Author: Храмова Наталья Андреевна | Khramova Natalia Andreevna
So, where to start ... A person, by definition, is a very complex and unpredictable being with many different processes and reactions taking place inside him, not stopping for a second. His actions often defy any logic, and his behavior, depending on the situation, can sometimes go beyond the bounds of reason. It is amazing, unique, and non-trivial. Therefore, the history of its development and life activity leaves behind a lot of questions and riddles. And if you try to predict what might await him in the future (even in the very near future), then the right decision would be to turn to a number of scientific papers and research in various fields and branches of science.
Man is a biosocial being, which means that his study becomes as complicated as possible, because, unlike other animals, he has intelligence. Society, society, self-awareness, self-esteem, morality, morality, rules, system. Humanity has been trying for many years to create a recipe for an ideal life, juggling these concepts. I don't know how successful it was, but the eternal wars for land and freedom, endless uprisings against the existing government and worthless attempts to create an ideal state have not yet been completely crowned with success. People constantly need to do something. They can't just sit peacefully and be content with what they already have. Even if all their needs have been met for a long time. It doesn't matter. There will always be someone who wants more, wants some changes. What is the best way to get a person to do the right job? Give him an idea. To make you believe sometimes the stupidest nonsense. To make it clear that this very nonsense is the work of his whole life, the invisible horizon that always, at all costs, must be followed. And loud, beautiful slogans and a herd reflex will bring the matter to an end by themselves. That's it: almost any war is being prepared with about such a list of uncomplicated actions. And it's always been that way. I do not know how relevant such problems will be in the future, and whether they will be there at all, but as for today, attempts to solve them so far remain futile. Not so long ago, just a few decades ago, many writers tried to describe a future with an ideal state without wars and conflicts. Georgoruel, Anthony Burgess, Aldous Huxley, Evgeny Zamyatin – all of them literally built utopias on the pages of their books, in which a person simply did not need to think about any problems from the outside. The headache of any struggle or war has long been pushed into the background. There was peace and order all around. All that remained was to follow the established rules, do your job and enjoy life. It would seem that this is the ideal system of norms and laws. The ideal world is theoretically recreated. Without wars and diseases, food problems and lack of resources. The future that everyone aspired to: here it is – on the pages of ordinary books. But what is wrong with it... why do modern literary critics call these works dystopias? As I mentioned earlier, man is an extremely unstable and unpredictable being. He needs unlimited, absolute freedom. Any framework, even if it has a positive orientation, sooner or later will just get bored and you will want something more. And this means that the world in which a person exists, by its very nature, cannot be ideal. This is about what the above-mentioned authors wrote about. People are doomed to fight forever. And it doesn't matter so much what to fight for or against – the essence remains the same. Ten, twenty years will pass, a century will pass unnoticed - nothing will change.
So, having considered the social component of man a little, we must not forget that he also belongs to the animal kingdom. Many people may disagree with this, but it is nonsense to deny the obvious. Probably everyone in their life has at least once heard of a man like Charles Darwin. Of course, his incomparable theory of evolution is well known to everyone, and few people will dare to argue with it. In his writings, he described in sufficient detail the process of development and modification of living beings on earth, not forgetting about man. To be brief and not go into all the details of his reasoning (because it will just take a lot of time), we can draw the expected conclusion: humanity will no longer develop either physically or mentally. The maximum that can be expected is small regressive changes in the shapes of muscle tissues, a general weakening of the immune system and partial degradation of the brain. Of course, it's not very pleasant to realize this in relation to your species, but it's a fact. And now in a little more detail: the muscles will become weaker only because they will disappear all need. I think it has long been clear to everyone that the technical process also does not stand still, and over time (albeit not so soon), smart machines with many functions and capabilities will simply replace human physical labor, giving the opportunity once again not to waste their energy and strength. As for immunity, everything is quite obvious here too: eating foods subjected to gene intervention and special treatment will definitely not make a person better. Yes, the food will become much tastier, and the recently purchased sausage will be able to lie in the refrigerator for almost a whole week, remaining as fresh and appetizing. But how many useful substances and components will be contained in such a sausage? An elementary lack of natural vitamins affects overall health and susceptibility to diseases. Even a baby who does not eat mother's milk, but an artificial mixture, will grow less strong and strong than he could. To date, there are practically no purely natural products left, but what will happen in the future? Of course, many people will have their say about the numerous medicines and drugs that can stop almost any disease and make a person almost superman. Yes, it is true, and in the future, I am sure, this direction will only develop. Perhaps one day humanity will learn how to artificially grow people with the necessary functions and abilities, having "programmed" them for this in advance. Then any disease and ailment will simply not be terrible. But for now it remains only theories and dreams.
Space... man has always been drawn to learn as much as possible about this endless dark abyss. Sometimes, looking at the sky, one involuntarily realizes how big and complex the universe is, and we are only the smallest particle in its possession. The mysterious twinkling of the stars and the boundless darkness literally sucks your eyes out if you look at it. At one time, probably, everyone thought about future discoveries in the field of astrology and dreamed of imminent opportunities to visit the Moon, or, for example, go to a museum on Mars. Various scientific discoveries in this field are constantly being made, and the more we learn about the world around us, the more we understand how complex it is. The modern English scientist Stephen Hawking, whose work literally crossed out the current vision of space and its objects, made it clear that classical physics with its laws and concepts works only on Earth. Beyond it, there is absolute obscurity with its own rules, which we have not yet been able to understand. Black holes, event horizons, wormholes, elastic space and time – all this is beyond our understanding. Unfortunately, the equipment currently available only allows us to observe the processes and phenomena of deep space. That's all. Unfortunately, it is impossible to intervene, touch, understand and understand. Most likely, one day humanity will finally learn to control the movements of cosmic bodies and find a way to control them. The universe will become less mysterious for us, and interstellar travel and excursions to other galaxies will be commonplace.
Thus, summing up all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn: first, man will never stop waging war. It doesn't matter in what place and at what time, for whom or against what. This is our essence, nature, habit, and even in a pseudo-ideal world, an animal will find something to resent. Secondly, the evolution of man as a biological representative of the animal kingdom will cease, because evolution is an adaptation to new unfavorable conditions in order to survive. And if we surround ourselves with constant comfort and coziness, then why change? Thirdly, I do not know exactly when this will happen, but I am absolutely sure that people will finally stop being afraid of the lifeless dark matter that surrounds our planet, and space with all its amazing phenomena will open up many new possibilities.
Of course, talking about the future is a very ambiguous and versatile activity, because there can be just a huge number of possible outcomes of the development of events. And even based on all the available data about the history of mankind with its discoveries and extraordinary events, it will still be extremely difficult to guess what may lie ahead. And I would like to conclude my reasoning with the following observation: everyone has probably watched the old American movie "Back to the Future" at some point. So, the director, who lived at that time somewhere in the 1980s, imagined 2016 with flying cars, shoelaces that tied themselves right on his shoes, and houses stuffed with various smart appliances. So... the question arises – will we see all this by looking out the window?