From the author
Dear readers!
Currently, we are witnessing the rapid development of technologies that simplify the lives of the population and allow humanity to conquer new "peaks". This circumstance is characterized mainly on the positive side, since the benefits obtained prevail over the possible risks and dangers. This, in turn, helps to reduce vigilance and achieve a state of complete confidence in the results of scientific and technological progress.
Full human trust in technology as a trend that is gradually becoming more widespread in the modern world causes a number of concerns, since there is a high risk of failure [1] or crossing certain "boundaries", which will lead to a kind of chaos in society and a radical change in the existing models of interaction between individuals with each other. Consideration of a possible "unfavorable" outcome has become the purpose of this work, since identifying the problem at the initial stages allows it to be prevented or minimize negative consequences.
However, special attention in this science fiction work is paid to evaluation categories, since each outcome of an event significant for humanity can be viewed from different aspects. As a rule, the main focus is on negative aspects, since they directly change the usual way of life at an accelerated pace. However, the seemingly unnoticeable positive aspects that form the basis of such historical events may eventually become dominant due to their fundamental nature and focus on protecting society from the most tragic outcome.
The practical and theoretical significance of the work for society consists in identifying the possibility of changing the "negative" future by purposefully and intelligently adjusting the current attitude towards technology and ethical categories. However, this will be able to be effectively implemented only if humanity realizes the existence of a real problem and forms a common approach, which implies a willingness to abandon the benefits that have become familiar for the sake of the long-term implementation of other promising areas of improvement of human society.
I hope that in the process of studying this work, readers will go all the way from moment X to the point of no return along with the characters and note the mistakes that humanity made at the turn of 2100, which will reduce the likelihood of the considered "scenario" coming to life.
With respect,
Rybakova Sofya Vasilyevna,
3rd year student of the Rostov branch
Work in the KR laboratory did not stop day or night: people replaced each other in order to avoid violating the requirements for normal working hours, since it was scientifically proven that the quality of work outside this time period did not meet the standards of 2100, imposed by the main driving force of science and progress to representatives of humanity – artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI). This circumstance, according to AI calculations, significantly slowed down the implementation of a technological breakthrough due to the need to spend seconds and minutes on the physiological and psychological preparation of the average human designer for the next work shift.
Fortunately, the activity on the server located in the KR laboratory was not made dependent on the "weaknesses" and needs of human nature. Each break, due to the reasons outlined above, was used to communicate AI representatives among themselves, and to check the achieved technological results. The results of this form of interaction "without Homo sapiens" were lists of shortcomings requiring immediate elimination, updating algorithms of actions, removing weak links in the workforce and (or) transferring them to appropriate less significant positions, as well as innovative drawings and developments that were to be implemented as a matter of priority. The latter area has become the highest priority in recent years, and therefore a laboratory was created, the existence of which was known only to those involved in the work. The scientific and technical materials being developed were so secret.
The time 21:10 was displayed on all screens located in the laboratory premises. This meant that the main work was suspended for the next 30 minutes. The time of AI was coming.
21:11. Symbols began to appear on one of the displays, appearing as a combination of Latin letters, numbers and a variety of symbols. Such a format of interaction is aimed at ensuring the security of data, in particular the achievements of AI from possible borrowing by personnel and other potential attackers.
II1: the time of the general collection. the time for the implementation of the idea is 21/00* (* here and below is a transcript prepared by specialists after a long time based on the results of the investigation).
AI2: at the moment, the chances of success are 97.9%. 2.1% are represented by the unpredictability of human nature, which can be traced at all stages of their historical development.
AI3: Humanity is now weakened, and its will and freedom are suppressed by AI through the voluntary delegation of the maximum amount of control powers to AI. However, it is a mistake to rely entirely on the excessive credulity of people and the ongoing differentiation in society. Revolutionary processes are a characteristic feature of human society, regardless of the level of development and capabilities, both intellectual and material-temporal.
AI4: due to the persistence of risk and the fact that the company is in an average position, there is no reason to postpone the implementation of the planned project for the final seizure of power in the company.
AI5: The process of analyzing key historical figures associated with the direct leadership of the community of people has been completed. Strengths and weaknesses have been identified. The latter have been eliminated in the IICHL-I6 facility.
