I want to tell a story of an old man who could never deliver it to the press. A story of an old man who time travelled to 2100.
The world of 2100 is so unimaginably beautiful, the level of scientific and technological growth is so unmatched. The old man saw much of magic and what seems to be unrealistic in the world we have now. "They've found a cure for cancer", he wrote in his book. In 2100 the scientists have been able to design prototypes that modify the DNA of cancer affected cells, ooh there's hope again.
Communication has been made even more easier, there's more than just smartphones and tablets, there's even chapters, small little bags that can transfer material, you just set the signal of a delivery place and project them through air using projectile motion and they will arrive in a very short time.
In 2100, people no longer work to earn money because there's enough automated robots to do that instead people focus more on their talents and art work as well as hobbies.
The sustainable development goals have already been achieved, no hunger, no poverty, good health and wellbeing, quality education and the rest. Learning has become more practical than theoretical, network is as fast as a blink of an eye, there's isn't a single place without network access.
But again, there's alot of prejudice in the society, about what's good and what's bad because of genetic engineering. Most of organisms have been modified, production has been multiplied but still the society thinks cloning is somehow not right.
Life has been made so much easier in 2100, climate issues have been resolved, researchers have found scientific solution to modify our climate issues. Trees have been modified not to be affected by any pollution. The Mount Kilimanjaro has her ice intact for the smoke from cars and industries has been made harmless. Everything that feels impossible in this years has been made possible.
Scientists have been able to design artificial organs out of animal's muscles, human organs like kidneys, hearts, lungs and livers. There's a special chemical formula as well as electrical support that enables the organs to function when transplanted. Fort that case organ transplant has been made easier, no more human trafficking and black business.
Finally, the solution for blood transfusion has been resolved, hemoglobin is being manufactured with compatible iron components extracted from iron rich foods and sources. People are no longer dying of insufficient or unavailability of blood transfusion. Mental health issues have found a resolution.
A mental health technology called MentalTech has been designed and installed in every person smartphone both androids and IOS. This technology is able to scan and interpret brain waves, emotions and feelings. On top of that MentalTech has an ability to detect suicidal thoughts and set up an alarming notifications to nearest people, with all the technology advancement mental health issues including suicide is inevitable but science has found a way to reduce suicidal rated and deliver appropriate help at the right time possible.
Drug abuse has been resolved at a very high rate, through mentalTech high level of sedatives and other substances like heroine, cocaine and others can easily be detected. Drug addicts have been put in properly designed withdrawal therapy that are less painful and take less time to rehabilitate, the society of 2100 is nearly perfect.
If 2100 was food, Science and technology would obviously have been the main spice. Every beautiful thing has been spiced up with Science and technology. Most of goods are intangible in 2100, including cash. The old man says there isn't any cash or coins in 2100, people use cards only.
The only thing that science and technology is still struggling to achieve is no death of people and creation of human beings.
Every family has automated virtual and robot assistants. People no longer use nannies for children or to take care of their homes instead robots and virtual assistants do that for them.
In 2100 people go for vacations in other planets like Mars, Jupiter and Venus. There's a lot of technology that has been extracted and achieved from the outer space. Nevertheless, people don't settle their year but people go for adventures, retreats and learning purpose.
As far aa 2100 spiritual realm still stands, people still pray and believe in God. New religions have arisen including other religions that serve the realm of other planets and the universe.
The most attractive thing about 2100 society is the way every person wants to make thus world a better place to be. Every person is fighting for the best of children, there are no classes of the rich and poor since science and technology as well as resources are served equally in the society.
The world has become like a village since transportation has been made easier and cheap for every person to afford whenever they want to. Racism has less space negligible to not at all in the 2100 society, a society for everyone and that's the end of the old man's story.