"The poet writes poems, keeping hopes in them
The poem is torn to shreds, resentment does not melt
And again he will take the pen from the bones, tearing off the soul
After all, the poet died in a puddle with peace only in dreams
Is it the poet's fault that creativity is dead in the eyes of others?"
Night. An almost empty train carriage. An employee in a hurry to get home at such a late hour, and two people discussing something among themselves:
- Do you remember I wanted to copy my personality and transfer it into a child? A man with long and disheveled hair spoke in a calm voice.
At his age, he looked younger than some teenagers. But his cheerful teenage childhood remained with him from that period. And now this fool is trying to violate an infinite number of articles of the general scientific assembly and, of course, several laws of nature, because he caught fire with another crazy idea that can, as he likes to say, "make the blood boil again in your veins." I remember that's how he decided to enter the danger zone without protection during quarantine, because he can…
- You can't! – the second one muttered, without looking up from what he thought was a fascinating book.
- So you remember – the man smiled radiantly – I talked to a couple of tens of hundreds of people and figured out how to do it.
"Look at my head and think again," he said, closing the book.
- Yes, I'll buy you some dye for your gray hair, I'll even dye it myself. Why are you so quick? – feeling that he had almost persuaded his friend to fit into his "great experiment", the man almost jumped out of his seat.
- You understand that this is impossible, illegal and unacceptable.
- If we remembered the rules of the three "not", then success is already in our pocket! – said the long-haired experimenter, gathering his hair into a ponytail. – Since you agree, then it's time to discuss the details.
- I haven't agreed yet, but I need to know how you decide to end up in the hospital this time. – he responded pessimistically. – broadcast.
No matter how much a man was against the "murderous" ideas of his friend, he had to participate in them from their very first acquaintance. You should start with a school from which they were miraculously not expelled because of the tricks of this "experimenter". If the government had not so actively encouraged, literally, any scientific work that could suppress stagnation in this area, then this rascal probably would not have gone far with his zeal.
- I traded two embryo models in an old laboratory and, purely in theory, they need to be driven to the age of seven in three months.
- Three months instead of seven years? Are you stupid or something? – the second question was basically rhetorical.
- I'm telling you, the laboratory is old, and so are the models. If they are not developed enough now, then later it will not work, and there is nowhere to take new ones.
- Okay, – the man sighed heavily, – but such a load will have a bad effect on the body, maybe take a smaller age?
- The older the better, so we take the maximum of what we have.
- I take it you've already found a place where you can do this?
- Naturally, as usual, we will go to my home, the underground.
- Weren't you forbidden to approach him at a distance of about a hundred kilometers?
- I beg you, I'm forbidden - things are incompatible. – having sustained a dramatic pause under the gaze of the interlocutor, the man added guiltily. – And also Carmen turned off their lights for a week to lift the ban. It's obvious right away - my wife.
"Yeah," he sighed, rolling his eyes wearily.
- So, tomorrow you have to be at Carmen and me at ten with a couple of books and enthusiasm for the cause, since all we have to do is connect the embryos and observe them.
"You were probably just waiting for me, weren't you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.
- Of course! The man exclaimed affirmatively. - I'm without you, like without Carmen.
- I'll take that as a compliment. – slightly lifting the corners of his mouth, he said.
As soon as the sun rose, the gray-haired man was already standing on the threshold of the agreed place, ignoring the fact that he was supposed to come a couple of hours later. In his hands was a tied-up stack of handwritten books, selected solely on the basis of their rarity in the markets, and their complete absence from the global network.
Knocking on the door, he was immediately greeted by an early, one might even say unfinished model of a young girl:
- Besya, my sun, why is it taking so long? – in a very emotional manner, something similar to a girl asked.
The man quickly crossed the threshold, throwing a pile of books on the nearest table, and began to express his displeasure in all colors:
- Carmen, please be so kind as to call me by my full name, and not by your original abbreviations.
- Besya and after my death Besya, – spreading her hand, for some reason the second one was missing, the girl maliciously remarked, - besides, I'm a stupid robot, I don't understand more than four letters.
- If I hadn't known you when I was alive, I would have willingly believed you. – "Besya" took a look around the shabby apartment, littered with a bunch of details from Carmen. The only neat element here was a bookcase with a collection of handwritten books. The man turned to a stack recently thrown on the table and, after a little digging, took out one interesting copy, which was immediately handed to the girl. – Remember you asked for a continuation with the author's signature, here you go.
- Thank you! She wanted to end it, but continued under the man's displeased gaze. – As a reward, I'll call you by your first name all day, okay?
