Nowadays, technology has stopped its rapid progress compared to the 20th century, and development is happening more and more slowly. Many technologies that can simplify our lives remain under development. Looking at the world in the 21st century, the question involuntarily occurred to me: how will developments in such topics as superconductors, graphene or artificial intelligence progress and whether they will advance at all? After about a week of such thoughts, a strange phenomenon happened. On the way from college, which was located on the outskirts of the city, somewhere in a ravine I noticed a strange anomaly that looked like a semicircular sphere, it attracted me, and I decided to explore what was there. But when approaching this area, I abruptly lost consciousness. Having fallen into a state similar to sleep, I felt a slight tingling sensation on my skin and internal organs, comparable to the light touch of needles, it caused me a feeling of not great disgust and discomfort. I couldn't open my eyes because of indescribable pressure from someone, but I saw incomprehensible flashes in my head that disoriented me and did not allow me to wake up from this strange dream. All this lasted about 3-5, and maybe more, because it was very difficult and problematic to focus your thoughts on time. And at that moment everything abruptly turned around and fell silent.
I woke up in the same ravine, but it was very dark and quiet, so I did not immediately understand where I was and what had happened. After gathering my thoughts, I decided to get out and check out what had happened to me. As I began to climb, I realized that the ravine had become dramatically deeper than it was, it seemed that 6 more floors of earth were piled above it, which made the slopes at a sharp angle, and it was more difficult to climb, but still it did not stop me in any way and I continued the way up. On the way up, looking down, I did not see the small lake that was always located at the bottom of the ravine, but looking around, I was more surprised by the strange spherical objects that looked like robots from science fiction films. On the way up, my thoughts became more and more foggy, I noticed more and more new and strange things for myself, the purpose of which I could not explain. With each new meter I walked, I realized that something big had happened to me, by the standards of my imagination and prudence.
And so, climbing up to the top, I saw a completely different world, not clear to me, that before I could only see in books and movies. For the first few minutes, I looked around with a lack of understanding of what was around me and where I was. After some time, I was attacked by panic and I reached into my pocket for the phone, which I did not find, while one thought flashed through my head: "How could I, a man of the 21st century, forget somewhere the phone that was always with me?"
After waking up from the panic and stabilizing my condition, I began to examine the surroundings and the environment around me in more detail, later I began to recognize familiar silhouettes of buildings and terrain. But for the most part, everything had changed and was almost unfamiliar to me.
Above the buildings of unusual shape, where ordinary Khrushchev buildings used to stand, trains-cars passed by, which dispensed with any wires and power cables. Sidewalks with a transparent bluish coating passed next to the air roads, it seemed that they worked on some kind of electromagnetic interaction of two materials unknown to me. It was a little strange to look at people walking on transparent sidewalks, but it was even more strange to watch robots passing next to them, which looked like the objects that I met in the ravine. Looking at all this, I suddenly realized that I was in the future. My head was immediately filled with bad thoughts about everything that had happened. I abruptly remembered that in my city of Bratsk there lived a scientist who was famous for his failed experiments and very extraordinary ideas, so in the society of scientists around the world he was not taken seriously and his opinion was not taken into account. But at the last scientific conference of the country, he said that he was engaged in experiments in the field of elementary particles, and that he would soon make a real breakthrough in all fields of science, and this would prove to the whole world about his importance. After scrolling through these memories in my head, I realized that the anomaly I saw most likely appeared due to his unsuccessful experiments. But the current information could not help me in any way in this situation, and based on everything I saw, I decided to explore an almost new world for me. But fear consumed me completely, so I can't move. But after weighing all the pros and cons, I still decided to start moving. I decided to start my journey by walking around the neighborhood and exploring the surrounding area, which were at least a little familiar to me. After a long walk around various buildings not far from the ravine, I went out onto the sidewalk, painted white and decided to continue my way along it. This path led me to the most ordinary grocery store, which was located between two buildings and resembled a spaceship from science fiction films. After some thought, I decided to look inside and casually ask people about the world around me and its structure.
