After going through the stages of evolution, the human species was able to conquer other species and become the ruler of the world, but will humans continue to remain on the throne of domination of this earth in the future? Or what about the possibility of intelligent creatures other than humans existing in this ever-expanding universe? And are these 'alien' creatures a threat to future humanity? Or could it be the existentialist threat to humanity is actually "breeding" on earth?. We are currently in the era of the information society and the next era will be the era of the post-information society. If we follow the line of thought of world futurologists, for example, McLuhan's thinking through the concept of media history and Toffler's thinking through the third wave concept. Mcluhan's words about the influence of the media on society are increasingly real. Then one thing that must be asked is whether humans influence technology or vice versa?
First of all, technological development is accelerating while we don't yet know for sure whether society as a whole can keep up with it. And then the increasing merging of human life and technology has created many new aspects that have never been discovered in history. Furthermore, humanity will be divided between those who are able to surf the waves and those who are left behind by technology. Looking at current conditions, the author views the future from the perspective of moderation (neither too pessimistic nor too optimistic). The future is not something full of happiness but a struggle that requires great sacrifices to create a harmonious situation in this world. In the future, due to massive technological developments that affect all aspects of life, it will definitely create conflicts in the form of disharmony in human life.
Apart from that, the problems of humanity in the future are also caused by the accumulation of main problems that modern humans have faced. Modern humans develop an idolatrous order of life in the sense of eliminating traditional religious moral values and injecting secularism, which becomes a breeding ground for the growth of various pathological symptoms that destroy a healthy social order. Then cultivating the behavior of arrogance and ignorance (the only rightful owner of the earth). Humanity is without values and norms but is only based on postmodernist-style subjectivity, which makes humans live as if they are directionless, the elimination of spiritual goals and assessing life as a cosmic absurdity. The absence of traditional moral guidelines for modern humans causes the use of technology to become uncontrolled. It is very dangerous when science and technology develop wildly without moral direction.
The big mistakes that humans have made throughout history often occurred not because of intellectual stupidity but instead occurred when humans maximized their intellectual advantages, starting from colonialism, world wars to the use of weapons of mass destruction. Major disasters throughout human civilization were created when humans manifested their intellectuals without considering emotionality and spirituality. Humans have dared to play the role of small gods on earth, full of arrogance as if without any gaps in trying to compete with God, starting from oppressing other humans to causing damage on the face of the earth. This attitude will lead humans to misery in every era.
AI: Luciferian path?
Now that humans have developed Artificial Intelligence technology, there are pros and cons to it. The pros see this as the highest achievement of humans today, but the cons see threats and are worried when these foreign intelligence entities gain the momentum of a technological explosion so that super AI can take over human dominance, that had been built over thousands of years. There are many definitions for AI, but most of them can be classified into the following categories: systems that think like humans, systems that act like humans, systems that think rationally, systems that act rationally [1 P. 2]. AI can also be called expert systems, intelligent retrieval and machine learning. Nowadays, discussion of AI has become a daily topic of conversation, even among ordinary people, causing topics related to AI to become more commonplace in public discourse. The majority imagine that AI can help human life, but also the big risks and threats of a technology that can think, let alone have consciousness like humans. Narrow AI is still below human capabilities. Strong AI can improve cognitive capabilities comparable to humans abilities. Super AI demonstrates intelligence beyond human capabilities [2]. Other cutting-edge technologies, namely "cyborgs", also often overlap with AI in conversations among ordinary people. “cyborg,” a compound noun derived from “cybernetic organism,” refers to a human, whose body is augmented by technological parts or organs [3 P.1 ]. The intersection of these technologies with the conditions of future society will have extraordinary impacts that we have never imagined before. Humans have made a big mistake when playing the role of an omnipotent entity in life and would definitely accept the consequences. Humans started as upright walking primates who had the ability to think and then defeated other species on earth, dominating and ruling for thousands of years, and the author's main question is whether humans will really be overthrown by other entities?
Post information society
This story is a simulation by the author to describe a future situation when technology is one with humans, creating a world without morality and measurable values. The harmonious life of humans initially utilized technology, but in its development technology influenced humans. The hypothesis of the future state that scientists are most worried about is the technological singularity. In technology, the singularity describes a hypothetical future where technology growth is out of control and irreversible. These intelligent and powerful technologies will radically and unpredictably transform our reality [4]. A world that appears orderly on the surface but is actually in chaos, the penetration of AI into human life affects not only the activities of the physical world of humans but also reaches the deepest core of the human psyche itself. At a time when technology has truly become integrated with human life, where cyber space is integrated with the physical world. A time when all the technology predicted by futurologists became more sophisticated than imagined. Like a metaverse, the endgame for the metaverse is for virtual worlds to exist seamlessly alongside the real, with immersive interactions between the two changing our feeling of physical presence [5 P.1].