"I won't bring you anything else in my life."
- Okay, okay, a month.
- And?
"May fate be kind to you in all your search for books, dear Besson. Carmen said jokingly, bowing. – Since the greeting is over, then welcome to the basement for experiments.
With these words, they moved down the stairs, or to be more precise, to the improvised laboratory "P.O.D.", and for their Underground, which was beautiful with its free rules to do anything. This place can be called a dormitory, which is mined and cleared many times a day by restless scientists. If you think about it, this is a rather interesting complex consisting of four buildings underground. On the surface there is an archive with records of what they managed to do here, while underground ones are laboratories and the deeper they go, the more dangerous experiments are conducted in them. Besson was truly glad that he did not go further than the second floor. In a good way, he would not have gone further than the archive if not for some personalities.
Going down the stairs, they came across an experimenter who had been waiting for them for a long time.
- Why is it taking so long? – He immediately asked. – I've been waiting for you for two hours.
- That's a lie! Carmen immediately cut in. – We've been waiting for you for a month, you've been breaking down for too long.
- They both fell silent! – the man raised his voice slightly, approaching two flasks with embryos and examining them. – I hope that this whole month has been spent on stabilizing their condition, since the way they look now is nothing compared to laboratory models. Remind me, how are we going to accelerate their development?
- Hmm.... Here's the deal… I haven't thought about it yet..." he said, tactically retreating behind the metal body of his wife. It was this man who was the best in the field of physics and mathematics, immersed himself in technology and somehow miraculously became a doctor of sciences.
- Mark ... - looking menacingly at the man, who hid behind the girl so childishly, and after a significant pause, he continued. – You can try medical fattening, but it won't be enough.
After thinking about it, the experimenter quickly looked around his workplace and, having stumbled upon one disassembled device, immediately offered:
- Is an organ-growing machine suitable?
- It's just right if you work on a couple dozen settings. I'll give you ten hours for everything, call me for all settings. Having said that, Besson began to hurriedly prepare to leave. – Carmen, tell me, what did you feed the embryos?
The girl went to the nearest locker and showed it clearly. The hodgepodge of medicines was weak enough to maintain at least some kind of life. We'll have to find something better, although anything will be better. There was a lot of work to do.
Having finished collecting everything necessary, Besson returned exactly as promised, 10 hours later, completely satisfied with what he saw in front of him. A cleared space, two meter-high flasks, two computers waiting to be connected to the embryos, and a development acceleration machine. Beauty, the main thing is that it also works.
Carmen was anxiously hovering near the equipment when she noticed the arrival of the man. A couple of seconds later, she was already looking at the things she had brought.
- How many! Every time I'm surprised how quickly you organize everything.
- That's not all.
From behind his back, he took out a basket of chickens with a dozen eggs and handed it to the girl.
- Mark, are you ready to start the car?
The researcher, who was busily rummaging through the equipment, finally joined the conversation.
Is it time to grow embryos already? – he asked a little uncomprehendingly.
- Aren't you stupid? Besson thought and began to explain. – First, you need to test the device first and adjust its power. Secondly, exposing models without initial tests is stupid, even if time is short. Thirdly, tests should be carried out according to the protocol.
- Are we going to write protocols too? A nightmare! The man was indignant.
- There are no protocols, no financing. Carmen reminded, putting the egg in the device. – Let's hurry up, we can talk later.
- That's it, that's it, I'll turn it on now. Dictate the settings.
- Turn it on for 5 minutes, it should be enough to start. – the man commanded, approaching the panel with indicators.
- I'm turning it on. Having said that, Mark pulled the switch and at the same moment the egg exploded.
Besson reacted immediately and slapped the unlucky researcher on the back of the head.
- Yes, for what?! The man immediately cried out in displeasure.
- To keep my head working. – he retorted.
- How did they put you in the dean's office with such a character? – the girl casually threw, preparing another egg in the device – Something tells me that one dozen is not enough. I'll go ask the fifth group of biologists in the Third, they kind of raised chickens recently.
After 13 slaps on the back of the head and 3 dozen eggs, it was possible to complete the power setting. Not without the help of biologists, who came for the sake of curiosity to see what the restless one was doing again. The guys turned out to be enthusiastic and spent five hours calculating what power is needed, how many hours a day you need to rest, how many nutrients should be in the body.
For the Underground, helping a fellow colleague is a common thing, since every second person takes a complex idea, which will require not a single pair of hands, much less heads. It just so happened from the beginning that if at one end of the dining room someone talks about a lack of knowledge in any field, then at the other end there is immediately an expert who is ready to help.
