I'm Oscar Sanguirima, oscarsangurima520@gmail.com proudly Ecuadorian and Cuencan by birth. Born on August 8, 2004, he is an architecture student at the Catholic University of Cuenca, passionate about creative writing and the personal development of humanity. The following story is presented in order to find a meaning to life in 2100, based on what “our world” is living today, but with a deep vision towards the future. Thinking about that is complex, because right now you don't know if you are going to live tomorrow or not, there are well-founded hypotheses based on what it will be like to live in 2100, what will be the coexistence and shelters of that future era.
Thank you for the opportunity to present this writing, here represent my creativity in regret and analyze tomorrow. _ it has been a difficult road, which he has traveled alone, however, that is the development that society has to have: an autonomous and useful job for himself.
Honor - Discipline - loyalty
Principles of a good person, formal and passionate about living his life.
A thank you to the reader, evaluator, my parents, friends and acquaintances, for taking the time to read every word that has come out of my mind and heart.
The dawn of the new century
Would we live the same way we do today?
The truth is very volatile, day by day, life changes right in front of our eyes and as soon as we close it we miss thousands of events, when we open them, everything has changed either for better or for worse.
Waking up with a morning that is not in the early hours of the day. Today we started our days at 4 pm, the working hours have been changed due to the weather situation, our classic shelters have changed, it's amazing that we see the past and miss it so nostalgically. To think that we now live very far apart from our fellow human beings, all this due to the economic differences that have redefined society and the world of this new century. Fresh air is a privilege these days.
The world has gone through a series of changes throughout history, to think that thousands of years ago we lived in caverns, caves, huts and huts, but as we progressed technologically, our shelters were already modern, with more resistant materials and designs much more pleasant for the human eye and perspective, to think that hundreds of years have already passed from that point.Moderna We are in a time that didn't even come into our perspective.
Technology is amazing, so much so that it still lives for us, organizes our lives, tells us what we should and shouldn't do. The worst thing we could do is allow a human-generated machine to dominate its creator.
Due to a new urban plan, centralized, generated by artificial intelligence, the social strata have been divided in a segregating way, marginalizing towards the outskirts the weakest and most vulnerable strata. a plan in which the only beneficiaries have been the aristocrats and the nouveau riche, (so to call them), since these are simply the results of a bad management of resources and the interests of the now extinct policy on citizens in general.
Chapter 1
My house speaks to me, “The 2 realities".
In the center“ "where you live".
“It's time to wake up. It's 4.30 pm. We have a wonderful sunset, we can appreciate an orange sky, the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, a clear night is forecast, no chance of rain, with a minimum temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, so I recommend you to wear light clothes, you have scheduled meetings on your cell phone. nice day.”
It's what I usually listen to every morning, it's my personal assistant, an intelligent monitor that is in charge of organizing my life. Well, I have to go to work, my bathroom, it bathes me, everything is already automatic, it's weird, but in a matter of minutes, I'm neat and dry at the same time, my assistant IA, has scheduled an excellent bath.
"Breakfast is ready, help yourself”
It seems strange to me that a machine tells and does all this to me, but, anyway, this is the world today.
But the truth is that this reality is lived by a small group of human beings, since we have another reality in the ghettos.
In the ghetto, where I live.
“Rin, Rin, Rin”
I wake up in the morning with my cell phone alarm, I have to take a shower and it's so difficult that sometimes I don't even do it, but it's not a physical difficulty, because the water and basic services companies have only generated resources to supply the residential area with fluidity, where the affluent class is located.
Because of this, the different ghettos we live in precarious conditions, we do not have enough fluency to lead a dignified life. job opportunities are few and with salaries that do not meet our needs.
The word progress has gone in the wind, since we can not aspire to any opportunity in the central area of the city, we have been banned from entering and there are several we retain to guarantee, we are those isolated from life and the world.
Of course, there are opportunities in which we enter these privileged places, but not to live, live together, spend money or just walk around. We have to enter these areas with a work permit, since we, the ghetto, are the ones who build their big buildings.
Chapter 2
A changing world
I see the sky and I can't appreciate more than an empty space, with an overwhelming climate, in many of the cases it is difficult to be outdoors, that becomes strange.
Is it easy to live?
