Author: Команда "Будущее социума" / Team "Future of society"
Goal: forecasting trends in the development of areas related to society (politics, economics) by 2030
Conclusions on the issue: social evolution will begin to lead a direct opposition against technical evolution, which will affect all spheres of society. At a time when society is developing, technology is falling tendentially. But this is a direct indicator of the utopia of progress. So a gradual change in communication skills leads to an indispensable transformation in all areas. Competent construction of connections in society gives a good breakthrough in changing the evolving mind.
Β-version of the model of the future - 2100
Direction "Future of society"
2100 - a revolution in society in the middle strata of the population
Problems: 1) search for resources for the development of society; 2) change in the moral values of a person; 3) degradation of mass consciousness
Solving the problem of finding resources for the development of society
• The main source of infrastructure development is the middle class, the solution is to preserve the designated class of the population
Solving the problem of changing human moral values
• Preservation of spiritual values through local interaction of the institutions of society
• Strengthen the interaction of people with each other
Model of a desirable future for 2100
Society includes all spheres of human life. Therefore, the problems posed by our colleagues from other areas are an important component for society, and their solution is quite acute.
"The Future of Society" offers the following model of the future:
International relations will be based on the principles of cooperation, mutual understanding and mutual assistance. The economy of the world community will move to space trade, which will help resolve socio-economic problems in society.
Science will become a platform for interaction between AI and humans, aimed at achieving a common goal - the formation of a better future.
In 2100, society will use nanomaterials that will be suitable for construction in space, and will also act as resources that ensure favorable human life.
The man of the future, in our opinion, will be a symbiosis of Homo sapiens with a robot. It will be a radically new kind of intelligent being, which will acquire the properties necessary for longevity.
For convenient communication in society, each person will have access to quantum computers. We, as representatives of society, hope for the safety of such technologies.
The problems of ecology and energy will be solved by creating smart cities in every part of the world, where perfect waste recycling systems will be installed and devices for environmentally friendly energy production will be installed.
Having worked out the project of the future on February 7, we focused on two problems for the "Future Society":
1) Socio-economic inequality, where they set themselves the goal of preventing collapse in the social system of the population.
2) Fragmentation in society, where the goal was to create a single social organism.
I. After analyzing the statistics of the population strata, we have identified a trend towards the disappearance of the middle stratum of the population. To solve this problem, we propose:
• Creation of an economic airbag
• Creation of a social organism (the highest goal of development)
• Strict cost control system
• Strict regulation of transnational corporations
II. They also noted a trend in the predominance of material values over spiritual ones, which leads to the disappearance of the appearance of a person by 2100. Values that have been passed down from time immemorial cease to be relevant and are replaced by material and “virtual” ones.
We consider it necessary:
• Preserve spiritual values in the period of technological progress through local interaction of society's institutions
• Strengthen the interaction of people with each other
Turning to historical thinkers-scientists, let us recall the statement of K.E. Tsialkovsky:
“People who will learn to unite will enter the Golden Age. And the association also has its own law: two auras strengthen each other by 7 times, if people are like-minded people, the wave is the same, directed to one goal. 3 people - 7 squared, that is, 49 times. If there are 4 people, they strengthen each other by 7 to the 3rd power - 343 times! Therefore, the more people, the more valuable each next one, it multiplies the power many times over.”
The above thought fully reflects the future of society, people need to unite in order to overcome all global problems and exist in a better future!