Dear reader, In this short essay, I would like to fantasize, and maybe even predict the future of our universe. I am interested in such a wonderful science as astronomy, and quite often I watch interviews, discussions and lectures on this topic. And I noticed that a fairly popular topic among them is the presence of life on other planets. As a matter of fact, this essay will reflect my thoughts on this topic. I want to warn you right away that I am not an expert in the scientific field and have not studied it as deeply as I would like, but this is for now, so I just want to share my thoughts.
We are on the threshold of the year 2100. Our world is undergoing incredible changes due to technological progress. Artificial intelligence, quantum computers, biotechnologies - all this is no longer fiction, but reality. But what awaits us in the future? What are the challenges facing humanity?
Many astronomers argue that there is life on the surface of other planets, and I agree with them. It is quite possible. But the question is: is there intelligent life there, such as we think it is? After all, what is intelligent life in our understanding? Beings with thinking, learning, and development abilities. And here is the most important question. The presence of water on various planets and their moons proves the existence of life, but is it intelligent? Let's think about it and maybe come up with something.
"Life on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, currently remains an open question and a topic for scientific discussion and research" - the first sentence from Wikipedia, which did not leave me indifferent, and I began reading this article with great pleasure. What did I take out after reading it? That life on Titan is possible and it could have been brought from Earth or other planets with the help of comets and asteroids, most likely. But why is it possible on this particular planet? "At the end of June 2021, information was confirmed that vinyl cyanide is present on Titanium. It serves as an analogue of terrestrial phospholipids, which form partially permeable cell membranes, without which known life would be impossible. Vinylacyanide was discovered by the Cassini probe several years ago, but it took time to confirm the data. This means that single-celled life can arise in methane rivers and lakes of Titan, from which more complex life is possible."
If life is possible there, then one can imagine what it might be like.
So, life on Titan.
-179,5 °C. The creatures that could live there may be made of silicon. I would suggest that they may consist of or include compounds and chemical elements that are unknown on our planet. After all, we do all the research based on our experience, our life and the Earth. We do not have a full-fledged experience of exploring what is not possible in the future, namely real life on other planets. I believe that over time we will discover new elements that do not exist on our planet. These creatures will be made of silicon, because there is no oxygen on Titan, with which it becomes solid. Most likely, the life cycle of such organisms would be about millions of years, and they would be anorgan oxidizers, oxidizing inorganic substances.
Above, I gave an excerpt from the article, which indicates the presence of vinyl cyanide on the surface of Titanium, which means that intelligent life is possible there. But this is only the surface, and what can be inside? And if life is not just developing inside the planet, but there is an entire civilization? What happens when we can explore what's inside and discover all this? How will it affect us, them?
If this turns out to be true, then we may be able to answer these questions. But, most likely, these will no longer be computers and laptops, but embedded mechanisms in human bodies and biorobots.
And if we imagine that intelligent life exists in other galaxies? Perhaps this intelligent life has already found a way to travel through galaxies at the speed of light, but it certainly wasn't in ours. Perhaps right now, or in a day, a week, a month, scientists will discover a trace of an alien life spacecraft. Or maybe they're just waiting? They are waiting for us to learn how to use the maximum amount of energy or move even further in technology and science, and move our planet to another galaxy in which all the planets are gathered around one large planet or star and serve for the benefit of it. Or an alien intelligence uses advanced planets for its existence.
What if there is no extraterrestrial life and we are really alone? Then we have a chance to become that giant planet and serve for the good of the universe.
I am absolutely convinced that by 2100, if no extraterrestrial life is discovered, then scientists will be able to make sure that we are absolutely alone and unique and must leave a legacy, fill the planets, adapt and create conditions for life for us and our descendants. We have been given this life, and we must live it fully, with interest and a look into the future.
The article was published in a small way, perhaps everyone who reads it will be able to come up with something even more fantastic and mysterious that can become a reality in the future. When writing the article, I watched a large number of videos about the possible future. I resonated with some things, but not with others. But I know one thing for sure.
It's bigger than life.
It's bigger than a planet.
It's bigger than the universe.
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