Author: Команда "Человек будущего" / Team "Human of the future"
Representatives of the Light of the Future team
Direction: Man of the future:
Andrukevich E.A.
Tulaganov D.D.
Muslimova P.A.
Siyazar kyzy A.
Buck B.
Analytic note
Our 2100 Human Vision Project was a 13-slide presentation, along with several drafts of accompanying material to showcase additional material and clarifications as needed.
The project itself had the following structure:
1. Introduction:
• On the composition of the team;
• Team motto;
• Brief information about participants;
• Presentation plan;
2. Part 1. Segregation, its consequences and solutions aimed at ensuring equality in the future;
3. Part 2. Relationships in the concept of human-human and human-AI, as well as measures to resolve conflicts of interest in these systems;
4. Part 3. Man is degrading. The future of the morphological structure, physiology and health of the future human. Negative scenario and measures to prevent human involution;
5. Part 4. To be or not to be. The future of the existence of a man of the future, his competition with AI. Demonstration in the form of a dramatization of the command dialogue.
6. Conclusion. Parting.
The paper examined in detail the issues of human segregation, as a phenomenon of concern to modern society, voiced the types of segregation, showed the consequences for the future and the impact of segregation in the present, and also gave preventive measures for the types of segregation in the future.
Further, human relationships were shown, where infringement on the basis of sexual orientation became a relatively rare occurrence, but at the same time, the problems of the relationship between a person and robots, a person with AI, as well as the problem of natural childbirth, became aggravated. The general decision was made that this problem should be monitored, but, in general, the process is in full swing and it should not be slowed down, since the forecast is generally optimistic, although the path to achieving it is difficult despite the fact that all necessary measures are being taken.
Regarding a degrading person, a curve was presented for the decline of the human intelligence quotient, which, alas, does not give consoling forecasts for the future. In addition, the habits and inclinations of a person are voiced, which today cause concern among physiologists, as well as a forecast for the future of the morphology and physiology of a person of the future.
In the end, the issue of crowding out a person by the product of his own mental activity - AI was raised, statistics were given on the scale of the problem and the difficulties of maintaining a person's place in the future. Then the question was raised about the possibility of merging a person and AI, as an alternative to the displacement of one intelligent creature by another. Regarding the decision, an agreement was made to meet again with relevant data on this matter.
Thus, in general, the team's forecast regarding the future is optimistic, since we ourselves are the builders of the future, and as long as we believe in the future, we are able to change it for the better.