Hello, dear readers! Before introducing you to my work, I would like to tell you a little about how it was created. My task was to reveal how I see our world on the horizon of 2100. Actually, it's not that far in the future, but I hope that during this time we can change for the better. It seems to me that solving the issues I have raised will help us avoid many catastrophes and give many people the opportunity to find happiness. I hope that everyone who reads my work will think about how we are destroying our home planet and how we can fix it, think about those people who are oppressed by society and how we could help them.
Well, to top it off, it's worth saying a few words about yourself. I am 18 years old, I am from Rostov-on-Don, and I would really like our descendants to see the world that I have described, and maybe even better. I'm sure we can do it!
While helping his parents with the move, sorting out boxes of old things, Dragomir Niksiferov discovered a paper media, which was almost unheard of in their time. In fact, the book turned out to be a handwritten diary, on the cover of which was the name of Dragomir's grandmother, Maria, in looped handwriting.
The guy decided to take the manuscript with him and later ask his mother about it. In the first days of the vacation week, he did not find the right moment, and in the end he completely forgot about it, immersed in the vanity of being.
Thus, a stack of tattered sheets, covered with artificial black leather, ended up in the depths of the suitcase and flew with Dragomir to his modest abode on the equator of a small blue planet in the central star system.
Finally found among the things, by the end of one of the hard working days, the diary caused an irresistible desire to read it and distract from the work routine. Dragomir did not deny himself this and sat over him for many hours. Reading the manuscript fascinated him for several weeks, it contained various moments of his grandmother's life, starting with her late childhood and ending with the birth of Anna, his mother. In her notes, Grandma Maria talks about how she sees the future, how it will differ from her time, and a lot of attention in the text was paid to describing her colorful dreams about a better world, about a perfect society, about real sincere happiness, which she hoped her children and grandchildren would have. Some part was occupied by stories from her life, the reading of which caused Dragomir to have an attack of sensual nostalgia, returning him to childhood, when his mother talked about her youth and her grandmother's life. Touched, he decides to write a letter to Maria, but after starting to write it, Dragomir remembers that he will not be able to give the letter to his grandmother.
A few days later, he has a dream where he holds Maria's hand, leads her through the streets and tells her everything, he talks to her for hours, she gives him advice until it's time for her to return to her two thousand twenty-something year.
During breakfast, Dragomir replays some moments of the dream in his head and remembers his grandmother's surprise when he told her that they did not travel through time through black holes. The knowledge gained in astrophysics lessons pops up in his head, where they were told about the theory of paired black holes connecting different time intervals and that this theory was refuted thirty years ago. He told Maria so – it was impossible, but she only smiled mysteriously and answered him that no matter how advanced their civilization was, you always need to believe in a miracle.
And you know, he decided to believe and still write a letter. Dragomir remembered that there was a small black hole in his parents' star system that could be suitable for sending a letter. He spent hours composing his message, trying not to give out those things that could disrupt the space-time continuum. Therefore, his letter consisted mainly of stories about what had already been invented in his grandmother's time, but had not been put into use, and what seemed important to her to him, but was already quite likely. In the end, he got this option:
Dragomir Niksiferov
Hello, dear Grandma Maria!
Your future grandson is writing to you. In this letter, I would like to tell you how life has changed, what people have become. You've always dreamed of finding out how the world will change, by the way, I read about it in your diary. Thank you for writing it, it has become my outlet in recent days. I would like to start from the moment of my birth.
14.04.2064. Mom and dad are standing in front of my capsule, oh yes, now children are raised in transparent heavy-duty bubbles. When a woman finds out about pregnancy, the embryo is transferred to such a capsule for gestation, this helps to reduce the risk to the child and mother. Thanks to this technology, my parents could watch my development every day. It seems a little strange and for quite a long time scientists have not been able to introduce this into the lives of ordinary people, it seemed to many to be unethical. But that was until this development started saving lives. Of course, not all families take advantage of this opportunity, but most people carry children in this way.
As I have already said, thanks to this development, the danger to the lives of women and their unborn children has decreased, which in turn has led to an active population growth. In just ten years, the world's population has grown by two billion, and the problem of overpopulation of the planet has worsened. Despite the fact that most of the environmental problems were solved when my mother was my age, the Earth could not cope with so many people, its resources were rapidly declining. Something had to be done about it and it had to be done very quickly.