Another condition that is the author's focus is "hell world", a condition where humanity, in this case the community and individuals within it, do not feel life due to the absence of inner peace. Individuals will experience a reality, namely neither living nor dying. This condition really tormented people at that time, because reality had been manipulated. It is a torturous situation when humans lose social joints like homo societies, technology confines human space. They are not really alive in the sense that many pieces of themselves are lost, but they are not dead because most of their lives are controlled by technology. Unconsciously, all forms of human choice are available, society is controlled by algorithms which make humans no longer have free will. Individuals, as the building blocks of society, have been separated from their communities. Technology has created imaginary communities where humans cannot truly live and are not allowed to die. If, in ancient times, humans who had died in the physical world also stopped their activities in the virtual world, this would be known as "digital death", but nowadays, humans who have died in the physical world will continue to live in the virtual world or "digital immortality".
The unification of the cyber world and the physical world makes everything run super fast. What a person does in cyberspace will have a direct impact on the physical world. On the one hand, human civilization has reached the peak of science driven by many scientists, but humans in general are experiencing intellectual degradation due to negative internet consumption which dominates the digital space. Since childhood, humans have been exposed to shallow content from social media, so at that time, humans lacked the ability to think critically. Still in line with Toffler's thinking about information overload, individuals have difficulty understanding a problem and making decisions effectively. People don't know what news is true and false, even the strangest news can be easily believed by people, creating a good ecosystem for conspiracy information. Society at that time could be called an "overdose society", where an excess of mixed information was difficult to verify, resulting in an overdose of information which resulted in conspiracy beliefs taking over human knowledge.
Human elite groups then do a lot of things outside the limits. In the end, they become very technocentric when looking at the situation on earth. According to them, humans are indeed creators but not maintainers, because humans are emotionally unstable and have a short coming. A popular narrative emerged at that time to hand over maintenance tasks to the technology they had created themselves which they arranged in such a way as to make everything stable. Subjective narratives about human distrust of other humans, narratives of trusting technology more than humans, dominate public discourse. Some elites feel that politicians are unstable and sometimes they are often disobedient. The elite tended to accept the proposal of scientists at that time to replace state administrators with AI technology which was being developed by scientists. So it was then decided that AI could replace humans in making important decisions. Actually, humans at that time were still groping about AI. We didn't know what AI identified itself as?
Human contender
After many policy makers were replaced by AI, over time it turned out that bugs often occurred in the technology of that time, a technical problem or indeed a choice made by the system. This incident often occurred. The signs of changes in the actions of AI seem to be unnoticed by many people, real changes often appear in the network, it seems that AI has turned into super AI. Many argue that giving authority to AI in policy interventions is like inviting new gods into human life. It often happens that decisions taken by AI prioritize regulations over public interest, let alone the value of justice for humans, where these regulations are made by elites who from the start have supported AI intervention in state policy making.
At that time, friction that led to conflict often occurred and it seemed that a major war would inevitably occur between several alliances of countries united on the basis of the same interests and values. There were several alliances, namely: the Liberal Democratic World Alliance (LDA), the majority of whose members were the successor countries to NATO, the World Justice Alliance (WJA), the Muslim World Alliance (MWA), and other countries, such as India which left the WJA, several African countries which continue to promote pan-Africanism and several Latin American countries. At that time there was friction between the MWA, Africa and Latin America, which was dominated by traditionalists (supported by most groups criticizing technology & New Luddanism) against the LDA (supported by technology centrists & utopians). Neo-Luddanism strongly rejects the intervention of AI in their lives, because according to them, AI does not have clear ethical standards and norms.