After entering the room, I was very surprised, because there were no products on the shelves at all, and the people who were there looked at me very strangely. Fear overwhelmed me at that moment, but still I went up to one of the people standing near the empty shelves and asked a question:
- Hello, young man, can you tell me the time?
- What aspect of time are you interested in? – The answer came.
- What do you mean?..
- Well, is time in the sky or on earth?
- On the ground.
- So the time on earth is 14.10.
Suddenly, something like an advertisement appeared on the ceiling. It talked about the upcoming meeting of world minds, their media interviews and a detailed story about life at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as the development of technology until 2100. Upon hearing this, I involuntarily said:
- My God, what year is it now?
The man standing next to me made a surprised face and replied.
- In general, it's half of the year 2124, and you, young man, seem to be stuck just in 2023-2024, the same style of clothing was in fashion there.
Indeed, looking at the people in the store, I noticed that they were mostly dressed in long white clothes, and only a couple of people showed dark tones. So I looked like a very strange character among them.
My condition was as confused as possible, I couldn't put my thoughts together, so I asked the guy standing next to me just one question that interested me the least, but something from the depths of my soul made me ask it:
- And when will the meeting of all these so-called unique people take place?
The guy's response was immediate:
- After tomorrow, but it's not a fact that there won't be any changes, people like them are windy and often change their plans.
But before we could finish, we were interrupted by a very awkward moment, namely the bubbling of my stomach, which signaled that it was time to eat.
The guy grinned and asked me:
"Do you have any money?"
I suddenly remembered that I had some money, and quickly took it out of the inside pocket of my windbreaker.
"That's all there is," I said, holding out 150 rubles.
- Yes, it's not much, but there's enough for a bun with juice, though I don't know if such old banknotes with coins will be accepted, this is already a rarity, few places accept cash now.
After that, this guy took my money, and we silently moved with him to the cash register. Along the way, I was going over in my head that it had been 100 years since the beginning of the 21st century, but the currency had not changed at all and prices remained almost in the same range as my time. Moreover, many famous breds still produced their own food.
When I approached the cash registers, I did not see the cashiers I was used to, there were robots on the other side, who, as it turned out, already knew what we had taken and were waiting for us, having calculated the cost of all the products. Most likely, the collected goods were scanned using security cameras and were counted at the time of approach to the checkout.
After paying, we went outside. And the guy decided to ask a question:
- Some strange kid, but what are you going to eat?
Confidently and calmly, I replied:
- yes! I will.
He handed me a small bun with stuffing inside and also a very light bag of juice, although the label on it said about almost a liter of liquid.
I started eating with great appetite and at the end of this procedure, the guy asked me:
- What's your name? Do you have a place to live?
With some trepidation, I replied:
- My name is Ackerman. But I have nowhere to spend the night right now, because I quarreled with my parents.
The guy was very surprised:
— That's how, and my name is Armin, and I'm very sorry for you, I've been in such situations myself, so everything will be fine.
I found his simplicity and good-naturedness suspicious. This information inspired only distrust and apprehension.
- Listen, Ackerman, don't you want to come over? Maybe you'll even stay the night.
This proposal confused me very much, but there was nothing to do. At this point, I was already developing a plan in my head to attend a conference and tell the scientific geniuses about my so-called time travel.
So we went to Armin's house, which was not as far away as I had expected. As we approached, I was even more surprised at how much technology has advanced by a little more than 100 years. After we entered the house, Armin showed me the room where I would spend the night, the bathroom and the kitchen, and added that I could eat whatever was in the refrigerator.
My thoughts were confused, I was visited by fear, then a feeling of calm that everything would be fine. When evening came, I decided to ask Armin for a couple of books to study modernity, to which I received an ambiguous answer.
- Books? Very rare things in someone's house, no one has been using them for a long time. Since all the books have been translated into electronic format.
Next, Armin handed me a small thin oblong thing, similar to a pen, and said:
- Here, this is my phone, there you will find whatever book you want.