Among technicians, this is naturally the "restless" of the Second, biologists have the Fifth group, and among geneticists, these are generally scientists from the Fourth.
For quite a long time, Besson and Carmen managed to arrange a comfortable place for the embryos, connect them to the panel for counting readings and nourish them for a healthier appearance. At the same time, Mark was actively involved in disputes with biologists, as a technical expert. When all the issues were resolved, the assistants took a couple of chicks hatched after the experiment for study with the promise to bring a report on their condition.
- So, that's it for today, tomorrow we'll check everything again, see how the chickens grow up and the day after tomorrow, when the fifth group brings the report, we can already work with the embryos. After saying the plan, the man turned to the researcher and looked at him very intently. – Is everything clear?
- Yes, I understand, I understand. – bouncing off the body of his wife, the man rammed discontentedly.
- I went, I have to work tomorrow. So that I can get in touch with video every hour and show all the results. After these words, Besson turned around and headed for the exit.
- Eh, again you will have to account for all actions. Mark sighed after a while.
"You knew what you were doing, so don't complain and go to bed. The girl winked and rushed up the stairs.
For a while, the man looked at the two immature embryo models, still undecided what he thought about all this.
As planned, a day later, the embryos were placed in a device to accelerate their growth by half an hour every five hours. If everything goes well, then the intervals between procedures will decrease, if it is bad, then on the contrary they will increase.
The fifth group promised to come from time to time. Given their interest and overall workload, once every three days someone comes running to see the results.
In two weeks, the models could be called full-fledged babies.
- Just look at how adorable they are, – bypassing the flasks with "children", Carmen was touched – she would have squeezed!
"Remind me, how old were they?" Besson looked up from his notes and asked his colleague.
"Hmm,– he drawled shamefacedly, –about six months, maybe seven. I don't even remember anymore.
- Where did you find them anyway? The girl asked reluctantly.
- And where necessary, I have a lot of connections. - he began to brag.
- Okay, let's get down to business. We have successfully overcome the first stage, what about the second? – from the two pairs of flapping eyes, one could tell for sure that no one even thought about it. – I'll put the question another way, how are we going to transfer personality in the "model"?
- Yes, there's something "business", as they pushed her out, we'll shove her in," the researcher said fervently. From such statements, the only thing left is to cry or laugh nervously.
- I see. I'm calling Marina. The man said threateningly.
"Hehe hehe, someone's going to get hurt now. Carmen chuckled softly.
- Let's not take drastic measures, I was joking. Moreover, I haven't moved away from the last time. – in search of at least some protection, Mark's gaze came across a maliciously smiling girl. – And anyway, Carmen, you're my wife, you should be on the same side with me.
- I'm completely on your side, but Mariska is a special case that I can't influence in any way.
- Come on, she'll "strangle" me if she finds out that I'm trying to teach again.
- Okay, okay, I won't call her. – the man said, and after a relieved exhale, the colleagues continued. - She's just coming here in an hour.
- You're kidding, right? Mark asked with a small drop of hope, but the answer was silence.
- Remember that in the Underground territory, all your injuries will be considered part of the experiment. Carmen added fuel to the fire.
The woman did not take long to wait and arrived exactly at the appointed time. You could hear her from the front door, especially her swearing. Having flown the stairs with a quick step, Marina was ready to tear and throw.
- Mark, immortal, you're either completely stupid, or you really are an immortal. – starting calmly, the woman increased her anger by the minute. – You didn't have enough Carmen, so now you've got the kids involved in this. Why don't you start experimenting on yourself if you're so smart? Maybe that's how the brain will appear?
Halfway there, Carmen stopped the woman. Marina was only more excited about it.
- Let me through! Have you forgotten how we brought you back for six months? Then I spent another three years just coming to terms with who you've become. Now he's also implicating the kids in this!
- Everything is under control. – the girl urged her, while Mark retreated away in fear.
- At least let me beat him up, his head is empty anyway, what will happen to him. - having lost her position, Marina began to persuade.
- Yeah, you ran for two hours last time, now you don't have time for that – Besson finally joined the conversation, laughing all the time on the sidelines.
- There will be a separate conversation with you at home. – the woman threw and after a couple of minutes, calmed down, continued. – Okay, let's have what you have. The sooner we figure it out, the sooner I'll leave.
Finally, Carmen released her friend from her tenacious grip and brought a couple of calculations made the day before. They relied mainly on the responses of the fifth group.
- Yes, again, it takes at least a month to spend on "this one". – the woman rolled her eyes in disappointment – How are you going to pull this off?
"The same as with Carmen," the man replied without hesitation.
