works of researchers who tried to assess the impact of innovative ideas and technologies on the future up to 2100. An attempt was made to focus on the main sectors of the functioning of modern society, namely technological innovations, by analogy with artificial intelligence. A special role for the favorable development of society in the future is played by research in the field of climate change and ecology, which will help to overcome some harmful consequences for the planet. The development of healthcare and bioengineering also occupies a special place, especially in the context of demographic growth.
Thus, based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the consequences of the development of science are more positive than negative. It is only necessary to take a competent and responsible approach to the risks that the pursuit of progress can bring.