The new voice of life, artificial intelligence, tells us that hundreds of years ago human beings enjoyed a healthy planet, where you could enjoy fresh and comfortable air. Due to the hand and human actions this has changed in a radical way, the air in many places is not safe. Of course, there are privileged spaces, but due to the social differences that are very present in life today, we cannot all enjoy these spaces. The mentality that one person is more than another has become widespread since a struggle for life began, not only for money and power, but for the right to live in a healthy environment and with basic services, little by little the different spaces where one could live were reducing. due to the climatic conditions, services such as water, electricity, sewerage, even gas, began to become scarce, but, this is not lived everywhere, the areas of the wealthy, of the high social stratum, the rich, do not live this reality, since they still enjoy these small comforts in great quantity. The ghettos, they try to survive with the minimum, those societies barely live, the reality is that on the outskirts of the big cities there is almost no life, vegetable, animal and human is in total danger.
Was humanity happy?
One would think so, because if those people could see the world I live in, I'm sure they would have taken better care of it and above all I wouldn't have given their life to unnecessary technological development. If humanity had so much. "why did it end in such a short time?"
Technology has eaten our world, when walking through our streets, you can't take a step without finding something automated, electronic or with artificial life, to tell the truth, people don't even walk anymore, there is a portable means of transport that is hidden in people's shoes, there are no longer terrestrial car traffic problems, now our cars have the ability to take a low-altitude flight and thus optimize travel or transport time. When entering a shopping center, all your biometric information is stored in a database that has been distributed in a general way, supposedly secure, at your entrance you are assigned a virtual assistant, a device that shows you what you have in mind, tells you where you should go and what its cost will be, all this in a few seconds. Money, you do not need any kind of physical money, your accounts are online and synchronized to the different payment points, you just have to confirm the payment with your voice and a biometric scanner.
And if humanity wasn't happy like that, is it now? - Now that technology dominates and rules the world, probably a small percentage of humanity thinks: "We were better off before, without machines".
Chapter 3
A visit to the new world
I left my apartment, it's 6 pm and it's my day off from work.Now the jobs allow us to have one day off every 2 weeks, due to the long working hours. Already on the street I took an air taxi to the central part of the city, it took me 3 minutes to arrive, a quick trip that cost me 5 dollars, the cost of living is normal, I was walking around the city seeing some stores that launched new clothing lines, the mannequins explained to me the process of designing the garments and the truth caught my attention a lot. It's amazing how a robot explained this to me, he had even made me a 3D perspective of how my clothes would fit. I kept walking and entered an ice cream shop, the biometric system registration, already recommended my favorite ice cream flavor, just by shaking my head and saying, “chocolate, please”, I had already paid and had my ice cream in front of me. This is impressive, I was wondering if the people of the ghetto could one day enjoy these amenities, the truth is very unfair the differences that are experienced from one society to another.
I was walking and suddenly I met an old friend. He had bought a new car, so, he invited me to take a walk, we got up about 100 meters from the ground, and we took a walk, between joke and joke, we were given to make a long trip, we decided to go to the capital, to visit a new restaurant that opened in the big city. We left our city and passed through the periphery, through the ghettos, and seen from above it is already identified that it is a very disadvantaged society, the dust and a reddish environment, due to pollution, is what was appreciated. The car reaches 400 kilometers per hour, almost like a jet, there used to be airplanes, but, due to the global commercialization of this class of cars, they have almost disappeared, besides these cars are environmentally friendly.
In just 2 hours we had traveled 470 kilometers, it is impressive what technology has done. Sometimes their applications have been successful, however, if there is unnecessary technology that affects the life cycle of humanity.
It is clear that in the capital also that here we also found an impressive architecture, very focused and with large buildings, we went to the restaurant, and even though we were in another city our data were registered and the waiter knew almost everything about us. The restaurant had a very varied menu, I found from chemically cooked meat to food completely created based on chemical mixtures, in the same way organic food, but, this was the most expensive, since the natural cultivation of food was very complex and is not very common.
Chapter 4
Back with a big question
When we finished eating, our bill was 80 dollars, a little expensive but the experience of a new culinary and gastronomic idea, was worth it. On the way back to our city we passed through the ghetto again and despite the altitude, with the help of binoculars we could see a family digging the earth in search of water, I felt so bad, that my lifestyle made me feel guilty, in the same way, my friend thought the same as me, we set out to do an activity in favor of these disadvantaged.
