To be honest, this is the first time I have come across a work of this format. I have never written works before. Even though it came out small, but I put a lot of my strength into it. In my work, I tried to raise the topic of human indifference. Many people now only care about themselves. Not everyone understands the seriousness of the current situation in the world, environmental disasters, etc. The world is on the verge of disaster. People should finally unite, think about their future. Why are we so indifferent and lazy? Why doesn't anything bother us?
"It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be from completely different worlds, never walking the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change."
Natalie Foss
Important meetings of universal scale sometimes happen quite unexpectedly. They may not fit into the narrow framework of today. For them there is no concept of today or tomorrow. For example, this meeting took place between people from completely different worlds: a modern man and a man from 2100. It is absolutely impossible to explain the circumstances of this meeting. They are too different, both in terms of ethical values and the time in which they live. However, now they were sitting in the chairs opposite and peering into each other's eyes, trying to find answers to each of their questions in them.
Even though they seemed completely different to each other, something still united them - a common origin. The appearance of these two was almost identical. They were links in the same human chain. However, the man from 2100 was still a little different. His clothes seemed to be completely unearthly. Lightweight and comfortable material that could not be compared with modern ones. It seemed to shimmer in the light of false lights of an artificial fireplace, with the slightest movement various patterns appeared on it. A hologram on clothes? The gaze slid higher and caught on an unusual thing. The mouth had a strange device. In some ways, he vaguely resembled a human mask. A strange device was attached to the ears. What is all this for?
Noticing the girl's interested look, the lady from the future straightened her broad shoulders and proudly raised her chin, demonstrating to the man of the past their achievements in science.
– Are you interested in this? – the woman asked the stranger, pointing with the tip of her index finger at her mask.
There was no need for them to know each other. It just so happened that they met, but purely out of the banal concept of politeness, it was necessary to introduce themselves. The woman from 2100 decided to introduce herself first. She was much bolder than her silent companion.
– My name is Lilia. You can just call me Lily. And this..." The lady paused for a moment, thinking how to formulate her thought correctly and explain it so that even a stranger from the past would understand the essence of the invention. – And this is an oxygen filter. Nowadays, the atmosphere on Earth is quite heavy. Due to the development of industry back in the 1970s, oxygen deficiency began to increase, but don't worry. You will not feel this ecological catastrophe for yourself soon.
When Lily finished her thought, the stranger's eyes widened. The realization that in the future there was an environmental disaster of this magnitude hurt in the chest. It was hard to come to terms with this idea, it seemed too impossible. Surprisingly, the thought that the woman was lying to her did not even arise. For some reason, the girl unconsciously wanted to trust her. However, after a couple of minutes, new questions began to arise in the young head. Human curiosity prompted her to pluck up the courage to ask, but out of politeness to introduce herself first.
– My name is Anya. And... can I ask a question? What will happen in the future? – Although Anna tried to look brave and strong in front of the interlocutor, she tried to show that she was no worse than her, albeit from a less developed time, but her voice still betrayed the growing excitement in her soul, it trembled slightly, which only made Lily laugh.
– Of course you can. What will happen in the future? What a vague question, but I'll try to answer it anyway.
Anya froze in anticipation, and Lily thought about what the miss from the past might be interested in. Suddenly a thought struck my head.
– Even if immortality has not yet been invented, but we have made great progress in space exploration. Of course, its colonization is still far away, but the first steps have been taken. Lily said proudly and leaned back in her chair. Her silence was short-lived. The woman wanted to brag about the scientific progress of the mankind of the future. – The first way people traveled into space for the sake of studying and mastering it was quite risky. Scientists have conceived to create a generational ship where people would be born and die. However, other scientists have criticized this method. It required a huge amount of resources and space. That's when scientists paid attention to you. – Lily pointed her fingers at Anya and smiled conspiratorially. – More precisely, your past. They thought about artificial hibernation. She became the second solution. The idea of freezing people so that they don't consume so many resources seemed more profitable. This is not some kind of dream, this is not a complete freezing of the body. I still remember studying old archives. Back in the time of Napoleon, there were rumors that more wounded survived in the cold than by a warm fireplace. Ordinary people considered it nonsense, ordinary self-medication. However, we have approached the matter more thoroughly. Scientists have turned their attention to some stories.
Exhaling, Lily stretched her long legs and relaxed. The whole conversation was tiring her out. It was as if she was telling the monkey about the values of worldly life or explaining to her the meaning of the Sun for the Earth.
– And what happened next? Anya asked.
The girl has already relaxed a lot herself. Unconsciously, she started trying to imitate the confident Lily. She also stretched out her legs, lifted her chin, and even her voice was not so trembling anymore. All this only once again amused the woman.
