From the Author,
I often imagine the future as the glory days of mankind with all the technological developments and various facilities that can facilitate life while maintaining environmental sustainability. This period will not come automatically; it requires a long process in which humans must develop science that is balanced with concern for the environment.
This essay was written when I learned about a phenomenon in which the capital of a country is threatened with sinking due to rising sea levels in the next few years. The local government is trying to build a wall to hold back the sea water but this effort is only temporary, especially since the central government has begun to move the country's capital to another island, which is an indication that this city can no longer be saved.
My hope is for readers to realize how important this issue of rising sea levels is. Maybe you think it's okay as long as it doesn't happen to your city, or maybe you think it's a problem that the government should be thinking about, not civilians. If you want to find a solution to reduce sea level rise, it has been stated by many scientists although in practice it is still not done to the fullest, but here I imagine what if the solution is in the layout of the city? My thoughts and dreams for the year 2100 are to create a sense of security for people from the threat of drowning cities due to rising sea levels. Therefore, I invite readers not to be afraid to dream and innovate in order to provide the best solution to this problem because it is from dreams that brilliant ideas will be born.
Global warming is a complex problem that can have devastating effects on the sustainability of nature. One of the major impacts of the problem is the melting of ice in the polar regions. The melting of the polar regions, which store millions of cubic meters of ice, can lead to rising sea levels around the world. Low-lying cities can be inundated by sea water and destroy all the living facilities that have been built by humans. The problem is exacerbated by the ever-increasing human population that requires more land to live on. Many people still don't have land to live on because the availability is decreasing and the price of land is increasing.
In overcoming these problems, the government has made efforts to create a reclamation island. This island serves as an alternative land for people who do not have residential land or people whose residential land is threatened with sinking. However, this
effort has a negative impact on the sustainability of the marine ecosystem. With reclaimed islands, the sea area will be reduced, which can threaten the biodiversity in the area. In addition, reclaimed islands are not always resistant to rising seas because if seawater continues to rise, the island may sink as well.
However, scientists and engineers have come up with a solution to make up for the shortcomings of reclaimed islands. In the year 2100, there is an innovation called "Floating City", which is a sustainable city in the middle of the sea that is able to survive the threat of rising sea levels as well as a new living space for people who do not have a home. The basic concept of "Floating City" is a city built on a mega structure that can withstand rising sea levels so that it does not sink. The waste disposal system in the "Floating City" is also not just thrown into the sea but channeled through underwater pipes to the nearest island to be recycled or processed first before finally ending up in a landfill. In addition, wind power is also utilized as an environmentally friendly energy source for electricity because the "Floating City" is located in the middle of the sea so there is no need for emissions due to the use of oil-fired generators.
In 2100 there are two types of "Floating City", the first type is a static floating city. Static floating cities are built on massive structures such as offshore platforms using large pillars as the main foundation. The city is designed to a certain height so that it does not sink due to rising sea levels and can also withstand strong ocean waves. The foundation of the city has also been designed in accordance with the region where it is built so that in the event of a sea earthquake it does not cause significant damage. The pillars supporting the structure are made of self-healing concrete (a type of concrete that can repair itself in the event of damage) so there is no need to maintain concrete damaged by sea water erosion. The static floating city is connected by a large bridge that serves as the main access for the community to the nearby island, making it easy to deliver goods and foodstuffs into the city. However, this does not mean that this floating city does not have agricultural land and only relies on food supplies from a city on an island. Agriculture and livestock also exist on top of this mega structure which serves as a land for work and also as a source of food for the people of the floating city. If you think about it further, this floating city is ideal for becoming an alternative to human habitation in the future by relying on safety, comfort, environmental friendliness, and sustainability.
The second type of "Floating City" is a dynamic floating city. This floating city stands on a ship-like technology that is capable of carrying massive loads and can be moved as desired. So how does this city move? Is an oil-fueled generator required? Of course not, scientists and engineers have found an alternative energy to power the generators that allow the floating city to move. These generators are powered by wind and seawater, so they won't leave any gas emissions. So why create a dynamic floating city if a static floating city is considered ideal? One of the things that still threatens the existence of floating cities is seaquakes or bad weather and of course such things cannot be regulated by humans. Therefore, scientists innovate what if there is a floating city that can move to a place far from the epicenter of the earthquake or the center of the storm and from this thought a dynamic floating city was born. With the ability of wind generators, these floating cities can move from one place to another and provide convenience for people living on them to get security from natural disasters.
Humans in the year 2100 have understood that land is a gift that cannot be regained on this earth. Faced with the issue of global warming which has an impact on the sinking of a city and also the issue of narrow habitable land, the land area on earth is increasingly eroded. Scientists and engineers are innovating to create a "Floating City" as the best solution to these problems. Building a floating city is not a simple action, but it is a step forward that can help humans preserve the remaining land resources and deal with the effects of climate change. By taking innovative steps like this, humans can preserve our priceless land heritage for future generations while addressing the environmental challenges we are facing.