At the current stage of development of artificial intelligence technologies and the media, society is asking the question: "What will the rapid trend in the development of IT technologies lead to?" or "What awaits us in the future, given the progress in the information industry?". In my essay, I will give free rein to my imagination and try to answer the above-mentioned questions that have been bothering the minds of mankind for many years.
Indeed, but human labor has been actively replaced by machine labor for about two decades – there is a robotization of labor, which cannot but positively affect the economy as a whole. But here is a paradox: a working person, whose work has been replaced, experiences a twofold feeling – on the one hand, his work is simplified, and on the other, his manual labor is evaluated accordingly lower.
Such an increase in robotization allows us to make some predictions: based on statistics (Fig. 1), it can be assumed that in the relatively near future – approximately in 2050, the number of robots working at large enterprises will increase 7 times and will number about 157 million, 94 thousand units, and by 2100 a record 2 trillion, 640 billion, 278 million, 858 thousand units.
(Fig. 1) Annual shipments of industrial robots in the world 2013-2021 (Forecast, thousand units)
That is, if the annual growth of robots remains at the same level, then soon the entire human population of the earth will be more free from labor. But in this regard, the problem of unemployment arises ... It would not be a bad solution to differentiate jobs between robotic machines and live personnel. AI cannot accurately perform certain actions, whereas a human, perhaps with more time and effort, will perform similar activities more clearly. It should also be noted that the development of artificial intelligence in the 22nd century will contribute to the creation of new jobs and opportunities for people. Although some tasks will be performed by robots, humans will be able to focus on more creative and intelligent tasks, which will unlock the full potential of the human mind.
Already all modern workspaces are equipped at a high level with advanced technical means - computers, scanners, printers and other very useful devices. In addition, modern technologies overtake us in the most unexpected places - they spread to our home, taking every corner under their virtual wing, they penetrate into our cars, making trips saturated with information, and most importantly, they filled our lives, seemingly everywhere.
In the work "The Charm" by K. Saimak, it tells about the time when robots will become an integral part of our world. The main character, a machine named "Prelest", had amazing abilities - she was a researcher, analyst, spaceship and many others. The work of the "Charm" required the presence of at least three astronauts. She could listen and talk, heal and play games with people. One day, the astronauts landed on a planet they called "Honeymoon", and here the "Charm" confessed her love to them. She decided to run away with them, fearing that she would be left on Earth. The machine expected reciprocity from people and was offended when they started behaving offensively. It took a lot of effort to find a solution that satisfied all parties.
There is a danger that robots can make independent decisions. Many science fiction writers describe scenarios of the rise of machines in their works. Scientists, by creating robots that are as close to humans as possible, run the risk of getting emotionally unstable machines. It will be much more difficult to deal with such robots than with humans. A machine engulfed in anger is capable of destroying life on Earth and the planet itself. However, despite the potential dangers, robots have huge potential to improve human life. They can perform dangerous tasks, help people with disabilities, and improve production efficiency. It is important to find a balance between technology development and security. Therefore, along with the development of advanced robots, it is also necessary to pay attention to ethical and legal aspects and create control and security mechanisms. Interaction between humans and robots should be based on mutual respect and understanding. Thus, a future where robots will become familiar things can be both prosperous and dangerous. But with the right approach and responsibility, we can ensure the safe and mutually beneficial coexistence of people and machines.
Thus, by the beginning of the 22nd century, artificial intelligence will become one of the most significant achievements of mankind. Progress in this area will allow us to introduce artificial intelligence into all areas of our lives, opening up new perspectives and opportunities. One of the key points will be the creation of robots with self-awareness and the ability to learn. Artificial intelligence with self-awareness will open up new horizons in the field of automation and production. Robots will be able to perform complex tasks that previously required human participation. They will be able not only to repeat actions, but also to adapt to new conditions, learn from experience and make decisions based on the information received. This will significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of many industries, such as industry, medicine, transport and more. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the possible ethical and legal problems associated with the use of artificial intelligence. A number of questions arise: How can we guarantee the safety and reliability of robots with self-awareness? What measures should be taken to ensure that they do not harm people or abuse their opportunities? These issues require the development of strict regulations and laws that would regulate the use of artificial intelligence and protect the rights and interests of people.
In addition, ethical questions arise about the nature of artificial intelligence: What does it mean to have self-awareness and the ability to learn for robots? What will be their role in society? What rights and responsibilities should be assigned to them? These issues require serious discussion and the development of ethical principles so that artificial intelligence can be used for the benefit of humanity.
So, the development and implementation of artificial intelligence in all spheres of our lives will become one of the most important achievements of the 22nd century. However, it is necessary to take into account ethical and legal aspects, as well as to ensure the safety and reliability of robots with self-awareness. The development and use of artificial intelligence should be aimed at the benefit of humanity and the improvement of our lives.