Hello. My name is Jadiel Njuguna, a 21-year-old Kenyan. In my science fiction article, I have taken on the role of a scientist who has watched their world transform after going close to extinction and sends out a message back with the hope that it will not be human suffering that ignites the brilliant minds of the past to unite and transform their world. I took this approach as it would be unfortunate if our world were to go down that path first before we realized that action is needed to improve the quality of life for everyone. I hope the message that we should be taking charge of the future as the responsibility lies with us is clear, and as you read, I hope you enjoy my vision of a stable society. The most challenging part while writing this was actually drawing a clear image in one’s mind of what can actually be achieved, or at least what I think can be achieved. Science is the greatest weapon we have for the conquest of the universe. It is my wish that it be used to further human ambition. I am a believer in unity among nations and a believer that I will get to witness man get to Mars in my lifetime. I hope you are a believer in this by the end of the article.
Hello there. We are currently working on time travel, specifically trying to send information to the past. So, we hope this information will be received, and if, by chance, this works, then I’ll tell you about my time. We approximate the time period to be around 65 years in the past, give or take. The world has evolved so much that one can hardly keep track of the years. I guess we don’t have to anymore, though, as we can now alter how we experience time through a time dilation chamber. Ah, I guess creating that is a foreign aspect to you, but I can try explaining it using the technology of your time. As Einstein stated in his theory of relativity, time can be warped by both extreme gravitational pull and by attaining extremely high speeds, so time moves slower in those two conditions. What we have achieved is a chamber that is like a flask with two components and a vacuum, where the vacuum of the chamber is subducted to a high gravitational pull and the other side is spun to speeds close to that of light. In there, one can perform 10-week research tasks in three minutes. This has meant accelerated research progress. We actually have gotten to 99% light speed using crafts, but more on that later.
In the wake of the humanities transition to a type-one society, chaos ensured everyone struggling to topple the other from irrational fears and ideological contrast, which led to most of the humans forgetting that the collective goal was to further the development and effective sustained of humanity as a collective. The problem has always been that every single time humanity makes a technological advancement, the first thought is always to militarize it. It is a natural instinct as the laws of survival dictate that only the strong survive, so from transforming iron into spears, swords, and bullets to radio waves used in missile guidance and information collection to nuclear energy used in explosives, humanity has always been in the notion that we have finite resources that we need to compete for, so the weapons were always for protection, or so we claimed. With our current society, we think the question that should have been asked more is: what exactly are we protecting or claiming to protect ourselves from? We are all humans, right?
There are billions of planets, some of which would blow everyone’s mind in your time or would lead to the total collapse of your society because the universe holds so much beauty and wonder that you cannot even begin comprehending. The Kepler telescope has been retired for a while now. A moon base, Lunar Alpha, was set up on the dark side. The reduced interference from the sun’s radiation has been making for better vision and clearer images. We also have one on Mars and one on a planet in the Zeta Reticula system with the code name ZR4. Till now, we have not observed a defined end to the universe. That translates to an infinite amount of potential resources that we explore to discover and behold the beautiful universe. We have managed to visit a number of planets, and with every visit come new advancements in scientific, social, medicinal, and political views.
The idea behind this letter is to explain a roadmap. Time is not fixed, so my present may not be your future. Hopefully, if this gets to you, you will make better decisions and end up with an even greater society. Maybe I should have begun by introducing myself. My name is Adam Gill. I am the head researcher and director of the Universal Science and Space Exploration program commissioned by the Allied Globe Government. A little history of the formation of the government: It was the year 2050, and the world had just discovered how to accelerate bigger items closer to the speed of light, and it was recovering from a third world war. Unfortunately, it was not without consequence.
The idea had come after years of stable and controlled particle acceleration, and as more money and resources had been invested in the study, we had a little understanding of why gravity was a phenomenon. So, we decided to try accelerating a 0.2-mm spherical ball. And everything was okay until it came close to 90 percent of the speed of light. That is when it was realized that somehow its mass was increasing and, in giant leaps, it had reached a point where it behaved as if it were emitting its own gravity. impossible, you’d think, right? No. Its mass kept increasing till it could no longer be contained within the accelerator, and things started getting sucked towards it, including whole tables and equipment. We were almost sure that it had turned into a micro-blackhole, but then, as this was getting sucked, it started slowing down, then instantly stopped and disintegrated, producing a shock wave that fell on an entire city. Then an awakening and a realization occurred: if that were to be militarized, then we would be looking at something that could end humanity in seconds.
So, an emergency meeting was held, ignoring all previous political disagreements, and the allied globe accords were signed by 100 percent of the world leaders. And for the first time in human history, a destructive discovery brought world peace. This is how the government currently works. We have no president; instead, we have a council. The council is comprised of directors from various programs who are elected by members of the given programs. The programs are created with a sole role and objective, and their accountability is held up on the basis of the advancements in the given objectives. However, the main three are the Universal Science and Space Exploration Program, the Creative and Entertainment Arts Program, and the Biological and Chemical Technology Program. The idea behind it was to improve the quality of life for everyone while still aiming to further human society.
