Author: Команда "Будущее окружающей среды и устойчивое развитие" / Team "The future of the environment and sustainable development"
Analytic note
from the NSW: New Stable World team
towards Future of Environment and Sustainability
Projected problems by 2030:
clash of civilizations;
Changing the structure of the education system;
Change of generations and values;
The impact of technological progress on the environment.
Problem #1: Clash of Civilizations.
Our team has come to the conclusion that Samuel Huntington's prophecy, which he gave in The Clash of Civilizations, is coming true. Other experts agree with this. Today there is a clash of 5 civilizations. In our opinion, the solution to this problem lies in the creation of a large number of international conferences and forums for young people. This will lead to significant discharge in the future.
Problem #2: Changing the structure of the education system.
degradation of the social system.
According to the report of the World Bank (hereinafter referred to as the WB), education tends to become more expensive. Thus, education becomes inaccessible for most people. Also, the World Bank highlights a number of conservative trends when women are prohibited from getting an education. To solve these problems, it is necessary to redirect financial flows. Also create international institutions to influence conservative countries. At the same time, it is combined with programs to attract women to academic activities.
Project name: Sustainable world and its inhabitants.
Project objectives: development of a program for the sustainable development of the world
1) Analyze statistics and predict the main trends of sustainable development until 2100;
2) Make a computer simulation of the situation on the planet;
3) Get to the bottom of the problem and analyze the likelihood of resource depletion.
4) Determine the main ways to prevent disasters.
5) Propose to the UN and other international organizations.
Our team has come to the conclusion that Samuel Huntington's prophecy, which he gave in The Clash of Civilizations, is coming true. Other experts agree with this. Today there is a clash of 5 civilizations. In our opinion, the solution to this problem lies in the creation of a large number of international conferences and forums for young people. This will lead to significant discharge in the future.
Slide from world3: The world3 computer model paints a not-so-rosy future. Until 2100, a human collapse awaits us. This is due to a sharp drop in the amount of resources and the fertility of the land.
After reviewing the previous graphs, we decided to delve deeper into the study of the problem of overproduction.
We focus on resources, population and industrial production.
The graph shows a decrease in the number of resources is directly interconnected with an increase in the volume of industrial production.
A fairly logical and truthful conclusion is that if production increases its volumes, then there are fewer resources. But that's not even the problem. Often, most of the produced goods are disposed of as unnecessary, more goods are produced than a person can consume. This is due to the fixation and pursuit of companies for profit and preservation of brand reputation.
Thus, we have identified the problem of hyper-fixation of the planet's population on finances and overproduction of goods. Now let's move on to solving the problem.
The solutions to this problem are:
UN involvement;
Bills regulating the redistribution of resources
Influence on the formation of the values of future generations with the help of the digital environment;
Artificial intelligence: according to our forecast, if artificial intelligence is introduced into production planning by 2100, the problem of overproduction will not be so acute. So with the help of artificial intelligence, 2100 people will be more conscious of product development. In addition, the combination of automation of technological processes will free a person from work and return him to the bosom of creative work. What do we mean? The person of 2100 will be freed from monotonous, tedious activities. He will be able to use his intellectual potential to the maximum. Thus, free time and intellectual development will become the basis for further sustainable development.
Changing attitudes towards intellectual activity. By 2100, the whole world will freely exchange knowledge and research for the benefit of the whole world. Important research will become the property of all mankind.
No advertising of unnecessary products. According to statista, the advertising market is expected to grow steadily in the coming years and surpass the $1,000,000,000,000 mark by 2026. If at least 30% of finances were redirected to the development of a global food security program, then the world would not know such terrible thing like hunger. But we assume that by 2100 overconsumption advertising will cease to exist. People will not be forced to buy absolutely unnecessary things and services.