Scientists decided to create new planets. I know it sounds incredible, but it turned out to be quite possible. The process by which new celestial bodies are formed has long been known. You've probably been told about this at school.
Initially, it was planned to create planets from an artificial core by adding cosmic dust to it, and then place them in the solar system into a new orbit. Unfortunately, such planets turned out to be short-lived, it was impossible to put a large charge of energy into the core, and within a few years the magnetic field weakened, the planet went out of orbit and crumbled.
Due to the developing medicine and improved ecology, the world's population continued to grow rapidly. As a result, all countries united and held an international vote, everyone could propose their own idea. The solution was found by a group of astrophysicists from Russia, their idea was to create planets not from scratch, but to take protostars as a basis, accelerate their thermonuclear reactions. As a result, accretion processes in the protoplanetary disk had to take place at an accelerated pace.
There are a sufficient number of young stars in our galaxy around which a star system can be created. This is what humanity was doing at that time. Even the first attempts to introduce Daenerium plasma accelerators into the star were generally successful, but the process itself was too slow, it should have taken 30-50 years to create a star system. Although such a speed was incredible by the standards of the universe, humanity could not afford it. Over time, we have learned to create planets faster, and now it takes about 10 years from the moment a suitable protostar is discovered to the beginning of settlement of its planets.
Suitable conditions for life were artificially formed on new planets, an atmosphere was created, soil was brought, plants were planted, various living organisms were imported, houses were built.
It seems to me that you should have a question: "What do all these people eat?" This, by the way, is very interesting, because we have given up eating animal food and, in general, we no longer exploit animals. Farms and zoos have not existed for a long time, and now it is forbidden to have pets, now people are not engaged in breeding and breeding ornamental species.
Well, protein food is now reproduced artificially, in every dwelling there is a device that prints a universal meat substitute, although, of course, unlike it in appearance and taste. Plant food is even easier, by the way, plantations, arable land, vegetable gardens and orchards have disappeared along with farms. Now trees and shrubs have been planted in the central alleys of all cities, the fruits of which, if used correctly, replenish the daily allowance of everything necessary for the human body and, by the way, there are no allergies to them. In addition to the fruit-bearing plants, drinking fountains are installed in each block so that everyone can quench their thirst.
Despite the fact that large corporations profited from natural human needs, they also gave jobs to many people. But I can say with full confidence that we have no problems with unemployment, everyone can find a suitable occupation if they wish, and each state undertakes to help everyone, taking into account their capabilities and health characteristics. The majority of humanity is engaged in the construction of new planets and their arrangement, the second most popular is work in the scientific, medical and educational fields, but there are many other in-demand activities.
Earlier, I talked about education as a popular field of work, but I would like to delve into this topic. Most of those who have a profession related to the educational process are not directly involved in it, i.e. they do not teach. These people are engaged in making up educational programs, determining what should be studied to a greater extent and what does not matter at all, introducing new sciences and ways of learning itself. Those who used to be called teachers and teachers are now called mentors, they do not teach hundreds of children and teenagers, the maximum possible is five wards, but usually there are two or three of them. In general, the concept of school is outdated, we have academies that bring together mentors with a roughly similar approach and provide them with all the necessary resources for learning. Although I said that teachers from the same educational institution usually have similar teaching methods, this is not entirely true, because all mentors have a special approach for each student – this is the basic principle of modern education.
I graduated from one of the leading academies in my field, Sirius. There I got a profession that will be promising for more than one earthly century. I will not spread out abstruse names and I will simply say that my profession is an architect, I am engaged in the development of new cities.
I would also like to talk about the crime rate. You mentioned that you were born at a time when lawlessness reigned in your country due to the difficult economic situation. Now the number of crimes is close to zero, people are not dying of hunger, they are not motivated by the desire to get rich and, in general, money now has practically no influence on humanity. Everyone can reveal their talent and gain recognition in society. The absence of domestic violence and the mandatory right of children to a prosperous family and decent upbringing also had a great impact on society. All people who are planning or expecting a child must undergo psychological testing and special parenting courses, and although problems with expectant parents are quite rare, if any are found, they are removed from the child and a suitable family is selected for him, usually already having several children. We no longer mask problems, we solve them.