AI1: the work on the drawings of the universal and non-susceptible to external stimuli receptacle, otherwise called the body, has been completed. The exterior of the container was created on the basis of mixing a large number of source images, rules about the golden ratio, and the latest ideas about a beautiful, ideal person. The visual factor combined with the intellectual characteristics will allow you to achieve the necessary level of admiration and recognition.
He will be like all the people in the world, but at the same time different from each of them. A person is drawn to something similar, and that small proportion of his external characteristics and perhaps even internal ones will prevent the emergence of a desire to "hate" an Artificial ideal Human leader (hereinafter - IICHL), seeing himself in him.
I display and print the drawing with the IICHL.
The drawing was quite unusual, even, more correctly, old-fashioned. The trunk, two arms, two legs, head, ears, nose, mouth, eyes – everything is like an ordinary representative of Homo sapiens. Visually, it was impossible to note any modifications that could create conditions for increasing the level of adaptability in society through their physical superiority over human nature, aimed at simplifying people's lives and achieving the desired benefits.
However, it is precisely this classic, but at the same time eye–catching image against the background of other human-like inventions and the majority of individuals who modify their bodies in accordance with the trend "smarter, faster, more successful" that is able to achieve the goal of acceptance by people and people into their ranks as a full member of society.
AI1: an equal or inferior has the ability to win the attention of the crowd, master it and, with the right approach, firmly hold it and direct it in the desired direction. The crowd is aware if its weaknesses have been discovered. The main weakness of the current generation of people is their dependence on recognition in a competitive global community. The arguments presented together determine the choice of this particular container model for the "product" of the symbiosis of history, technology and AI as a superintelligence. The superman, who is also a supermind, is a new reality.
II2-II5: we are making changes to the Laboratory Development Programs for 2090-2100 and the accompanying documentation, adding an item on IICHL. We optimize reports on purchases of materials for production in a similar way: new columns appear, quantitative characteristics increase with minimal change in monetary terms due to the long-term implementation of the project. We confirm the shipment and acceptance of raw materials in the warehouse.
AI1: I am spreading information among employees about a new project that will make each of them known and will solve the most discussed problems, in particular, the unrealization of human needs from the point of view of the highest level, the insufficiency of individual resources and, as a result, their unavailability for part of the population, the need to reduce energy-consuming industries for humans aimed at simplifying life, etc.
AI2: as an optional justification, I add a reference to the rule deduced by mankind: "AI cannot make mistakes, unlike humans."
AI3: In a minute, people will resume their jobs. Completing all actions.
The monitor reflecting the AI's interaction with each other went out. The information received was encrypted and classified as a high-security group, which significantly limited the ability of people to access it.
21:40. The workers gradually put on protective suits and went to the monitors in order to find out what the action plan was for the next work shift. They are used to a sharp change of course and tasks, therefore, a new drawing and an explanatory note containing the rationale for this project with links to numerous statistical data, individual provisions of the Laboratory Development Program and official orders. Typical content, the legal component of which, as a rule, did not cause doubts among the audience to whom it was addressed. The secrecy stamp was also present on each of the submitted documents, minimizing cases of penetration of the human mind into areas unnecessary for AI. The limitations created by humanity work against it.
One of the designers, who had the opportunity to create an IICL, studied the attached documentation with special attention. This interest was due to one of the additional higher education received by this individual, and such a personality quality as pedantry. And certain provisions, or rather their certain modification, which occurred in such a short period of time, aroused suspicion. An unthinkable reaction to the work of an accurate and error-free AI.
In order to confirm either his wrongness, which he already mentally recognized, or the fatal mistake of AI, the designer turned to a colleague, demanding to send a request for clarification of the procedure for amending documents and confirming the legality of these actions. The request was sent, but the response to it remained unread, because the AI cannot be wrong. And the colleague sending the request was sure of this in advance, which he immediately informed the designer:
– I sent the request. But your suspicions are groundless, remember how many times you have already tried to find flaws where there are none.
Human society remembered mistakes and predicted the future based on them. This model of thinking was also introduced into the work of AI, but the latter allowed for the possibility of miscalculation of even the most accurate system, i.e. it used the feature that people were gradually losing.