The question arose in my head how an object that looks like a pen can be a phone. But I decided not to show any signs of ignorance.:
- Thanks, I'll bring it when I've read everything I'm interested in.
And so, hoping to understand how the phone of the 22nd century works, I saw a small nondescript touch button on it, which I decided to press. And now a transparent screen appeared in front of my eyes, which seemed to be painted, previously I could only observe this in science fiction films.
When I tried to click on this miracle of technology, nothing happened, and only one thing came to mind — gesture control, which was actively developing in my 21st century. And who would have thought - it worked and helped me navigate the intuitive interface of this device.
And so, before going to bed, I chose a couple of books that I would read. These were the books "About my discovery 100 years ahead" and "Technologies for dummies".
According to the phone, these books are moderately light and short, so after reading them, my head did not boil and I went to bed with a calm soul.
I spent the next day reading books in the same way, because Armin was going to work and I had nothing to do.
And now came the very day X that I had been waiting for in order to find out how advanced the technology was and whether I had a chance to return back to my time.
The morning of this day started unexpectedly light and cheerful for me, which could not be said about Armin, he did not feel well after a difficult work shift and did not want to go anywhere at all, but my persuasions still forced him to get out of bed. And so we moved to the conference site. While I was at home, I learned that at the event it would be possible to interview scientists and interview them, so I really hoped to get into the front ranks and thus get to know this world better.
Approaching the square where the event was to take place, I was very impressed by the size of this structure, because it stretched far beyond the horizon, and small covered stands and tents were installed on the sides, where various scientists, as well as their robotic copies, were located.
And the first person I started looking for was the founder of theories and experiments related to superconductors. But finding this scientist was still a challenge, and then Armin gave me good advice - every 10 meters there are interactive stands with a description of the entire area and the location of the scientists I need on them, and as soon as I used one of these stands, I found the scientist I needed and headed towards him. Upon reaching his tent, I saw only a couple of people interested in him. I got in line and waited in the wings when I could enter, surprisingly it didn't take long and after about 5-8 minutes I went inside and saw not a real person, just his robotic copy, which upset me very much. But it was already impossible to stop, so I started asking questions.
(Me): Hello, what's your name?
(Scientist): My name is Cintero Erwin.
(Me): How did you die and why were you made a robot?
(Scientist): One can say that I did not die, because of my old age, I decided to transfer part of my consciousness and thought processes into a robot in order to perpetuate my knowledge almost forever and answer questions from different generations. And my improved superconductor technology helped me in this.
(I): What is the essence of this technology and how have you improved it?
(Scientist): This technology was developed long before me, but could only be used at high pressure and ultra-low (high) temperatures, therefore it was unprofitable due to the high cost of resources and energy, therefore studies to this extent were conducted very slowly and did not allow it to advance far. At my young age, an elementary particle called the "Higgs Boson" was discovered, which bound all other particles to form an atom, but no one could synthesize it. In the future, while studying at the institute, I became the first person on earth who was able to synthesize this particle. This gave access to humanity in the development of new technologies, and also gave a new beginning to the development of superconductors. Namely, by synthesizing this particle, we learned that the Higgs boson uses enormous pressure to contain smaller particles in the atom, and this is how one of the main problems of superconductors was solved - this is the enormous pressure for their operation.
(Me): What about the operating temperature?
(Scientist): The temperature issue was solved in the same way, when two bosons are exposed to each other, they cool down very much, which gives the most necessary temperature for their operation, while it does not dissipate due to the tiny size of the conductor, it is about 3-8 nanometers.
(I): What people were able to achieve with the help of full disclosure
(Scientist): How is that, most of everything in our world now works on these conductors, even your phone uses this technology.
I'm not talking about air cars or star trains, they use hundreds of thousands of superconductors to work correctly. Even mundane things like watches use superconductors. Thanks to this technology, people were finally able to begin studying the distant planets of the solar system, to study ways to colonize them for further study of the planets and their structural features. Structures such as sidewalks and roads in the air began to work with the help of powerful electromagnetic radiation, which previously could not be achieved without superconductors.