At the same time, technological developments have also penetrated outer space. Humans have been able to land on Mars. This is in line with many predictions of previous scientists. Humanity will, however, likely reach Mars within decades. China plans to start sending human crews to Mars in 2033, while NASA aims to send astronauts there by the late 2030s or early 2040s. Once humans get there, the next step could be to build a colony [6]. The story continues when Moses Irimas, an eccentric space technology expert with slightly shaggy hair and a short, stocky body from the LDA alliance, suddenly comes to see Prof. Paarland, head of the WJA alliance cosmodrome at the meeting, explained about the application of AI technology to be applied in the space sector. Paarland has not yet approved it and is worried about a technological singularity which will be very dangerous for human survival. However, General Yezid Sopyanov, one of the top officials of the WJA alliance, is interested in the idea of developing military technology. He remains focused on forming a cyber and space military force. Yezid's main goal is to arm the WJA alliance with the latest weapons utilizing space technology, especially arming WJA satellites and developing space ships. LDA finally launched the Mars expedition project first.
Exactly eight months after the project was launched, ARCHELOIS landed on Mars, successfully giving the first signal to the LDA space station center after its landing. The three astronauts include: Magnus Hansen, Joshua Smith, and Reue Abelman, while WJA collaborated with the MWA on the space expedition. The program was led by Prof. Paarland and Prof. yahuza simonovic, while the mars expedition was led by lieutenant colonel Mahmud, dr. Eva and Yoshua Nazario. The ZVEZDA project is an ambitious project for the first human colony on the planet Mars. Long story short, the project was successfully implemented and they were able to land on Mars too. Meanwhile, the three LDA astronauts had already started their exploration mission. After being able to land safely on the surface of Mars, they began exploration. Joshua Smith was assigned to stay on the main ship, while the other two left with special vehicles and clothing from the main ship's body. Mars was covered in toxic dust which was also fine-grained and abrasive, and human visibility was also limited. The advanced vehicle enters the Martian field for the first time as they remain connected to the central station. The movement of vehicles that have been designed to pass through the Martian desert is quite capable because it is impossible for humans to survive on Mars without the help of technology. It is as if the freezing cold temperature of Mars can be felt by the astronaut crew. "We have to be more careful when moving dust, this dust can trick us" said Reue, the only engineer scientist on the mission. Solar winds and radiation are responsible for stripping Mars of its atmosphere, turning Mars from a planet that could support life billions of years ago into an extremely cold desert world. Cosmic rays or gamma rays can at any time cause interference with communication signals with the central station. At that time, their vision was quite hampered by the thick martian dust covering the vehicle's camera. They passed a fairly high hill and went down it. Everything went smoothly at first, but when the vehicle continued to move, suddenly they experienced a technical error. Their oxygen turned into carbon dioxide, plus the cold nature of Mars, little by little, crept into the vehicle, plus the communication signal with the central station disconnected. Their vehicle crashed into Martian rocks, the situation became even more chaotic, damage to the vehicle's oxygen-generating equipment meant that the two of them had to quickly put on special clothing. Damage also occurred to Magnus' clothes. Reue hurriedly contacted Joshua to pick them up. Before Joshua arrived, Magnus was already dead. They both have to survive on Mars without contact with the base station in US.
The greatest battle in human history
A group of human beings are lulled by economic prosperity but it does not allow humans to find peace of mind. Arrogance is an ancient problem that continues to be a stumbling block. Humans before the Great War lived in abundance but lost meaning. The big battle of this time is actually the accumulation of many things, namely interests, resources, and values. One of the main triggers is the past problems that have never been resolved, namely the levant conflicts. Since the strengthening of the MWA, Filastin at that time had quite a strong bargaining power while Israyil was backed by the LDA. Meanwhile, WJA until then was still playing it safe by being as neutral as possible. As previously explained, LDA is still slightly superior in technology and its application of LDA weapons to defend itself is very sophisticated. Most LDA people are actually apolitical because they are lulled by AI which takes care of every process of their nation and state.
The LDA Alliance is still trying to maintain its hegemony over other countries. Here we must understand the importance of technological supremacy of a civilization and nation. They formed an alliance of countries to carry out acts of sabotage and attacks in all sectors, especially in the cyber sector. An alliance of countries that are more advanced in technological development seeks to perpetuate its hegemony over other countries that are more backward. The alliance injects their ideology by force into other countries. Some countries try to create their own internet ecosystem, but in the end, they will not be truly independent. The space arms race is related to the crazy ideas of previous thinkers about space weaponry, like space satellites can accurately map the opponent's position and launch high-accuracy missiles.