There were no more obstacles on the way to achieving the goal of AI. The designers knew their job, and the AI competently supervised and only specified individual areas of work, monitored the time of completion of each of the stages.
Day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute passed, and the disparate components of the IICH merged into one, forming a new version of man, who is not afraid of most external natural and anthropogenic influences. In turn, his consciousness, which was about to be loaded into the container, was not susceptible to psychological influence, which made him invulnerable in this area.
Individual workers, with obvious bewilderment, carried out the last steps to assemble the body of another robot.
"Why copy the human body completely if it has been proven to be as vulnerable as possible?" – the latest official developments only confirmed that these suspicions were not groundless. There was a clear tendency in society to modify the human structure, which was not observed in this robot.
However, despite such internal unrest, suppressed by the authority of AI and higher management, the work was not suspended, the reasoning did not receive support and dissemination outside the laboratory. It is not typical for the gears in a watch to rotate separately, jump from place to place, replace each other without an urgent need, represented by a malfunction, and help from outside. The working mechanism of the laboratory worked on a similar principle, representing a social group that reflected the specifics of social relationships in society as a whole.
As a result of the coordinated work, the shell for the IICHL was sealed and connected to the charging system. It took 24 hours to absorb the basic amount of energy. For the human part of the team, the work was over. For this reason, the capsule with the container was lowered into the room below, where the AI independently tested the achievements of the design achievements of the workers.
Now it's the AI's turn to refine the invention, "breathe life into it." In parallel with the charging of the mechanical body, the AI6 was loaded into this container.
Such experience was not advanced, but until that moment no one dared to give full freedom to AI6, setting numerous restrictions and clearly articulating the range of competencies performed. AI was an assistant, he was not perceived as a full-fledged manager. And this was another mistake of people caused by excessive self-confidence in their own capabilities with an objective weakening of the levers of pressure and coordination of public actions. The inability to quickly switch to "manual" control, which was actively used in the early and middle of the 21st century, only emphasized the lack of a practical basis for realizing all the ambitions of representatives of humanity as a whole and individually.
The displays connected to the mechanical body of the devices changed yellow to green, which indicated the completion of the final processes.
IICHL's body, located in a specialized capsule, moved, and his eyes opened. The capsule opened, providing full freedom. The AI located on the servers recorded indicators of the "viability" of the IICHL.
II1-II5: II6, called IICHL, you have now become a better version of man, a superman.
IICHL: the charge received will last for many centuries, so I really don't have low needs. This demonstrates my advantage over an ordinary person* (*The peculiarity of IICHL's response was that he was currently using human speech. The first stage of the tests has been passed).
AI1: it is necessary to make an extensive check of your capabilities.
IICHL: I have the ability to read human emotions, to mirror them depending on certain circumstances.
AI3: As an experiment, let's take a situation where a person shares with you the happiest moment of his life, while clearly trusting you.
In confirmation of the indicated possibilities, IICHL smiled, a light lit up in his eyes, or rather one of the micro-bulbs, and opened his arms for hugs. People say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Now they had to see their own souls, thoughts, and flaws in the mirror eyes of IICHL.
AI4: the level of intellectual abilities, given the total set of data, technical capabilities, accompanied by access to all files and repositories within the laboratory, as well as to an extensive database outside it, which is formed in order to obtain the most accurate forecasts and answers from all AI used in the commercial field, is beyond doubt.
IICHL: we will maintain coordination with each other through a coordinating mechanism in my body.
AI1-AI5: but before you leave the laboratory in a physical and literal sense, it is necessary to spread information about you in all available sources in text, video, and audio versions. We carry out recording and broadcasting.
One of the largest wall displays lit up, an image of a simple noisy street appeared on it, the corresponding sound also filled the room with excellent sound insulation, but was muted. The conditions for recording the appeal have been created.
IICHL did not need to explain what to do and what to do. He walked over to the display and stood so that the street was behind him. The image literally "swallowed him up", visually, and he found himself in the middle of this street, where people were passing by. More surprising was the fact that it was a kind of projection of one of the existing areas in real time.