- It was a special occasion. She is one of the many employees who was able to correctly transfer the identity copy. There are other circumstances here.
- That's the reason I called you, you know how to work miracles here.
After spending two months, Marina laid out a detailed plan.
- I hope that you are ready to listen. – after looking at everyone present, Marina continued. – We will do so so as not to spoil the children's lives, we need to delete all memories except basic knowledge. Let me remind you that it is almost impossible to disconnect and delete everything related to memory forever, so it will take a long time. Mark, you're going to work on this for days to meet the deadline.
"And this is what you've come up with all this time?" The researcher looked at her in disbelief.
- No, it's just an outlet to know that you're going to suffer. Yes, and you also have to go into an artificial coma for three days – the woman decided to please him completely.
- Why is it taking so long? The man was indignant.
- I was lying down for two weeks then. Carmen casually recalled.
- There are no questions.
- Next, we will need to transfer this to children. This is the most difficult part, if you do something wrong, we will just get a body," Marina continued very sternly.
- If we take into account that the models do not even have an original personality, then everything should go smoothly. Besson remarked, passing by the flasks with the grown–up children. They looked good enough and not painful.
After discussing the rest of the plan, the company began to prepare a place for a coma, or more precisely, to run and collect the missing equipment from the medical corps. It took an hour for all of this.
We decided to continue the next day, as it was already quite late. Marina flew away during the training camp, but Besson forced Mark to accompany him. Of course he knows the way, but there was one question that had been bothering him for a long time.
- Why did you need this? Besson asked after a long silence.
- What are you talking about? – the researcher asked in perplexity.
- What is the purpose this time?
- As always, scientific in…
- Not an excuse, but a goal. The man sternly interrupted him in mid–sentence. He's known him for years. No matter what scientific interest Mark pursues, he always undertakes research with his own specific personal goal.
- Is it really important? – Sighing, he said. He was bad at evading an answer and he knew it perfectly well, so he wasn't surprised by the oppressive silence that followed and interrupted it himself – You know, there are a couple of reasons.
- Surprise me.
- If Carmen hadn't.... – at this point, the man stopped, formulating the least painful answer for himself – If she could have held out a little longer, then we would have had twins. They would have been just seven years old.
- "Is it the poet's fault that creativity is dead in other people's eyes?" - not knowing how to answer, Besson said the phrase that he always loved to repeat. Even now, he doesn't understand what these words have to do with it, but he said it anyway before he thought about it. So they reached the street, thinking.
- Guilty! Mark said goodbye and closed the door behind him.
Towards the evening of the next day, preparations for a coma began. As soon as they started connecting everything, Mark backed down:
- Maybe you don't need to?
- That's it! You should have thought earlier. Now you're going to suffer so that such experiments don't get into your head. Marina was saying.
Further, the researcher was silent, fearing that the woman in a fit of passion would "accidentally" make a fatal mistake for him. She could have.
And so another week was gone.
- How's the job going? Marina asked, smiling maliciously.
- She didn't even give me a break! I just woke up, and they're already forcing me to do something. – today, as yesterday, Mark continued to whine. It didn't bring any results, it didn't get any easier for anyone, but he didn't stop doing it. The only thing that helped in this situation was the harsh slaps from Marina, which she was so willing to prescribe to him now. – Stop hitting me.
- Tomorrow to finish by five. I'll come and check it out," she proudly declared, packing her things for the exit. –
So she left, leaving Mark alone for such a painstaking task. In any case, he would have insisted on doing it entirely on his own. There were reasons for this, which I did not want to explain to others.
- What a serious face he made. – Carmen distracted him from his thoughts. – Did something sensible come to mind?
- You'll like this idea.
- Will you tell me? – tilting her head, the girl asked.
- You'll understand later. – the guy was evading the answer again.
- We need to choose names for the children. What about May and August?
"If you like it, we'll leave it that way," Mark said with a soft smile.
- Hooray, hooray! – the girl was delighted. – Everything I wanted to ask, I asked, and now I can do business.
- Did Marina give you something to do?
- Yes, we need to arrange a place for tomorrow's procedure, so half the night I'm going to bother you with my incessant chatter and noise. – the girl cheerfully remarked, starting to sort out the boxes.
- Oh no, it was Marina's well-thought-out plan! – he was indignant, chuckling slightly.
They spent the whole night laughing and discussing every detail of the experiment. Carmen was the first to cope with everything and went to recharge, leaving Mark in his thoughts. He had finished everything a long time ago, just trying to imagine how it might turn out. The worst had already happened and there was nothing to lose.