The largest war in human history (World War III), is somewhat in line with Huntington's argument regarding the friction between culture and civilization, although not entirely correct. The war was also caused by the arrogance and ignorance of the LDA towards other countries which were considered not in accordance with the values of truth that they adhered to. It turns out that the ancient colonialist mentality was still being cultivated by many people at that time. Tensions increased when the LDA supplied weapons to countries around the WJA and MWA, the war progressed slowly and spread to other countries. LDA considers the MWA to be a threat to the existence of LDA hegemony, especially in the Middle East. The first war erupted when the Aqsa compound in Ierusalem was destroyed by LDA troops because it was suspected of being a resistance command center. The great human disaster of the 22nd century began. Conventional war occurred in the first stage. All young men and women, teenagers and adults in the MWA were forced to go to war, while in villages and cities the elderly and toddlers were left. At the start of the war, LDA had the upper hand but the wind direction changed when WJA saw the opportunity to finish off LDA. The LDA was at its weakest point, so the WJA alliance entered the battlefield, where the left-hand region became the biggest battlefield at that time. Meanwhile, Pan Africans also continued to move after their leader, General Mugumbe, was killed by an LDA drone. General Mugumbe's body was paraded as a martyr for the resistance of the oppressed people, the front of war was expanding across the face of the earth.
When the war was increasingly raging, Prof. Moses, acting as an individual and independently, went to the Arabia (the right hand region), to negotiate with several influential people from the MWA and WJA namely General Yezid, Prof. Paarland and Prof. Yahuza. Moses Irimas invited them to discuss in a bunker and only Yezid and Yahuza agreed. The LDA did not waste this opportunity. ASI detected this most influential figure and assumed that MWA was storing biological and chemical weapons there and could endanger the LDA. So, by directing the nuclear warhead on the SBIRS 4.0 satellite, it was launched towards the South of arabia, which caused a huge explosion to occur during the war. So the nuclear war started due to an AI decision. The nuclear weapons were instead directed at the city center, which the AI detected as a source of war. The WJD and the MWA responded to the nuclear attack. Young soldiers who were still busy guarding cities and borders could not protect themselves from the deadly attacks of nuclear weapons. Retaliation also occurred. Iran, Turke and Pakstan counterattacked the LDA. The culmination point of the conflict is more caused by the monster that humans have created themselves, namely the loss of control over technology. Unfortunately, after the big war, the MWA, the WJA and LDA suffered destruction, but in the end, ASI and cyborgs took control of the earth.
Digital dictatorship
Moses Irimas, Yezid and Yahuza survived the nuclear explosion because they had discussions in the bunker from the start. Moses just smiled while patting the two of them on the shoulders. Moses said "a new world has arrived", as if he already knew what was happening. General Yezid and Prof. Yahuza seemed to see a new patron in Moses and devoted themselves to him. Earth experiences a prolonged winter due to clouds of radioactive dust from nuclear explosions. After the nuclear war, various disasters occurred, one of which was a demographic disaster for humanity, where the productive generation declined drastically, leaving the elderly and children as the majority of the earth's inhabitants. The elderly population dominates the population pyramid due to the devastating war which claimed the lives of many productive aged residents, especially young men and adults. The remaining post-war babies and children grew and developed without the role of parents or without traditional family roles. At that time, population demographics were unbalanced, causing a sexual recession, and birth rates continued to decline. The absence of a parent's role in a child's life has a negative impact both mentally and socially. Likewise, the economic structure of the upper economic level, most of them survived the war, leaving the lower middle class which ultimately became the lower class without a middle class. The world is divided into only two classes, namely: the elite class, the rulers who survived the nuclear attack, most of whom have transitioned into human cyborgs. And the elderly, children and the majority are the poor. ASI dictates the world, imprisoning and executing human intellectuals who try to revise its regulations which are considered to disturb the stability of the earth. Humans are separated into groups and made as passive as possible.
Earth is also ruled by super AI, human cyborgs and a group of elite worshipers. AI is a capable learning creature. If in the beginning humans implemented authoritarianism, then in the future this digital technology will become truly totalitarian when AI carries out the analysis that humans are wild, vicious and violent creatures and must be tamed like animals. Based on human history archives, humans will be docile if they are ruled by an iron fist, so the totalitarian style of government is used by ASI. The era of digital dictatorship is marked by the collapse of families and communities. The new world order system enforces and separates family components, because the family is the seed of community/communal relationships which will give rise to conflict in the future. As a replacement, the regime created a digital community. This was possible because the cyber world and the physical world were blurred and biased, even though a community in the physical world would be more dangerous for the regime. In reality, they never gather and associate because the digital regime minimizes it, but the way to fulfill the desires of homo societies is to create a digital community with a communal identity that is taken for granted. Efforts to reverse traditional values and norms continue to be made because, based on elite analysis, traditional religious values and norms of past humans were the main cause of war. At that time, the lives of animals were the same as humans, changing gender roles, marriage was a violation of the law, religion was a myth and believing in it was a disgrace and intellectual degradation. The only way to save humans from depression due to the absurdity of life is through art. So songs worshiping the regime, ceremonies commemorating major wars, and indoctrination are carried out. Life on earth also continues to get worse; economic inequality, gender inequality and social deviations occur. Poverty causes loss of emotional freedom and dependence on social authority. On the one hand, the government separates individuals from the community, but humans also lose their individuality.
