The future sometimes seems frightening and unexplored, but if you don't take at least a step, you won't even see it on the horizon. Indeed, life tests our strength, presents interesting surprises that we do not expect in order to find out if we can achieve our goals, whether we will be able to build our bright future, or just turn towards our dreams. Life is complicated, but that's what makes it interesting. So why all these introductions? I would like to say that despite the difficulties of life, you will be able to achieve everything you have always wanted. To confirm what I have said, I will tell you a story that may change your thinking, but more on that later, and now I want to ask a couple of questions. What can not a single person do without? Why are we called homo sapiens? What gives rise to ideas for new achievements? The answer is simple — it's thinking. Thanks to thinking, a person immerses himself in the learning process, creates something beautiful, implements seemingly unrealizable ideas. Well, here's the question, what contributes to the emergence of an interesting thought in your head? There may be feelings when a person is inspired, when he does his job with love. It is feelings that help a person to comprehend how beautiful the world around him is. If a person experiences positive emotions, then the thoughts in his head will be bright, and if there are bright thoughts, then there will be extraordinary ideas.
As a future doctor, I understand well the importance of thinking in human activity. There is such a thing as "clinical thinking" in medicine. What does it mean? This is the ability of a doctor to find extraordinary ways to diagnose and treat a patient. There is a stereotype that doctors are insensitive robots, that they are cold-blooded to patients. But it's not like that! Doctors treat not only with the mind, but also with the soul. Real doctors always treat their patients with love and compassion. They will do everything possible and impossible to save them, find a way out of any difficult situation. This is an example of how feelings affect thinking.
One day, neuroscientists conducted an interesting experiment. The researchers invited a talented architect. They brought a robot to him, which looked like an ordinary person. Their task was to make a mock-up of the house of the future. After a while, scientists began to evaluate their work. The robotic human model had a three-storey house with all modern and nanotechnological amenities. And the architect had an ordinary one-story house, but it had everything you need. Obviously, the robot's house looked more modern and comfortable, but the researchers decided to ask the young man why he believes that in the future there will be houses like his. The architect answered without hesitation: "Modern high—tech houses are very good and convenient, but nothing will create such comfort and warmth in the house as family, close people who are always waiting for you, relatives with whom you can share your experiences and joyful events. Family is the source of heat in every home. And I really hope that in the distant future people will also appreciate and love their families." From all this, the researchers realized how sensual the architect is. He made a model of his house with love and warmth, which he wanted to see in the future too. His feelings positively influenced his thinking. He was ready to give up a high-tech house if it did not have the most precious thing - his family and friends.
Well, now let's move from the examples directly to the story itself, which I wanted to tell you. This is an amazing story about a girl named Adele, for whom the familiar world has been turned upside down.
Adele is a graduate of Oxford University Medical School. A talented girl who dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon like her parents. The girl spent most of her time at the research institute. She conducted experiments, conducted various complex experiments, and spent the rest of her time listening to audiobooks and favorite playlists. You may ask, but what about neurosurgery, didn't the girl need practice in the hospital? The thing is, there was a catch in all of this. Adele was completely blind. The reason for this was a fire in her parents' house. Due to a short circuit, everything in the house caught fire with a bright flame. The parents managed to save only their daughter, but trouble happened: hot shards from the broken window got into her eyes, and the girl screamed in terrible pain. As a result, Adele was pulled out, but doctors were unable to restore her eyesight, and the girl was doomed to eternal blindness. Adele's parents, unfortunately, died in that fire. Since then, the girl, in order not to be helpless, tried to develop fine motor skills and endurance. And soon everything worked out for her. She was able to study and work like an ordinary person, although she was deprived of eye contact with the outside world. However, every night before going to bed, Adele was plagued by nightmares related to her past. She saw her parents every night. It was very hard for the girl, and she was ready to give everything just to hug her parents.
