Augusto Enrique Cabrera Duffaut

Director of the Ecuadorian Network of Immersive Learning, Coordinator of Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Coordinator of the Laboratory of Educational Innovation with Virtual Reality of the Catholic University of Cuenca in Ecuador.

I describe myself as a dreamer of a better future for all, where education is the basis of a more equitable society, convinced that by using technological advances in education we can generate that connection between what exists and what is needed, I am an entrepreneur, educator and a supporter of society and the belief that knowledge and faith can coexist in harmony. My experience is based on the generation of projects using technology as a basis for the development of both business and educational innovation, specializing with my doctoral thesis project in the use of Virtual Reality in teaching-learning processes.

Academic Profile

Systems Engineer by the University of Azuay in Ecuador
Master in Information Systems Management from the University of Cuenca in Ecuador
Diploma in Digital Marketing from the Santiago de Guayaquil University in Ecuador
Diploma in Public Administration and Political Sciences from the University of Cuenca and the George Washington University