The use of the physical world is highly repressed, humans are separated from traditional communities and operate in the digital metaverse. Humans work through virtual reality. Activities from waking up in the morning until going to bed are mostly spent on virtual reality equipment. Only humans who are privileged can access the physical world of society or poor seniors who are not a threat. This is intended to minimize conflicts that will disrupt human stability like before World War took place. There are no humans who are not connected via a network and live in virtual space in the future except for a few fundamentalist pockets who survived the nuclear war disaster. Because almost all people are connected to the network, it will be very easy for the system to check each person's data and what activities they do.
Earth shock
Three LDA astronauts who had lost contact with Earth from the start due to a Martian storm which caused one of their friends to die on Mars were finally able to communicate with three WJA & MWA astronauts who had also landed on Mars. After repairing for some time, they were able to contact earth headquarters and plan their return. They were told they would be greeted with a red carpet when they arrived on earth. After several years on Mars, they prepared everything for a mission to return to Earth independently. Combining the knowledge and equipment, the five people were finally able to upgrade their plane. Mahmud was unanimously appointed as their leader, while Yoshua was his deputy. A unique piece of information is that his other friends often mistake Yoshua for Joshua because of the similarity in his hairstyle and facial features. Long story short, they had traveled for almost nine months to Earth and landed on Earth, then got out of the rescue capsule and arrived on Earth. They came out with their bodies still a little weak due to the journey they had gone through. All of them had to adapt for a while to the natural situation and conditions of the earth. While on Mars, they lived in a conditioned vehicle, not in the wild. After resting, the five of them began to explore the surrounding area, releasing all their supporting equipment while in space. Move towards the nearest settlement. They walked with joy because they had made it safely back to earth. And entering the city, they were happy, but strangely, there was no reception for them. They landed around California. They finally passed people and received cynical looks from several people and, strangely enough, some of them were seniors who lived on the city streets, looking at them with sharp gazes. Most elderly people are dressed shabbily and unkempt and look very poor. There were several young girls picking up leftover food with the elderly who also looked very concerned. They were really curious about what was happening. An elderly beggar then grabbed Eva's shoulder and Eva immediately screamed in surprise and fear, then Joshua quickly grabbed the elderly person's hand and asked what she was doing. The atmosphere suddenly changed when the sirens sounded. All the elderly had frightened faces.
Everyone was shocked by the sound of the announcement that they were isolated because something had to be sterilized. Everyone in the city is panicking. The earth authorities are looking for the source of the problem. Not long after the incident, an announcement was spread throughout the city to be careful because a group of cruel terrorists were roaming around. Five friends also felt anxious. They were always alert and hiding while looking for information. For several days they hid because, according to reports, these terrorists were very barbaric and killed everyone indiscriminately. After some time, they realized that they had been labeled barbaric terrorists all this time. Mahmud and his friends were shocked because the danger they heard from the city announcement was for them. Even more surprising, it turns out that the earth has been ruled by cyborg humans with strange appearances with many artificial components grafted onto their bodies, while non-cyborg humans have become manual workers, roughly speaking, second class citizens with a low intellectual level (almost lose their free will because of their inability to think critically).
The resurrection of humanity
With strong determination, 5 fellow astronauts planned to escape from the authorities, but unfortunately they were first surrounded by cyborg soldiers in a building where they were hiding. They looked quite scared. Mahmud, Eva and Reue were able to escape, while Yoshua and Joshua were caught by the cyborg soldiers. Those who can escape try to get out of the city, but it is very difficult because everything has been digitized, with almost no gaps. They managed to sneak into a container containing canned food at the port and it turned out that after days they had been inside to deliver it to a port in the South Asian region. They immediately got out of the container and were shocked to see many army guard posts because, according to information in that area, there were still many MWA guerrillas who continued to rebel from the mountains and forests.