– As I said, scientists have noticed some stories from your time. The case of John Smith, a boy who fell through the ice at the age of 14. He spent 15 minutes in the icy water before being rescued by rescuers. He should have died, but his metabolism slowed down so much that he didn't let his brain die. Unbelievable, right? Then the case in 1999 with Anna Baginhol. The situation is similar, only this time she stayed under the ice for 80 minutes. At first, she was considered dead: there was no pulse and breathing, her body temperature dropped to 13.7 degrees Celsius. She was rescued. There was also the case of the child and Mitsutaka Onikoshi. They were all in similar situations and saved everyone. These cases have given us the opportunity to develop. We seized on them and began to study them. In the end, thanks to the efforts of great minds, we were able to launch the first such ship into space! – the last words were uttered with special pride. It was clear from Lily's emotions how proud she was of her country's achievements. By the way… And what country's citizenship does she have and how does she know so much?
– How interesting. You know so much about these studies and how it was all conducted.
- of course. Isn't that the case with you?
The unexpected question drove Anya to a dead end. Isn't that the case with us? Of course not. Now on the street, not everyone will be able to say who Mendeleev is, let alone talk about the process of space exploration.
A minute of silence and exchange of glances dragged on. Sighing heavily, Anna still decided to tell her interlocutor about the harsh realities of her time. Without embellishment and lies. If she wanted, she would have learned it anyway from the next books, if they were still preserved in the future, and archives.
– Of course not. Not many people are so seriously interested in the activities of our scientists. Everyone has their own life, full of their own worries. Many simply do not care about other people's problems and achievements. We're just reaping the fruits of science. Anna answered coldly and closed her eyes.
For a second, the girl felt ashamed of the company of her time. Devilishly indifferent to everything that does not concern them, not striving for perfection itself and stopped, mired in laziness. She had no idea what could make this indifferent society move on.
– Enlighten me. Tell me what will happen to us next. Will we remain the same indifferent people to everything, or will something finally change in our stupid world.
Lily thought about it. It had been a long time since she had been asked such serious questions. It seemed that the future life of this girl, her goals and dreams would depend on her answer… After a couple of minutes of thinking about the answer, Lily finally uttered the answer to the question asked to her.
– No matter how much indifference there is in this vast world, the desire for a bright future will never be taken away from people. Yes, first society will bring itself to the brink. Mired in wars, environmental disasters ... but all this will not last forever. People are such beings who will continue to go to a bright future, no matter what.
Lily smiled at Anya with her brightest smile. She decided to devote all her next words not to humanity of that time, but to Anya herself. To reach her with your soft voice and inspire hope for a bright future.
– Standing on the verge of an ecological catastrophe, people will not be able to escape to other planets. By that time, they will not have such technologies yet. Then they will finally pay attention to the world around them. They will have to unite to save him. When there is practically nothing to breathe, when animals begin to die, awareness will awaken in them. They will start saving animals, massively removing garbage, saving oceans, inventing and moving on. – the woman took Anya's hands in her own, putting all the human warmth of the future into her touch, looking at her piercing blue eyes, she continued. – Yes, we may not be able to save all the animals, but we will try to resurrect them using DNA. Yes, we still haven't managed to get back the oxygen that we had before, but we are doing everything in our power to do this. The seas and oceans may not be completely cleared of garbage yet, but every day people go to the beaches and clean them. We care about global warming, we care about the future of the Earth.
Anya's eyes showed that the woman's words had sunk into her soul. She was able to reach her.
– All is not lost yet, Anya. We are human beings and we will fight for our happy future. We may not yet know if there is life in the universe, but we are already studying planets, even if we were not particularly concerned about the problems of the future before, but now we are actively working on them.
– Are you saying that humanity still has a chance of survival? Anya said hopefully and looked up at the woman with her eyes full of hope.
– Of course there is. At the moment, man is the smartest being in the universe and we have every chance.
The girl smiled sincerely. We have a future. It seems like such a banal offer, but it was able to reach Anya's very heart. Our future begins here and now, we just need to strive for it and do everything to make it the best. The girl jumped up from her chair and walked quickly to the exit of the room. Their time may be coming to an end now, but her time is not over yet.
– Thank you, Lily! We will definitely see you again! – the girl shouted with joy in her voice and ran out of the room.
Lily just smiled.
– Of course, I'll see you! If not in the future, then in a dream!
So my little story has come to an end. While I was writing it, I had to study a lot of material. It was written in just a couple of days. There wasn't enough time, so I would definitely have developed it further and made it much better. While writing this work, I experienced incredible pleasure. Perhaps this can be called happiness. I can only thank the people who gave me the opportunity to try my hand at writing. Without them, I would never have had the courage to write such a thing. Perhaps some people will find the idea of the work rather stupid and absurd, and I am naive and stupid, but this is my opinion about the current situation in the world. I think we have stopped, that we should worry more about the problems of the planet and society as a whole. Every person sometimes needs to imagine themselves in the place of my heroine Anya, to think what exactly they would ask Lily in a similar situation. Studying the materials for this work, I realized what a chasm our world is over and now I will strive to contribute to our future. Yes, even if it will be small, perhaps quite scanty, but it will be a contribution to everyone's future. I encourage people to think about their actions and actions.
Zombie Dogs
Erica Nordby
The boy under the ice
Extinction of animals
Lack of oxygen
Resurrection of extinct species
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resurrection of Extinct Species
Global warming
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global warming