Author: Команда "Будущее науки" / Team "Future of science"
Analytical note from the Future of Science team.
On the first day, the team members got to know each other. The moment of distribution of commands was very exciting. Everyone waited in trepidation when they would call his name, when the topic of further work would be announced. The participant and our team quickly found a common language and understanding.
The next day we were all looking forward to working together. We got at first glance not an easy topic. The future of science. We consulted and decided that we would take a topic that permeates all spheres of human scientific activity - ethics. As an example, we decided to consider some ethical issues in the field of life sciences. As you may remember from our presentation, these are issues of changing the human genetic code, cloning creatures and using people as material. Before that, we naturally recalled the 4 basic laws of ethics, and also cited a couple of surveys from this site as an example: https://www.zircon.ru/upload/iblock/36a/otnoshenie-grazhdan-rossii-k-nauke-nauchnym- institutam-i-nauchnym-rabotnikam.pdf . Then, of course, we tried to find ways to solve the problems that we ourselves identified.
In the process of work, the team and I managed to get along well and understand the chosen topic. Each of the participants managed to show their skills and abilities. I would also like to note that there were no conflicts between us even during the most heated discussions. Only good, positive and working environment.