"The future is an invisible world that we create ourselves." — Alvin Toffler.
Just think about the fact that the history of civilization could not exist if people did not think about tomorrow. Thinking about what changes may overtake humanity in the "future year 2100", what difficulties humanity will have to face and how we can make our future clearer and more definite is the main reason for our creation. Of course, our forecast of the "future in 2100" has its limitations, since it is based on our current experience and knowledge, which will be updated every year. Therefore, no matter how brilliant a person is, even his imagination will be limited by the time interval in which he lives.
It is difficult to imagine today without computers and gadgets, but humanity has not yet moved into the electronic world in the literal sense — this will be possible only with the complete digitization of our consciousness. I think that in the year 2100, society will appreciate human nature in a digitized life.
The development of virtual universes, worlds and avatars can cause unprecedented changes in society. The human psyche has hardly changed in the last 100 years, and from the point of view of anthropology, 30 years is one second. However, technology is quite capable of transforming communication and relationships between people. On the Internet, many people say things that they would not say in person, so it is quite possible that widespread digitalization in the future will lead to people seeing human qualities more vividly and polarized.
Many people are afraid of digital inequality, but we must not forget that inequality has always been there, and digital inequality is likely to be easier to overcome than, for example, economic inequality. Digital social elevators may be more accessible than elevators in real life. In my opinion, it is the "figure" that can reduce the level of inequality and entry barriers in society. Perhaps digital technologies can greatly displace traditional means of exchange, replacing, for example, money with social and ethical ratings or completed levels in computer games.
Thus, a more developed society is expected, where there will be more equal opportunities for all people. I think that social inequality will be eliminated completely, and all people will have access to education, medicine, housing and other basic services. A more developed society also means a more advanced economy and a higher standard of living for many people.
In addition, with new technologies, new ways of communication and communication will appear. New social networks and digital platforms will be developed, which will provide new opportunities for communication and participation in public life.
Still, people usually prefer to communicate with people, and robots in this regard are unlikely to be able to compete with them significantly. In addition to communicating with each other, people will have a very important social role of "robot educators", which consists in passing on our human values to them.
In the future, in the year 2100, human life will look completely different. Due to the development of artificial intelligence, people will be massively displaced from the sphere of production and services, just as peasants were displaced from the fields during the industrial revolution. Customer service will be provided by software agents and robots with advanced conversational intelligence, unlimited knowledge and equally unlimited patience.
Each person will have their own personal "robot assistant" who will perform all daily tasks for them. Such a robot will read the human condition daily, monitor his health and well-being. In case of a threat to life or health, a personal assistant robot will automatically send the received readings to an electronic medical book and call an ambulance. Also, these assistant robots will be able to detect extremely aggressive behavior, which will be accompanied by the call of certain organs.
This is exactly how I imagine one day from the future of the year 2100. The human dwelling is equipped with interactive panels and artificial intelligence, furniture that transforms from one object to another. Every morning, a person will make up a number of daily tasks for the robot assistant (cooking, monitoring the physical and moral well-being of a person, cleaning the house, ordering groceries, etc.). In short, the robot assistant will ensure that all the established mechanisms work smoothly.
With the advent of such assistants, a person will have more free time for self-development and communication with family and other people. Thus, people will become more friendly, attentive and kind to everyone around them, and society will become truly one for everyone. I believe that people will take more care of the comfort of others and respect each other.