The programs are regulated by the ethical commission. The commission also has command over the law enforcers. The chairman of the ethics commission is elected annually by the governing council. Law enforcement really isn’t a thing anymore, as opening up the vision of more worlds sort of shell-shocked humanity into a state of nearly perfect coexistence. Taxation is not a thing anymore, as we are tapping into more and more of the universe’s resources. By forming the allied government, this ensured the distribution of resources globally, and great minds sat down and got to come together and successfully make every inch of our planet a paradise. Weirdly, it took all those years to realize that without all the borders and dogmas, life is better for everyone. Everything is universally owned, and there is really no need to have it another way.
Biological and Chemical Technology Program.
This program is ranked first. That means it gets the most human resources, according to the current system. They consider the continuation of humanity their most important role, specifically making sure some aspects of humanity are not lost due to technological advancements. The truth is, in this world, manual labor has been reduced to almost none by humans. This is in part due to the awakening of computers. So, to ensure humanity does not lose our strength and thinking capabilities, this program was expanded. Its range of roles ranges from ensuring everyone gets to work out or involve themselves in a physical activity to the integration of new drugs and new ways of treating human ailments. Arguably, their biggest achievement to date has been re-growing limbs. Yes. Using research done on lizards, any body part can be regrown with 100 percent functionality.
Once you’re born, you get one injection that introduces these antibodies into your system, which accelerates the rebuilding of protein cells in your body. As it is, the human body can heal itself from almost all injuries. The one we still do not have control over is a new type of radiation. Dark matter poisoning, and the program has been working towards ensuring that is solved. It is a very rare occurrence, though. We have medicine for every other ailment, though it is worth mentioning that with every venture into a new world, the risk of encountering new diseases is very high. We never integrated machines into our bodies. That had always been looked at as the only way of extending human life, but the agreement was that preserving humanity was to come first, not in a scientific way, but by preserving human norms and culture, our way of looking at and enjoying life.
This would have been seriously compromised if we were to forego human weakness by integrating cyber-genetics into our anatomy. It is human weakness that triggers the need to chase greater innovations, after all. It caused a lot of differences, but right now everyone is grateful that you get to see, taste, hear, feel, and experience everything with our generic senses in this amazing world. Social systems like family have been the source of satisfaction for almost all, as now people can go back to having a family child enjoy each other’s company without ever worrying about food or resources. It had been a discussion to end the childbearing process and do it artificially while customizing the genetic coding of individuals in order to have superhumans, but confidence in the strength of humanity with all its weaknesses prevailed. The specialized program approach has been so successful that it is sure to last as long as humanity lasts.
The issue of privacy, too, was an area of great concern with cyber genetics. We had industrialized, then specialized, eras in which information about the masses was seen as a market venture for advertising and information gathering. Now we are in a world where there is no need for variety and no need for brand competition. However, advancements in wireless transmission of information in the brain and perceiving and interpreting it using devices meant that privacy was essentially lost. For a period of time, everyone’s thought process could be accessed without their permission. Well, we chased Nikola Tesla’s prediction and achieved it. We experimented with robotic limbs before the re-growing breakthrough, and they proved to be dangerous to the stability of society. It is plastered in history what giving all the public access to weapons does to society. The program was formed with the hope that we were going to improve the quality of human life because that was the sole purpose of technology. Technology is meant to help people live better, not destroy them.
Creative and Entertainment Arts Program:
This program is specifically established for entertainment purposes. We have gotten to a point where technology takes care of all the physical work and manual labor, so human beings have a lot of free time. The time is used to push for the continuity of the beautiful tradition that has been connected between art and technology, art and craft. We believe that DaVinci's indulgence in the creative arts boosted his imagination and innovation. This program was a no-brainer, really, and without biased geopolitics and agenda-driven art, the sector has been thriving. The absence of the need to make a living has brought about amazing masses indulging in the arts, as it is possible to follow one's passion. Art has become part of our lives so much that it is the only thing that technology cannot really interfere with.
The concept of life right now is a comfortable haven where you are really just living without fears or struggles. I need to mention that in our social life or social setting now, we do a lot of intermarrying, and practically no single individual can claim that they belong to a specific race. We've mixed up so much that we are now just members of Earth, which strengthens the bond and ideology of the allied global government. Religion is no longer a human concept, as the realization that there are billions and billions of planets in this universe ended the whole idea that we are a special species just placed upon a rock in the midst of an ocean of planets and are the only ones with life. We’ve discovered so many places with so many amazing creatures that religion has collapsed. Without religion, the moral compass is gone, so we appreciated its purpose all along, but with the unification of humanity, a moral compass was not really needed.