One evening, her close friend Kate came to Adele. She was her only support and support. Adele was always happy to see them. And so, over a cup of coffee, the girl told her friend about her nightmares that tormented her every night. Kate saw empty jars of sleeping pills on the kitchen table and realized that her friend was not getting enough sleep. Kate advised Adele to do something, find an interesting hobby to distract herself from bad thoughts. In response to her friend's words, the girl said that she did not have time for this and she wanted to forget about the past as soon as possible and move on. Adele wondered if she could create a device that would erase the past from people's memories. Life would be easier. Adele expressed her thoughts to her friend, but Kate just laughed and said: "Dear Adele, the past is not necessary in order to completely erase it from life, you need to start from it and move on." Adele thought about her words and after a long conversation saw off her friend, after which she went to bed. The night was quiet and calm, the girl was sleeping soundly. However, after a while, she felt someone take her hand. The girl woke up, she did not understand who was trying to take her away and where. A stranger did not answer her questions, but at some point Adele saw a bright flash, and an unusual world opened up in front of her, First of all, Adele was surprised that she saw it at all. "Did my eyesight come back?! How can this be?" - she thought. What the girl saw in front of her seemed impossible. It was a big city with huge high-tech smart houses in the form of multi-storey capsules, which people controlled with gestures. Cars did not drive on the roads, but flew. People in this metropolis looked like Adele, but at the same time they thought and talked like robots. Adele approached one of them and asked: "Do you like living in such a world? Do you feel happy?" However, the stranger did not understand the girl and did not answer her. It turned out that people in this world did not tend to show feelings and emotions. The girl was surprised by this and thought how you can see how the world around them is changing, improving and not showing any emotions at the same time. Suddenly, someone called out to Adele. She turned around and saw her parents. Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes. The girl ran and hugged them tightly. Her parents gave her valuable advice: "Daughter, don't run away from the past, fix the consequences and start working for your bright future." After that, Adele lost consciousness and woke up in her room. She didn't understand if it was a dream, or if everything was happening in reality? At the same time, Adele was still blind. After rethinking everything that had happened over the past few hours, the girl realized that she wanted to look at the world with her own eyes. She was tired of living in the dark, because she dreamed of becoming a neurosurgeon, but for this the girl needed to restore her eyesight. Adele decided to develop a project that will help realize not only her dream, but also the dreams of those who have lost visual connection with the outside world. Adele started working hard on her project. The girl did not sleep at night, she began to see her best friend less often, but she understood that she was not wasting time. No matter how hard it was for her, she wanted to carry out her plan. Three years later, the girl created a special shell, which, according to her research, collects all information from the outside world, transmits the received data to the brain and with this help displays a picture of the surrounding world in the eyes of a person. That is, according to Adele, her invention will help any completely blind person to see everything that a person with very good eyesight sees. In addition, this membrane stimulates brain activity and prevents the risk of the appearance and development of benign and malignant tumors. The experiment went well, and Adele decided to take a bold step. The girl wanted to implant this shell into her brain. She turned to her parents' friends and colleagues for help. The neurosurgeons refused for a long time, but then agreed. The operation was scheduled for the next morning, Adele was worried, but it was too late to retreat. An inner voice told her to go all the way. The operation lasted six hours. When the neurosurgeons completed their work, the girl was transferred to the ward. Doctors noticed that Adele did not recover for a long time, although all indicators were normal. This puzzled the doctors, but they continued to monitor her condition. A few days later, Adele woke up, and her friend Kate was sitting next to her. Adele realized that the operation was successful, because now she saw everything. A new life has begun. When the doctors saw a happy Adele, they applauded her. One of them said, "She's a real genius, a person of the future. Adele was grateful to her parents, best friend, and doctors for their support in difficult times. The girl realized that she did not need to get rid of the past in order to make life easier, it was important to correct the consequences and move on to her bright future.
Based on the above, I want to note that our feelings and emotions have a very strong influence on our thinking. Renowned psychologist Louise Hay said: "Our every thought creates our future." But our bright feelings give an impetus to an interesting thought.