Hello everyone My name is Bios. I'm 30. I live in the experimental city "Antibiotic". Judging by the name, you probably already realized that our city has such a name for a reason. In our city, antibiotics are very easily available, even too much, they are distributed for free every month. The most annoying thing is that the residents themselves, due to their ignorance, are happy to receive free antimicrobials, thinking that they are cured of all sorts of ailments and "scientists" take care of them. It would be good if all people, knowing about the complications of antimicrobial drugs, stopped using drugs, but it's not that simple, we are part of a large experiment where scientists monitor every city where drugs of various classes and groups are distributed free of charge. There is even a town called "BADy", but that's a completely different story :). I have been in the city as a research doctor since I graduated from university. My every day is to monitor the residents of the city, namely, conducting medical examinations, which allows you to display statistics on the effect of antibiotics on all human body systems. I send all my reports to the central research unit, where they get acquainted with the current state of the city's residents. During the time I have been here, I have repeatedly pointed out in my report that people's health is deteriorating. New diseases that had not previously been registered in the registry began to appear in the city. There were also secondary infections, which greatly aggravated the daily activities of people. But despite these data, scientists continue to raise the dosage of drugs and bring out more and more new drugs of a new generation, which are becoming more dangerous from year to year. It is scary to realize that the people living in this city are experimental "animals" who may lose their lives in the course of ruthless scientific research. It made me scarier to think that a situation worse than a pandemic was ahead of us. And the fact that, as a doctor, I do not feel like an intermediary between God and the patient, but only between some impurities. I've been thinking about it a lot in the last few days. Am I doing the right thing by helping with the research; do I need to take any action against inhumane treatment of people? As a result, as befits the main character, or I imagined myself to be heroes, but this is no longer the point, I decided to fix the situation at all costs. I feel like in Donghua "System: Save yourself for the main villain" ;) in the role of Shen Qingqiu, who must somehow fix the situation, remaining within the framework of his character's peculiarities. So I have to stay on the side of scientists to get reliable information, but at the same time help our citizens. Unbeknownst to the central team of researchers, I began to develop a plan for my future actions. There was a fear that nothing would work out and I would remain a "negative or misunderstood character" in the eyes of people. Therefore, I divided my action plan into the main points: first, the simplest in my opinion, I created an anonymous channel in the local information bureau, where I shared statistical data as an exposure of the central link, which I had thanks to the collection of anamnesis among residents. The data included the appearance of intractable diseases, aggravation of the condition of people who manifested allergic reactions and relapses of existing diseases. But in order to take my eyes off the medical staff, I had to resort to an accomplice in the person of my friend from the IT department, since he does not matter in my story, the character will remain undisclosed), or I am afraid of losing the role of the main character. The information bureau has opened access only to local citizens, with the visibility for everyone that the channel is being used by the government to give the appearance of reliable information. The second point, I started replacing the drugs that were given out by the townspeople with pacifiers to reduce the deterioration of their health. Three years before the events, I was able to gain access to the pharmaceutical department for the manufacture of medicines, thanks to my friend from the IT department, whom I do not want to disclose in any way), probably due to my self-absorption, or the author himself is lazy to share a couple of lines about a rather interesting character, and write these last lines, at least with pleasure. The third point, I managed to arrange a meeting with people, where they were lured under the pretext of improving the city. For great effect, I had to hide my face under a mask. I talked about how antibiotics affect our body, that you should not take them as sweets, since they have side effects and can adversely affect all body systems. And for a more intimidating effect, I took off the mask, under which the face was disfigured and told that I was part of the city of Antibiotic, launched back in the demo version. The crowd was horrified by what was needed for me. He told me that my relatives had been dead for a long time and all this was the result of side effects and an overdose of antibiotics. And the cause of death of my fictional tribesmen was secondary infection, acute allergic reactions and the development of malignant cancer among the young population. And as the messiah, he came to free the people of this city from the oppression of scientists.
Some time after the rally, unrest swept over the people. Mass rallies began about the refusal to take antibiotics. The city was collapsing before our eyes: all the points of delivery of medicines were destroyed, farm warehouses were destroyed, as well as the central link of researchers. The government decided to achieve peace by ending the experiment and closing all research cities. An agreement was reached in the cities. Antibiotics are a thing of the past as a part of history that should not be forgotten and learn the right lesson for future generations.
Unfortunately, the effect of antibiotics has had its effect on residents. Even after the end of the experiment, more and more terrible cases of deaths were revealed in the near future after the experiment. More than 30% of the residents died from the addition of a secondary infection and the appearance of new allergic reactions, which were not eliminated by new generation antihistamines, but only gave only some remission. The other part of the affected population is still being observed, and we do not know what we should expect from the coming times. But we have learned the most important lesson in our lives, that the irrational use of antibiotics and other drugs entails little-studied consequences for our body, which can lead to a disastrous outcome.