Our entire civilization currently depends on oil, gas and coal. The loss of these energy resources will have a devastating impact on the modern world. Without this fuel, equipment will become useless, wars will begin, the economy and currencies will collapse. To avoid such frightening consequences, it was decided to do research in the field of energy.
Many scientists and philosophers have mentioned a certain subtle element, thanks to which you can make a huge leap in development.
Ether is an all-pervading medium, the fifth element, an inexhaustible source of energy. Nikola Tesla described and researched ether in the most comprehensive way.
After 77 years, scientists managed to conduct an experiment for the first time on the use of a new type of electricity for human needs. Generators that provide free fuel are being introduced. The transformation of one type of energy into another is the main essence of this process. Thanks to the properties of the microquant, it was possible to approach the study of large volumes of space that are inextricably linked. From previous research materials, it was known that we are surrounded by one space consisting of layers of different densities. This is how the material world is separated from other worlds. The human body is a small model of the universe. Having known himself, a person will be able to understand the structure of the Universe. To do this, we must step into a new round of evolution.
Since ether is the infinite energy from which the world is created, then it can be used simply everywhere. Almost all the particles for comprehension and creation of the new are in our hands. If we learn how to transform them, combine them (the process of annihilation), then there is every chance to comprehend the far corners of the unknown.
Based on the research of superluminal motion, scientists were able to create a capsule that can accelerate faster than the speed of light. It turned out to go out into intergalactic space. Just imagine: we visited neighboring stars and the nearest Andromeda galaxy! And if we used the latest cosmic substance, we could step over this limit. Each stage of development implies discoveries, but you need to be prepared for them. Human consciousness must grow along with technological progress. As everything is interconnected in the structure of our world, so everything is connected in the processes of creating innovations to comprehend the new.
The luminiferous ether is an important component of all devices on our planet today. Now every device is equipped with essential fuel. For people, the appearance of electricity in this way has become something unimaginable. Ether is infinite, we don't need to pay for it. It is accessible to every inhabitant of the planet and does not involve war. There is a release of models equipped with a microquant electric generator. Devices corresponding to the norms of obtaining new energy are installed. Ether particles are in each of us, so it is safe. It seemed like an incomprehensible substance that does not interact with our world can simply be its basis, the basis of everything that exists. But we were able to contact her by changing the particle flow.
Free energy has not bypassed transport and mobile communications. Above 5G is now only the infinity icon. Everything is designed with people's well-being in mind. Imagine a phone that never runs out of battery again. Yes, we sometimes get nostalgic and miss charging… Hah, a joke. Transport today involves an innovative interior, maximum convenience and speed comparable to teleportation. At the same time, the usual pace is maintained inside, which is responsible for the calmness of passengers.
In 2100, the first flying machine on an anti-gravity platform was released. Antimatter turned out to be with us, but it took a very long time to detect it. Here, even the prefix "anti" (against, on the contrary) contributed to the discovery. Lightning discharge began to be used as a source of antiparticles. How many films have been made, fantastic stories have been told about this invention. And now the first flight was successful. At the same time, aircraft with the anti-gravity method are available for flights both on Earth and far beyond its borders. Varieties of gravilets (magnetic, screen, electric gravity) have a huge advantage over conventional flying objects. Engines using waves and pulses allow you to travel huge distances. Interstellar flights have become a reality. The first ship has been created, which, with the help of improved gravitational maneuver, is able to reach interplanetary space. Taking the gravitational field of other planets as a basis, the crew slowed down and accelerated without using the jet thrust of the engine. It is planned to be sent to interstellar space. A spaceship that will visit Proxima Centauri is in development. It is noted that its design will be fast, thanks to free energy.
Now the phrase of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle "movement is life" has begun to play with new colors. Our civilization has accelerated in development. And most importantly, it didn't hurt us, it didn't destroy us.
In addition to satellites powered by alternative energy, a capsule - a space hotel - has been launched into orbit with the method of artificial gravity. The first volunteers have already appreciated the unusual rest. However, not everything corresponds to a long stay outside the Earth. Some inhabitants of our planet are against moving to an innovative, cold world. The ideas of creating colonies on space objects are considered. For example, Mars has become not such a distant place. Many scientists have moved there for research. The flight takes only a few days. Capsules in which people live protect them from the effects of a harsh environment. The suit became even lighter. In fact, we can say that these are clothes made of cosmic matter. A material consisting of particles of different fields that protects against dangerous types of radiation, vacuum, and different temperatures. The new element helped to create a new matter, which was later used in the creation of a unique shape.
Do you remember the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis from history? The XXII century was marked by the construction of structures that float in the air. Antigravity is able to lift objects to different levels. It turns out just a fantastic picture: beautiful buildings with flowering plants and a waterfall on a hill, like an elevator going up and down; flying cars flying from one platform to another; matryoshka cities, where one half is at the bottom and the other at the top, but they can also swap places.
And everyone's dream is: now I'll close my eyes and bam, I'm in the place where I would like to be, and there is no need to travel such long distances and spend savings. Teleport tests are being carried out. Observations and studies of wormholes in space served as a powerful springboard in the discovery of teleportation. It was possible to move the ballpoint pen. That's how close a person can be.
Wireless technology is now entirely dependent on free energy. When you turn on the TV, you can choose any location of the object in the air or on a special device.
The study of ether has made a breakthrough in all areas of human life. Electricity no longer requires oil, gas, coal, or nuclear power plants that harm the environment. Thanks to discoveries in this field, it was possible to get closer to the study of the nature of dark matter and dark energy. A new era is coming. But for this, people need to stop feuding. The world senators want us to stay on the same level, which is beneficial to them. Only there is something that is beyond human understanding. If we want to move in space, then we must open ourselves to new energy. And also to explore a completely new matter for our understanding.