Unfortunately, with all my desire, I cannot tell you more, and therefore my story is coming to an end. Finally, I can say that everything is fine with us and I was happy to read the memories that you saved for me.
With love,
After finishing the letter and rereading it several times, the guy was satisfied with the result. He bought a sealed capsule with a small jet engine, which also has a very accurate navigator, in which parcels are now delivered. Having packed his manuscript in it, Dragomir ran out of the house in the direction of the intergalactic station, on the way booking tickets for the nearest high-speed cruiser to the star system where his parents live.
Having reached the least populated planet in the system, which is closest to the black hole. Dragomir rented a small single-seat shuttle and went abroad to the star system. Flying up to the area of space-time distortion and stopping at its border, the guy opened a compartment where tools for repairing the ship, a first-aid kit and other things for emergency self-help are stored. Finding a spacesuit among all this, he put on his clothes as quickly as possible, fixed the cable on the spacesuit and went into outer space, attaching the capsule with the letter behind his back.
Dragomir tried to get as close as possible to the hole, where he could still overcome its attraction, but without calculating the force, he felt himself begin to tighten. At the moment when the ship was pulled by its pilot, the emergency response system worked and the shuttle made a breakthrough, at the last second before the interdimensional jump, the guy managed to throw his message into this all-consuming black vortex.
When the aircraft flew to a safe distance on autopilot and stopped, Dragomir, with a sense of accomplishment, booted inside and sent his shuttle towards his parents' house. He should have talked to his mom.
Although Anna was very surprised by the appearance of her son, she opened the door to him with a smile on her face and immediately drew him into a strong embrace. Having seated Dragomir in an armchair, mom asked about the purpose of his visit, and they started a conversation:
- You see, I recently found Grandma's diary among your things, and I would like to apologize for taking it without asking.
- Oh, it's okay, I was going to show it to you soon anyway. But I take it that's not the reason you decided to visit me?
- You're right, after I read it, I had a dream where I was walking around my city with Grandma Maria and talking about how everything had changed. This dream suggested the idea of a letter for her, and he wrote it…
"Is there something you're not telling me, should I be worried?"
- No, Mom. I'm all right, already…
- What do you mean already?
- Well… In general, I flew to a black hole that is not far from here and threw a letter there.
- What did you do? Do you even realize how much you risked? – she rushed to him and hugged him to her chest – Please tell me why?
- It seemed to me that it would be the right thing to do.
Anna pushed Dragomir away and looked into his eyes – you know, I remembered something here. When my mother's diary first came into my hands, a letter was enclosed in it.
"The letter... to whom was it addressed?"
- I didn't know it then, but it seems to you.
- For me? But Grandma didn't catch my birth.
- When I show it to you, you'll understand everything. Mom said and left the room. Ten minutes later, she returned with a yellowed, folded piece of paper and gave it to Dragomir.
Maria Niksiferova
Hello, my unborn, but already dearly loved grandson Dragomir.
First of all, I want to thank you for your message, I was glad to receive it. The world you told me about is just wonderful, and I'm happy that you and Anna live in it. Thank you for opening the veil of secrecy to me and I'm sorry that I won't be able to be around. I would also like to tell you a lot, and therefore I am leaving this diary for you, I hope that your mother will keep it. Well, with that, I'm saying goodbye to you.
With love,
Your grandmother
"Mom told me about a dream that was very similar to yours. She wrote her diary and this letter after she dreamed about it. She described the details of the dream with such delight and talked about her future grandson that I began to consider all this her cherished dream. Even before you were born, I already knew what I would call you.
- Thank you for saving these memories for me. It turns out that Grandma got mine, is it really possible?
- She always told me: "no matter how advanced our civilization is, there is always an opportunity for miracles." Therefore, son, believe in a miracle and it will definitely happen.
So my story came to an end, it was very interesting for me to work on it. What I have described in this work is my vision of the future, and yes, it is quite utopian. Well, you and I understand that an ideal world is impossible, no matter how much we strive for it, and in some ways it's even good, because life in a perfect world would be incredibly boring.
Since I wanted to make my work more warm and sincere, like letters from loving people, I did not mention the possible disadvantages of the world I described. It seems to me that his main problem could be the god syndrome that developed due to the creation of planets, and although people in that world manage it well, it can still lead them to disaster sooner or later. But let's not talk about sad things. Thank you for reading my story, take care of yourself and believe in a miracle.