He went to bed in the morning and did not understand if he had done everything right. After lunch, he was woken up by the guys from the fifth group, asking for details of the experiment, or rather when to come to the final part of it. When they heard the answer, they disappeared as quickly as they had come. After sitting for a while, the man lay down again.
In the evening, Besson woke him up. Thank you for not Marina, who came in half an hour later dissatisfied with something. Five minutes later, the biologists came running. Together, they connected the first child to equipment that was slightly modified to copy the personality, rather than to a computer. Carmen personally put the child on the couch, while the second one, brought by Besson, lies on the next one.
It was not the first time Marina had performed this operation, although not on children, but the mechanism was the same. A needle in the base of the back of the head introduces Cofftels that transfer information to each department. It will take three days, if everything goes according to plan, if not, then the body will destroy foreign organisms. It remains only to wait.
The first five hours dragged on for a long time, as they are the most important. Anything can happen from fever to cardiac arrest. In our case, everything turned out to be just a rise in temperature, a slight respiratory arrest. The team was ready for this.
First, the fifth group left, who filled out half of the protocol. Then Carmen and Marina went to the dining room under the pretext. There were only two men left in complete silence.
- Are you still interested in the reasons for the experiment? Mark asked wearily. The last few weeks have been quite exhausting.
- Of course.
- In the Fourth, there was a rumor that two absolutely identical personalities cannot exist at the same time. – The man began.
"It's kind of stupid," Besson objected without thinking.
- That's what I thought at first, too. Then I talked to a colleague and found out the details. There was a guy who tested something on embryos, and died a couple of weeks later. – Mark painted it in colors.
"And you believed that?" There are rumors about rat ghosts in your complex, will you run to check them?! – the man was angry at that man, how could such a thing even come to mind. – Besides, the children got only basic functions from you.
- I didn't guess. – The researchers said slyly. – I have to check this rumor.
The experiment was successful, after which the man was not going to come to this complex.
For how many years they had known each other, how much they had been through, they could literally read each other, only Besson never used it. Deep down, he knew that someday everything would lead to this, but he wasn't ready for it. Even if this rumor is untrue, was it worth the risk?
There is no point worrying about Mark, he is tenacious and will get out as always, but why he is so eager to die, the man wanted to know.
A week has passed. The second one. There was no news, so Besson decided to come himself. The painting turned out to be more interesting than he could have imagined.
Carmen was rushing from corner to corner, and Mark was running after her with his tail, trying to calm her down somehow. The girl only got angrier. They were so engrossed in the altercation that they did not notice how the man came in.
Two guys were sitting on the bed. One blond one, Augustus, I think, coughed every now and then. The second one, May, was quite strong.
A couple of minutes later, Carmen noticed the man standing at the door, immediately approaching:
- Besson! Do you know what he did this time?!– the girl began very indignantly, getting louder with each word – He ... He ... He not only erased some of my memories "for my own good", but also condemned himself and the child to death!
- I already explained, if I hadn't erased them, you would have blacked out again. I really tried to do without it. Mark defended himself in a hoarse voice. Pale face, cracked lips and bloodshot eyes. It's a terrible sight.
- So you wouldn't turn me on, do you think it brought me pleasure?! After pausing, the girl continued in a low voice. It was the first time she had talked about this topic. – To suffer every time, reliving your whole life over and over again, fixating on pain. Okay, you can get over it, but why did you need this experiment?
Mark looked towards the children. The blond man was bent over in another coughing fit.
- We met in May at the first light of dawn, didn't we? He tried to smile at the girl. – If it wasn't for me, you would have continued to shine in the sun. I lured you into this underground complex, thereby tying a noose for you. I'm the only one to blame.
- Don't talk nonsense. We are all mortal, especially suddenly. – she sighed bitterly. – Don't dodge the question.
"Someday I'd die and leave you alone, but I can't do that." I feel bad just thinking about it. He turned back to the sound of coughing. – I think this game is worth the candle. So, I'm definitely not going to worry.
After saying that, Mark spat out a blood clot. Carmen immediately ran over and laid him on an empty bed.
- I'm really sorry. – Those were his last words.…
A couple of days later, August also left. It was expected, but it didn't make it any easier. No matter how smart a scientist Mark was, he was still a fool. The fool who left ahead of time, just because of his desires, just because he can.....
Only Carmen and Mai are left. The boy grew up to be an exact copy of the scientist, which only made it more painful. He also liked to experiment, and also delved into technology. Knowing everything about her that his predecessor did. He also protected Carmen, ready at the end to repeat the last experiment that was sealed in his memory.