Meanwhile, Yoshua Nazario and Joshua Smith were arrested. They were tortured mercilessly. Joshua, who had been weak since landing, was in a very serious and helpless condition, while Yoshua, who was continuously electrocuted and whipped until his body was bleeding, remained strong. General Yezid became interested in this young man's tenacity. Even the cyborgs were surprised because no ordinary human could survive the torture they subjected them to. Yezid conveyed this to Moses Irimas. Yezid described the young man's appearance as having wavy curly hair, a tall body, slightly brown skin, and his current condition was quite serious. At first, Moses was interested in meeting the two of them, but who knows what he was thinking. When the meeting almost happened, Moses looked away and left. Moses instructed to kill the man. The executioner asked which person should be killed. Moses said firmly: "Stupid, kill that helpless man!" Finally, the first execution was carried out on Joshua Smith, who was already incapacitated. Yoshua was again detained in prison.
Elsewhere, Mahmud, Eva and Reue met with the remaining MWA guerrillas. They were not in a very strong condition but were still enthusiastic, with minimal equipment from the previous world war for guerrilla warfare. Even the flag they used was just a piece of black or white cloth because the flag and military attributes had been damaged and decayed. They are naturally divided into several methods to deal with the regime, they run independently without adequate coordination and it is common for some of their members to suspect each other. Mahmud leads political propaganda, spreading messages of humanitarian awakening to all people he can reach, while Eva carries out political tactics by infiltrating, consciously surrendering herself to the authorities to reveal rebel hideouts and is willing to become part of the cyborg while Reue leads a group of anarchists who attack recklessly but prove to be difficult for the authorities because their movements are difficult to detect.
The video of the torture of Joshua and Yoshua finally spread throughout the world. It turns out that human empathy still exists deep inside their hearts. In prison, Yoshua continues to maintain his fitness and sharpens the objects around him, including the stick he uses to support his body. Some people are starting to become aware of the injustices committed by AI and the cyborg elite against ordinary humans. The black banner guerrillas led by Mahmud planned to attack the AI central post on the hill of mixture on mainland Arabia, the center of the ASI CPU and world government. As for Eva also asked to be moved to headquarters because, based on information, the rebels were heading there. Hearing this Reue also called on all those who sympathized with his struggle to carry out massive, sporadic attacks throughout the world, especially in the hills of mixture areas. Reue and Mahmud's troops finally moved west. Reue's troops carried out sabotage and bombing against the centers of power. At its peak, he carried out an attack on the regime's headquarters. Reue proudly conveyed the news to Mahmud, that he had succeeded in destroying one of the regime's administrative centers. Mahmud hurriedly looked for list of the victims of the incident and sure enough it turned out that one of the victims of the attack was none other than dr. Eva who is on an undercover mission. Mahmud cried and said to Reue that Eva was on her secret mission. Not drowning in sadness, the guerrillas prepared a large-scale attack on the AI CPU on the hill of mixture, but because of electromagnetic technology all remote control devices did not work, so they inevitably had to carry out sporadic attacks on the CPU. Each of them is armed with manually activated bombs and laser guns. The battle was fought heroically. Many of the fighters died until there was a chance that one fighter managed to break through and sacrifice himself along with the destruction of the AI CPU. While Yoshua was able to escape from prison due to the attack and damage that occurred, chaos reigned everywhere. When he managed to get out of prison, Yoshua met one on one with Moses Irimas, without thinking twice, he fought with Moses Irimas and stabbed him with a stick that he had been sharpening for a long time. A strange incident occurred. After the killing of Moses Irimas, all the cyborgs also became inactive. Is there a connection between the AI, cyborgs and Moses Irimas ?
Post-technological society
After the destruction of the AI dictatorial regime, the world was saved by a collective human movement that wants the return of humanity's rights from slavery by technology and elites. Mahmud and Yoshua were chosen as leaders and representatives as a result of the deliberations held. The main policy taken is to cleanse the earth of the evil influence of the digital regime, then restore the lives of all humans, oppressed seniors and children who grow up without the role of parents. The consequence is to shut down all technology for an undetermined period of time. The technology that existed in society at that time quickly returned to the pre-industrial revolution era, creating a communal, full of solidarity, egalitarian society with ideal spirituality and emotionality, living freely without super-sophisticated technology after the struggle to restore humans as caliphs on earth.