The Universal Science and Space Exploratory Program
The Universal Science and Space Exploratory Program has been the most important program for humanity. The undying desire to achieve 99% or 100% of the speed of light forced us to seek out alternative sources of energy. This came after nuclear warfare. There was an energy crisis, and everything in the world was in disarray. Before I knew it, the thought was that electrical energy was the right and only way to go. That electricity was the answer to the question of renewable sources of energy, but then we came to realize that the grids we had and the current output of electricity could not support the world. We tried solar panels in the Sahara Desert, but our advancements came to bite us in the heel as we had begun trying to salvage the Sahara, and it worked so well that it was raining there. We abandoned the thought after we realized that we had not thought of a solution for disposing of all the lithium used in batteries. All thoughts about using electricity felt like the right way and even the safest for our environment until we realized that we did not consider the lithium mines and their disposal after their lifespan.
The next best thing was nuclear energy, which we found to be the most sustainable source of renewable energy. The problem is actually that it was just way too expensive, and the fact that it had already been militarized made it a problem. This energy crisis was before we accelerated the spherical ball, so before then we still had political issues and nuclear energy was not available for everyone. The fact that it was weaponized made it so that countries that had it kept the resource for themselves. When seeking out a way to accelerate particles, we discovered something else that we could use. Gravity as a source of energy. Crazy right. It’s actually the only reason we are able to send information back. In theory, we can look towards the future, but we found out that time is not definitive. Think of a cloth, and the strings are time strands entangled in nodes we call horizon points, and that is the building block of the universe. So, we are in the year 2100, but it might not be the future you end up in, so it’s not really time travel but time stream jumping.
This means we have different versions of the future that we can access, so we can send out information back and forth, but we cannot actually move since it's not defined that my current world ends in any of the futures. With that said, this information is supposed to be a warning or a guide. The hope is that you will have a better future. You will avoid the mistakes that we have made in our current world. We discovered that using a particle that was actually discovered a very long time ago by a Russian scientist in Moscow, the element moscovium, if we were to excite it and accelerate it, then collide it upon itself, the energy produced was immense. When we actually did it using it in the form of a sphere ball, it produced its own gravity, and using the gravity and increased mass and redirecting it, we now have the power of a mini black hole that reacts with the universe.
Through that, we now have crafts that are hitting the speed of light. We designed an engine, if you can call it that, using this particle. Think of the engine as a mechanism to order the machine to a different part of the universe using the universe's pull toward artificial gravity. Refined versions are in towers in every city, and the energy is transmitted to tweaked electronics and cars. We realized that no human could keep up with the speeds, so a self-driving system for all moving vehicles on the planet was established and implemented worldwide. With the rockets, yes, they can hit light speeds, but only with short blasts—a thing we call light folding. Rockets have two major engines. The main engine is a split moscovium atom being constantly accelerated, and the light folding engine is the particle being broken down and accelerated spontaneously, which amasses an insane amount of energy that is used to propel the rocket, then shuts down and continues until the process is repeated. Ideally, it is like using a wormhole generator, only we are not tearing through the universe but phasing through.
Teleportation is not as science fiction had it. During the experiments on breaking down particles when synthesizing moscovium, we understood how atoms align to form objects. Teleportation was born from this. As it is right now, it is strictly used for transporting heavy goods, not for human travel. This is because it involves destroying an item at one place, then sending its information out through optical fiber cables as beams of light in seconds, then reassembling the atoms at the destination according to the information transmitted. It is human curiosity that brings about innovations.
We always dreamed of Mars, and when we did that and realized that it wasn’t a total wasteland, comfort was no longer allowed. The need to satisfy human curiosity was way too much. Now humanity is multi-planetary in the sense that we send out missions to other planets, and there are already humans residing on three planets. As I send this, I am actually on the moon of Jupiter, Titan. We needed a higher-gravity object to attempt this. The journey to here takes 2 hours using the latest spaceships and 5 hours using commuter passenger ships.
I think that this is a message that needs to be sent out to humanity residing in different times. Do not kill human curiosity. That is the only way you will achieve and bring about a massive change in your society. Remember, it is all for humanity. Not individuals. If you get this, try to avoid the mistakes we made with our individual mentalities. The perfect life and society are always within reach; you just need to evolve your way of thinking. We almost destroyed our world using nuclear warfare, but now we are in paradise because we unified. The universe is so extensive and full of resources. If you were to unite and join forces early, your future would be better than in my current world. In my current world, I can take nothing out of it apart from the human suffering in our history, but I know that it can all be better. Remember, innovation and technology are to further help humanity; they are to improve the quality of life for human beings. It is never for destruction. By uniting the resources to serve everyone, the planet can sustain everyone. Most importantly, though, keep the curiosity. It is said that curiosity is the mother of innovation, and I say that curiosity is the mother of discovery.
Signing Off
Adam Gill,
Director and Head Researcher, Universal Science and Space Exploration Program
Approved and Authorized by the Allied Global Government
All science is the search for unity in hidden likenesses~ Jacob Bronowski (2011) “Science and Human Values”, p. 13, Faber & Faber.
When I think of an advanced society, the first thought is always a unified, happy community. One where you get to enjoy living where you are actually living and not just reacting to life. I believe the transformation needs to begin as early as now. There is no reason why society cannot be in harmony as a whole, as it is with the scientific community.