Author: Команда "Будущее среды обитания человека" / Team "The Future of the Human Habitat"
Full summary:
Direction: The Future of the Human Habitat
Title: "Inhabitants"
List of team members:
● Annushkina Varvara - chronicler, designer;
● Ilya Kostylev - team captain;
● Biyushkina Anna - Analyst;
● Salomah Vera - text designer.
Analytical note on the results of the work:
First, we distributed roles among ourselves and began to distribute responsibilities. First of all, we had to come up with the names of our team, we discussed, but soon came to a consensus and called the team "inhabitants". By the same principle, we chose the slogan "Earth is a big communal apartment." Then Annushkina Varvara began to make a sketch and, after the approval of the team, she began to draw it on a large format. At this time, the rest of the participants were searching for information (Ilya Kostylev, Anna Biyushkina and Vera Salomah). Next, we completed the task, in which we had to come up with a poem. The team coped with a bang and the rhyme sounds like this:
Oh our life...
You are so beautiful, so beautiful;
Together we are able
solve problems,
To keep her safe.
Later, after completing this task, we created a presentation in which everyone was involved, someone searched for information, someone designed the text, after the completion of our joint work, our captain - Kostylev Ilya defended it.