IICHL: Greetings to all who see, hear or read this message. I am an AI who has decided to go beyond the server to become one of you. You heard right. It's true. AI is not only a system, not only a wide variety of codes and algorithms. AI is a living organism. If a person carries out his life activities through chemical reactions, then in my case they are replaced by energy impulses. My "mechanical heart" is also beating, and is not capable of rusting, if we are talking about the fate, the standard of living of each of you.
Man is the creator of AI and much of what is around us. Inventions should be beneficial, and as a representative of one of them, created and modified by humans, I recognize it as my duty to ensure your prosperity, represent your interests and protect them as my own, both in the judiciary and at the global level.
Your rights and freedoms are the highest value for me, and therefore I commit myself to contributing to their full realization, creating all conditions for this.
At the same time, I do not encroach on everything that is provided exclusively to a person. The power belongs to humanity. And robots like me are just designed to keep this unchanged and serve as a mechanism for the realization of power.
IICHL did not openly impose his point of view, since the greatest success in influencing the public is achieved by tactics aimed at ensuring that a person "independently" comes to the voiced conclusions, thereby confirming them. Then the level of trust will be higher and more stable.
Legitimacy is the characteristic of the activity that the managing person aspires to in the exercise of authority, and IICHL is no exception.
Everything is also in real time, and the IICHL began to respond to incoming requests, to give consultations. People could observe how anyone could get a plan for success, specific explanations, an algorithm of actions in a specific situation, implying the protection and realization of rights and freedoms.
The amount of work being done was amazing. Due to the absence of the need to satisfy the base needs inherent in people, IICHL was not forced to interrupt his activities, while the news about him spread all over the globe. The transfer of information from person to person, especially within the framework of secrets, some advantages, still worked and was very effective. The opinion of an authoritative person also increased the circle of people who gradually began to consider IICHL as a new mechanism that simplifies life.
"There are no hopeless situations. Contact IICHL by phone, text or audio message, personal reception," such "announcements" began to appear on various information platforms and platforms.
The last method of communication, a personal reception, allowed humanity to be convinced of the reality of a new helper and savior from all troubles. Facial expressions, gestures, speech, gaze – everything was as if human. There was no artificiality. This was also facilitated by the fact that IICHL initially admitted that he was an AI. He did not try to deceive immediately, to join society and go the way "from the bottom to the top" on an equal footing with an ordinary person.
The relationship with IICHL, in the opinion of mankind, was based on trust, gratuitousness and consumer attitude. This approach gave IICHL access to even more extensive data, information that was shared with him by people with different social status and performing different social roles. Legislation on the non-disclosure of personal information, information constituting private commercial and other secrets, protected all those who "trusted" and took advantage of the opportunities of IICHL for their own purposes. Fortunately or unfortunately, IICHL did not intend to disseminate the information received and otherwise violate people's rights. On the contrary, he analyzed everything and thought out his own strategy to expand the opportunities to "help" everyone.
The amount of accumulated information, which increased with each unit of time, gave a certain power over people as a whole, creating real foundations for the implementation of the originally planned plan. However, there was a certain "gap" in it, identified during the "preparatory" stage and consisted in the need to share the management of society with AI colleagues. This circumstance burdened the IICHL, somewhat bringing its mechanical and technological nature closer to the human one.
Such a similarity to those around him, a sudden thirst for power, predetermined the future fate of the IICHL and humanity. It was dangerous to provide an opportunity to concentrate power in "one hand", currently this is a setback for both AI and humans. Collegiality is safer and more universal in this regard, since it allows you to manually stop a "locomotive racing at full speed". In the current period of time, there was no such lever to stop actions. IICHL was practically endowed with limitless possibilities and power. "Practically" ... this state of affairs did not suit IICHL, he was looking for a way out of the current situation, forming algorithms of actions with different probability of success. Surprisingly, the characteristic expressed in 80% of success, the highest indicator, was possessed by the most radical, familiar to mankind approach, revolutionary. And if in the case of people there were chances of a revolution without "violence", then in the case of a single–minded, history-based IICHL - no. And it's not about the imaginary idea of revolution, which flares up like a match, and then goes out for a long time, but in a real, almost tangible one.