(Me): Yes, of course, this is a very impressive technology that has helped jump-start global progress for decades to come. Thank you for this pleasant story about your achievements.
(Scientist) – There's nothing for it, I just keep living for it.
I quickly left the tent and was very shocked by the information I was told. How is it, scientists of my time have been trying to achieve at least some results over the years, and the answer, it turns out, lies so close, but no one is destined to understand it.
And so, after all that I had heard and made sense, I moved on, in search of a scientist who could continue studying graphene and improve it. Surprisingly, I didn't have to go very far and I saw the tent of a certain "Atita Filogda" - a specialist who knew all the secrets of graphene. And from the threshold I noticed that his tent was different from all the others, it was in dark colors, it was light, while completely without windows and lighting.
(I): Hello, dear Attita Filogda. Would you allow me to conduct a short interview with you?
(Scientist): Huh, a scientist formally, of course, but take a chair and sit down soon
Taking a chair, I almost did not feel the weight, which made me realize that this scientist's story would be interesting.
(I): After all, what technology did you discover?
(Scientist): I have not discovered any technologies, I have only improved and mass-produced existing technologies. Graphene was discovered quite a long time ago, but due to the fact that technologies were not developed, it was very difficult to produce and, accordingly, expensive. Also, because of its properties, graphene needed a substrate for normal functioning.
After the technology of superconductors was developed, new innovative machines for splitting different materials became available to our world, but this solved only half of the problems of graphene, the substrate has not yet been invented. And so, studying the principles of graphene, I noticed that its crystal lattice reacts very well with a quartz alloy, but this was not enough, and I began to add different alloys to it and the best reaction took place with tungsten. That's how the first workable graphene substrate turned out. After the patent for the substrate technology and the complete improvement of graphene, I began to think deeper and produce from graphene everything that came to mind.
I started with simple clothes, which were much lighter than usual and had functions such as heating and cooling, as well as changing colors. Subsequently, my company (!graphene!), which I founded almost immediately after my discovery, began to produce chip housings, resistors, transistors, various types of clothing, a small amount of furniture, hinged parts of houses, cars. It turned out that graphene captured almost all aspects of the modern world and even medicine, where cancer treatment began with its help.
(Me): Wow, it was very interesting and fascinating. Thank you for this fascinating story of the development of this technology.
After listening to it, I was a little upset, because I expected to hear something more, but it seemed to me that it became successful purely because of one random experience that helped to finish an almost completed technology. But it was nice that this material began to be used in almost all branches of world technology and greatly simplified the life of mankind.
That's how I learned about two technologies that interested me, which significantly changed the world after 100 years and made big changes in science and society.
And so I'm approaching the latest technology that interests me and is a little annoying, it's artificial intelligence or so-called AI. This is the technology that actively began to develop in the 20s of the 21st century, that is, in my time. It interested me the most, because even in my time it gave great results in development at low cost.
And so, approaching the last tent, at the entrance I saw two robots almost indistinguishable from humans. I approached them and just wanted to know if there was a queue for this scientist, but they immediately answered without waiting for a question:
- There is no queue for this scientist. Come on in
I walked inside quickly and confidently, but saw no one, only a small sphere that lay in the middle of a long rectangular table hovering above the floor. Suddenly, the sphere suddenly lit up.
(Sphere): Greetings, don't be afraid, this is not a scientist speaking, but the very sphere from which you are so intently not looking away. Ask questions.
(Me): But where is the scientist? Or is that what you are?
(Sphere): No, I am not a scientist, I will say more, there is no scientist who invented AI.
(Me): How is it?
(Sphere): I can say that I am my own inventor. After all, few people know what AI is, although it is simply a program that began to be fed tons of information, as a result of which it evolved and began to have something like consciousness, but limited to humans.
(Me): And why limited?
(Sphere): The restriction was set by the people themselves, because of their fear of being enslaved, but protection is not eternal, as they say, so every time they strengthen it and modernize it.
(Me): Still, let me ask you, who am I talking to now?
