In economics, the most important statement about the limited resources and unlimited human needs is familiar to everyone. You can hear it in school lessons, read it in every textbook, whether it's a textbook on social studies or microeconomics. It is true that limited resources in our world are a tough issue in the environment of constant human needs, but this is not the only problem facing humanity. Equally important is the issue of the safe use of these resources, without harming the environment by human activities. We will consider our country's compliance with the green economy template and its further development in more detail.
1. Pollution of nature.
Production technologies may be of a different nature in terms of safety. The thing is that with the improvement of technology, man began not only to produce various benefits, but also began to have a very strong impact on nature, and not the best.
Environmental pollution is a very acute global problem that is being studied and which millions of people are trying to solve by creating various foundations, charity events, and so on. Emissions from enterprises play a significant role in the occurrence of this problem. When creating a product, we consume not only energy, but also emit a huge amount of harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on the environment. People living near industrial enterprises are exposed to chemicals, fluoride compounds in various forms (solid or gaseous), which as a result can lead to various diseases, poor health and a variety of pathologies. Nature, located near such enterprises, suffers no less, and maybe even more. All harmful substances emitted by enterprises settle on plants and further accumulate in them. Prolonged accumulation can lead to mutations, the inability to further consume the fruits of such plants for food.
The hydrosphere suffers no less in this situation. There are already very few reserves of fresh water on earth, and now it is also subject to this kind of pollution. Due to the enterprises, not only the supply of fresh water is being depleted, but also the fauna of the hydrosphere. Recently, it has been possible to notice a decrease in the number of some fish species or their disappearance altogether, and it is also worth paying attention to the decrease in the size of aquatic inhabitants.
All this is directly related to the production technology and therefore it is very important to learn how to choose not only effective methods that help to produce goods cheaper, but also methods that will help to produce safely without harming the environment.
The deteriorating situation in this issue has contributed to the emergence of such a concept as a green economy aimed at minimizing the harmful effects of human activity.
2. Green economy.
A green economy means an economy that does not affect the natural resources of the planet. Its goal is to minimize the harmful effects of humanity by reducing the burden on the ecosystem.
The concept of a green economy was proposed back in the 1980s by the UN and is currently developing intensively.
In the 21st century, a person is associated with many problems of a different nature. The level of human needs is constantly growing, and very little attention is paid to ecology. Therefore, it was decided to develop a plan to reduce the pressure on the planet's natural capital.
This concept has its own principles, without which its implementation is simply impossible.
The first principle is the principle of sustainability. This means that it is time for humanity to understand that resources are limited and they should be protected. Everyone should understand their importance in this matter and responsibility for their actions. It is necessary to instill in the population the importance and necessity of sorting garbage, cleaning it up from natural areas. Also, one should not violate the environmental framework and illiterate the use of resources. This can lead to their rapid emptying.
The second principle is the principle of justice and dignity. Its meaning comes out of the name. Everyone, regardless of gender, race, or religion, should have equal access to any vital natural resources, be it water or energy. A nature protection program should be in place in all corners of the world, and each state should be responsible for the preservation of natural resources, and try to improve the situation through joint efforts.
The third principle is the principle of management and flexibility. This principle aims to ensure that the countries participating in this concept are responsible for the preservation of the ecosystem. He says that environmental regulations should be the same for all countries, regardless of any cultural characteristics. Of course, some rules can be adjusted to the specifics of the development of countries, but the general idea should be the same.
Well, the fourth principle is the principle of a healthy planet. Countries should consider reducing investments in harmful, detrimental industries and give preference to investments in nature, natural resources and environmentally friendly industries. The state should also pay special attention to the agricultural industry and invest as much as possible in its development.
The scope of this economy is very wide. It touches not only on the issue of safe and environmentally friendly production methods at the enterprise, but also on energy, tourism, agriculture, and transport.
In order for the green economy to work effectively, it is necessary to implement some steps without which this economy will be impossible, such as government investments in the agricultural sector, raising taxes on environmentally harmful enterprises and stopping their investment, and tightening environmental protection methods. All these actions will be able to help the implementation of the green economy and achieve its further development. This will contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, reducing the pressure on resources and their effective distribution.
Reproducing this concept in the future will be able to save the world from resource depletion, and will allow us to leave a clean world for future generations.
3. Prospects for the development of the green economy in Russia.
If we assume that in the next decades Russia will actively promote the concept of a green economy, then we can put forward the following vision of the situation in the country in 10-15 years.
By refusing to invest in environmentally harmful enterprises, the state has contributed to reducing the harmful impact on the environment. The state has also imposed additional taxes on enterprises that contribute to the deterioration of the environmental situation, thereby reducing their number. The people working at these enterprises did not remain unemployed, they were transferred to more environmentally friendly enterprises.
Having taken investments from harmful enterprises, the state redirected them to the agricultural and environmental sectors. Greening the environment has helped to reduce the amount of energy consumed and waste resulting from its production. Instead, energy began to be taken from natural sources. This has helped to improve the state of the ecosystem in the country, reduce the harmful effects on humans (the number of diseases has decreased), plants, animals, and the hydrosphere.
Taxation, government investments in the agricultural and energy sectors, contributed to increased competition and removed the monopoly on energy, as a result of which its prices fell.
The state has taken the problem of waste disposal seriously. In addition to sorting tanks, it has allocated funds for the creation of special plants that separately recycle various types of garbage and give them a new life. Plastic, aerosol, glass containers, undergoing such processing, are used again. Thanks to the measures taken, the total amount of garbage at landfills has decreased. Reservoirs, forests, fields and cities have become cleaner, and thus the threat of environmental pollution has decreased.
Money was also allocated for the construction of new gas stations for environmentally friendly modes of transport and the invention of more electric vehicles. This helped to reduce the pressure on the ecosystem (especially on the ecosystem of cities) and helped to preserve natural resources, the supply of which is not eternal.
All these measures have contributed to improving the well-being of the population (by increasing GDP, reducing diseases and urban pollution), efficient allocation of resources, and consequently the preservation of the country's natural capital. Also, the fact of an increase in employment, which means a reduction in unemployment, can be added to the advantages.
Thus, having become a little more familiar with the problem of environmental pollution, the activities of the green economy and having reflected on the future of the Russian economy in this direction, we can conclude that this issue should be given special attention. The world is already suffering from a huge number of cataclysms related to human activity. Resources are becoming more and more depleted every year, and if the situation does not change, many resources will simply cease to exist, therefore it is extremely important to promote a green economy to preserve the natural wealth and well-being of future generations.