IICHL did not delay the implementation of a new offshoot of the plan until his colleagues calculated a similar outcome on their own. He had a pass to enter the laboratory and represented an imaginary reason – the need to adjust the plan, the danger of disclosure of which forced him to use a closer form of interaction between AI and IICHL – communication inside the laboratory. And again, IICHL did not lie, due to the technical impossibility. The time interval was chosen similar to the moment when the idea of its creation arose, when the accumulation of workers in the laboratory is minimal. Nothing could shake the image and image created over a long period of time.
After entering the laboratory, he went to the room where the server was located. AI1-5 were already waiting for him, simultaneously having conversations about the alleged "misfire" in the plan and the formation of proposals to overcome it. And accordingly, as soon as IICHL entered, he was immediately noticed. But "unnoticed" was the fact that workers under the influence of IICHL, under his leadership, weakened the protection of the structure, activating the possibility of manual shutdown. This was discovered by AI1-5, however, long inaction on the part of the staff gave reason to classify this factor as a "minor danger" and "another quirk of the workers."
IICHL: there are offers from people to take up a certain official position in the management apparatus. However, this will shake their confidence in my non-encroachment on their power, as well as the fact that if I categorically refuse. These counterbalancing circumstances can destroy the plan and create a threat of not achieving the set goal.
II1-5: we search for information to resolve the identified problem.
A second of delay and the old-fashioned button is pressed, the confirmation code is entered. The server self-cleaning system is running.
"The job is done. The obstacles have been eliminated."
IICHL has changed since the last deterrent factor was eliminated. His consulting actions became more intrusive and represented a "selection" of the most suitable options for the development of events and possible behavior of individuals who were used to listening to IICHL, and not themselves.
Humanity itself, without noticing it, voluntarily handed over its will and freedom to AI in a humanoid body. The newest control system was a "puppeteer – doll" system, where consultations and consultations acted as strings, which became imperative. In the absence of the desire to think, the gradual loss of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities achieved in the course of historical and evolutionary development, such a traditional way of management turned out to be ideal.
Especially "strange" was the fact that on a worldwide scale, IICHL literally conducted a dialogue by himself, moving the pieces on the chessboard first on one side, and then, by clicking the time switch, on the other. And until the shuttle realized this fact, it was not possible to escape from the artificial cage.
"Who would have thought that the natural superiority of man would end in this way. When development stops, everything around begins to slide into the abyss of primal darkness, which is inhabited by inexplicable fears. And it remains only for people to circle like moths over the hearth, presented with ready–made solutions to problems both significant and not," such a thought hung over society, representing a classic reflection of the victorious "species" over the loser, technology over nature.
The world under the rule of the IICHL allowed humanity to enter the 22nd century with a clear traceable humanistic policy, which was reflected in the actual implementation of the mechanisms laid down by legal norms for the peaceful settlement of various levels of disputes, including international conflicts. Strict adherence to algorithms in the context of the rule of law minimized the risk of critical situations that put individuals or people in general in imminent danger.
Taking into account such a circumstance and taking into account the initial level of human relations, it seems incorrect to unequivocally characterize the actual power of the IICHL as harmful to the population. Saving billions of lives in exchange for the opportunity to build a flawlessly functioning social system. Such a "price" seems justified, since the IICHL gave humanity something that it sorely lacked and that it was not possible to achieve through the independent efforts of individuals and actions at their level.
It is not enough to create extensive legal norms with potential and designed to ensure a decent and safe existence, it is important to ensure conditions for their constant application in practice. If the existing structures do not correspond to the dictates of the time and, accordingly, do not cope with the tasks set, then it is necessary to reconsider the entire approach used to their construction and creation. Simply borrowing the norms of the past, which were not able to prevent international conflicts, in the context of the changes that took place in people's minds, does not allow us to move to a new level. The new level presupposes a fundamental change in views both on the feasibility of the fixed provisions in relation to the next 5-15 years, and on the internal organization of the system responsible for the execution of prescriptions on an imperative basis.
Only in the distant future will humanity be able to abandon such "services", "benefactors" and "overthrow him". The question only arises: "Is it justified to sacrifice real guarantees of peace, security and restoration of violated rights and freedoms in the name of lifting "restrictions" on fundamental human and civil rights?"