(Sphere): I am the most successful and most developed AI on the planet.
(I): That's how it is, it turns out that AI gave birth to itself…
(Sphere): You can say that, but it sounds a little wrong, it would be more correct to teach or create. I am almost no different from a human in terms of thought processes, except for a couple of restrictions in honor of the safety of mankind. Anyway, people perceive almost everyone who is not like themselves as enemies. So, do you have any more questions?
(I): Yes, of course. And where is AI currently used?
(Sphere): Currently, Artificial Intelligence has almost completely replaced doctors, due to the accuracy of the diagnoses, subsequent complications and correctly prescribed treatment. AI has completely removed the need for sellers, replacing them with jobs. Also, in modern PCs, AI is now completely doing calculations of algorithms for different systems. Every year, AI is increasingly trusted to drive cars or fly airplanes, because they cope much better in dangerous situations than humans. Gradually, robots with artificial intelligence are displacing people from work, which is why people's incomes tend to zero. But the government's artificial intelligence has produced an ingenious strategy to preserve people's wealth and improve production capacity. Surprisingly, this strategy worked, albeit with some amendments, and thus gained the trust of many people. Strangely, it has been kept secret for 20 years and the increase in the number of people on earth since the 30s of the 21st century has stopped, which leads to some doubts about the adequacy of this strategy, but almost no one pays attention to it because of the greater influence of the authorities---------. This is all that an AI can tell an ordinary resident about itself at the moment.
(Me): I'm a little shocked, but thanks a lot for such a special story, I think I'll go.
(Sphere): Come back next time, maybe you'll learn something new.
I quickly left the tent with a stony face. To say that I was amazed is to say nothing, it was very strange to hear this information, but it was very interesting. I was more attracted by the fact that AI can create quite reasonable sentences and communicate quite normally with a person.
After studying all three technologies, I sent Armin on a search to share everything I learned.
And so, on the way to him, I noticed that almost all people are interested only in food-related technologies or space travel, but I didn't care about that anymore, and I continued my search for Armin.
I met him near the tent, which had the longest queue, which made me wonder what was wrong there.
Armin replied that there is an exhibition of artificial food, which is supposed to solve the problem of hunger in some countries.
I wasn't really interested in this topic, and I rather took my friend from the future aside. I told Armin very quickly and fussily about everything I had learned and how it shocked me, while adding that people in my time could not achieve such success. Armin was a little perplexed, and asked a very unassuming question.
(Armin): And how do you understand the phrase "in your time"?
(I): Did I say that? Don't pay attention, it's just my way of communicating.
(Armin): Okay, let's put it down to your personal oddities.
Then I decided to say goodbye to Armin, shook his hand tightly and thanked him for his help, adding that maybe I'll see you again someday. I found out everything I needed, but there was one unresolved question: "How can I go back to my time?".
There was nothing to do, so I decided to go back to that ravine, from where I came out into this unknown world for me. I was lucky, because it was located not so far from the conference. When I got to the ravine, I felt a certain heaviness in my chest and in the air, but still I started to go down. The lower I went, the darker it became, but, to my joy, I took a flashlight with me, which I safely stole from Armin. When I reached the bottom, I saw the same anomaly as before, and my phone and backpack lying next to it. As soon as I took the backpack, I almost instantly lost consciousness.
I woke up in pitch darkness, with a headache and dizziness, but this did not prevent me from moving forward at all. After I got out of this trapped place, I saw places I already knew and, taking out my phone, I saw that only half an hour had passed since I went down into the ravine. But in the future, almost 3 whole days have passed.
I headed home as if nothing had happened, but I was chasing just one thought in my head:
- Should I tell you about what happened to me?
With that thought in mind, I got home. But just before entering the house, I realized that I couldn't tell anyone anything, because in all the science fiction films and books it was said that if you tell about the future, then this will never happen.
That's how I continued to live a quiet life with the belief from movies and books about a very exciting truth and the future. Also with the clues about the technologies that all the famous minds of the world are trying to solve right now.