The next morning we collected water, without waiting for the company regulating the consumption of the vital liquid has been pending every activity, they called us to notify that:
"Sir, we inform you that your consumption has increased by one hundred percent, you have some special activity or you have a leak, how can we help you because apart from the fact that your bill is rising uncontrollably, if you are in smuggling activities you are in trouble with the justice”
Which left me very surprised, a few minutes later a squad of special agents arrived who only entered my home and took the water with the sole excuse of “it is illegal to smuggle water, you are privileged to have it, you cannot give it away”
I just stayed cold and with the impression that it was something unfair, if I wanted to do social work, it was my decision, anyway, I had to pay for the water, but apparently that's not enough for the authorities, to tell the truth, I deduced that they are looking for that inequality, they left me a brochure with an explanation that their message was not to try it again, otherwise I would not only have legal problems but I could even lose my position in the city and I could no longer live in it.
That's when I asked myself, is it worth living from other people's suffering?
Chapter 5
Living and surviving “The Decision”
Some part of the world knows what it's like to live. Living in a comfortable way, of course we don't all have the same resources, but here in the city center we have a life, we don't need basic services in our homes, we don't need fresh air, we have purifiers, we lead a relatively pleasant life, but that's just a reality that we don't all live, I've always wondered how lucky I am to have all this, but two questions come to my mind:
* Did humanity used to live differently, were they happier?
• Is it worth it for me to live one way and for other people to suffer?
Very volatile questions, but I knew it was the right thing to do, and it was unheard of for the “yes, no, yes, no” rule to be lived. According to the stories I find on hidden pages of the internet, they tell me that before we all had the right to live, we were born with the same opportunities to grow up. Today when I asked my virtual assistant: "Who has the right to live? and she answered me“ "The people who have the right to live are those who live in the center of the city, the already citizens and their descendants, life is a balance and you don't have to alter their social orders, a lot of something is bad and that is that for life to exist, for life to arise, it is necessary that another similar one disappears.” That's when I realized that perhaps the way society acted was not defined by it, but due to different technological advances it has come to make its own and uncertain decisions, which barely defended the interests of its creators, despite this, they have lost control of their creations, they are autonomous, they are updated every second and at every moment they know more and more about us.
The people of the ghetto have decreased their lifestyle, it is impressive the difference with the center. As a citizen, I feel responsible for the inequality that we experience.
Chapter 6
We won't see each other tomorrow
The reality is that no one should have the privilege of nothing for nothing. A person has to earn his place in society, it is clear that not everyone has the same opportunities, but it turns out that this is not the case. The fact is that since always in society there has been a series of embezzlements with all those who are not equal to the rest, we see the results today, the shelters of the favored have harmony, peace and above all a dignified life, since it has basic services. But, to tell the truth, the human consciousness that inhabits my being, does not allow me to be calm with myself knowing that some suffer and others enjoy due to different individualities.
It's time to change this, our home has to be an environment that we can all enjoy, enjoy and above all that we maintain a decent life, due to economic or social differences, etc. This can't be entirely right, however, it is unnecessary that at least we can all have access to basic services, in the same way, technological life, we must become aware that so much automation is not suitable for human development, make a vision to the past and realize that before, without much technology, we can lead a healthier life cycle.
A tomorrow does not exist without a today, little by little the world is consuming itself, giving us that the same humanity has been in cancer of the world, our shelters have changed so much they no longer make us feel alive, our homes are a computer that already programs everything, a machine that lives for us.
Chapter 7 - Back to Reality
An unnecessary search
Today's society has focused on asking itself: What will the future look like? And unfortunately he has not worried about the problems that the whole world is going through today. If society in general saw them and analyzed them, we do not ask ourselves the “how”, but we would give a direct answer to the “what is going to happen”, but based on our actions and decisions with our lifestyle, our architectural plans and the management of natural resources.
Artificial intelligence, nowadays we already have about a hundred numbers of controversies and problems with this new technology, technology that has automated and simplified educational, work and even entertainment activities, music that is generated based on a computer, texts that are generated in second cono just write a topic, stories, of this same contest, that have been generated based on internet sources. Unfortunately these actions are impossible to trace, in this way these kind of impudent actions have no sanction and no one perceives them, because the development of these AI is so programmed to safeguard even the smallest details. These platforms are already available to the whole society, and the misuse of them is out of control.
Are these the foundations of the society of the future?
These actions that are now normal and unfortunately cost us the other people who do not agree with the action and the development of this technology, already creates the differences not only social, economic, but, others, of the opportunities, the same ones that impede the growth and autonomous human development, with our own abilities.
We have to change this world, for the better, and now what are we on time, every second counts, every second a new intelligent life develops. So my reflection here is“ "To change today to think about tomorrow".
The original is in the application