"Since the existence of the universe, there is no one who would not need knowledge.
Whatever language and age we take, man has always aspired to knowledge.
A. A. D. Rudaki"
Foreword by the authors
A person always tries to find out the future by hook or by crook. He turns to astrology, guesses on coffee grounds, makes predictions to find out what awaits him in the future. But forecasting is always a thankless task, and we understand that the future, depending on our decisions, may have several development vectors. However, in any case, a person should predict and try to make every effort to make a positive scenario come true. There have always been researchers in the history of mankind (e.g. Plato, Thomas More, Tomaso Campanella, etc.), who tried to imagine a perfect society, an ideal state. In our short essay, we will try to immerse readers in the future of energy – what would we see if we got into a time machine today and found ourselves in the year 2100.
The world is changing rapidly. Cars, houses, technologies are changing, even the values for each generation are different. Man, unlike the rest of the inhabitants of our planet, has always tried to know this world, gain new knowledge and use it for the development of the Earth. Since ancient times, man has needed strength to help build houses, plow fields, turn millstones, grinding grains, etc. Initially, people used manpower (animals, slaves), then the water wheel, windmill, steam engines came to replace it, the coal industry, electric power industry, etc. are developing.
Energy has always played a central role in the life of mankind. The continued growth of the population and the improvement of the welfare of developed and developing countries lead to an increase in the production of goods, which increases the need for electricity. On the one hand, an increase in the rate of energy production and consumption is a key condition and indicator of economic development. On the other hand, this leads to an increase in the burden on the environment, an increase in the risks of a shortage of energy resources, and in a number of cases to natural and man-made disasters. This is due to the need to improve the methods of using energy sources and the search for new renewable sources by nature.
As a result of these factors, humanity is investing more and more efforts in the search for new alternative energy sources: the use of solar energy, tidal energy, biological energy, etc. Man has always witnessed rapid changes and evolution, but with the development of science and technology, we find ourselves facing new challenges and opportunities.
Thus, each stage of human development was characterized by a change in energy sources, the main technologies that were used. The leading countries of the world are actively engaged in the development of technologies of the sixth technological order, which is characterized by the development of robotics, biotechnology, space technologies, artificial intelligence, etc. What awaits us at the turn of 2100? In this scientific paper, we will try to explore which trends will shape the future of energy, and which important aspects of this evolution should be taken into account.
Challenges to humanity
Humanity has to "pay" for progress. On the one hand, the development and application of new technologies simplify our lives (for example, robot vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.), making it more comfortable, but on the other hand, their production does not remain without a trace for the ecology of the planet. In addition, according to the UN demographic forecasts presented in 2017, by 2100 the world's population will reach 11.2 billion people and will continue to grow at a rate of 0.1% per year [8]. Consequently, the burden on planet Earth will grow, as the population's demand for goods, works, and services will increase.
The increase in human consumption of electricity leads to a number of processes that contribute to an increase in the burden on the nature of the planet Earth and contributes to global warming. The main task that the economy has to solve is how to meet the growing needs of the world's population in conditions of limited resources. In the current conditions, humanity faces challenges that must be taken into account and applied when creating and implementing the future of energy:
– changing energy generation technologies to more economical ones;
– climate change;
– exhaustion of natural resources;
– negative effects on nature.
Thus, in the current conditions, humanity needs to find a balance between, on the one hand, providing comfortable living conditions for the population, and, on the other hand, preserving our planet for future generations. In our opinion, there are two main directions in solving this issue. The first is to abandon progress and use those technologies that were used before and caused minimal harm (impact) to nature. American Amish, who lead a traditional lifestyle, adhere to a similar ideology. They do not recognize technological progress and actually isolate themselves from the benefits of civilization (telephones, cars, computers, electricity, etc.). In addition, the Amish are pacifists, and therefore do not produce or use weapons against people. Definitely, the transition back to such a lifestyle would greatly reduce the burden on the planet and would allow us to consume much less non-renewable natural resources. However, we understand how deeply technology has penetrated into our lives, and it will be difficult for humanity to abandon them. Therefore, the second direction in solving this issue is to take into account the current trends and solve emerging problems precisely thanks to scientific and technological progress. In our opinion, the solution must be found in science, in new technologies, which should make it possible to find an even more environmentally sound, economically rational solution. In this regard, we will try to figure out which trends will shape the future of energy.
The development of science
Science is the engine of progress and the basis for the development of technology, education and innovation. In the future, it will play an even more significant role in the development of mankind.
Natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology will continue to evolve and expand our understanding of the world. In the future, this may include deeper study of quantum physics, research at the molecular level to create new materials and drugs, as well as biotechnology to solve environmental problems.
Technical sciences such as engineering and information technology will continuously evolve. We will see the development of artificial intelligence, the Internet, quantum computing and other technologies that will change the way we interact with the world and help us solve complex problems.
Knowledge and innovation management will be a key aspect of future science. With the advent of big data and machine learning, scientists will be able to extract valuable knowledge from massive amounts of information. This will help in the development of new technologies and solutions.
The transformation of educational processes will also be an important aspect of knowledge management. Education will become more accessible and personalized thanks to online education, adaptive platforms, trainings conducted by coaches using the techniques of "Flying", "Brainstorming" and much more. They provide enough knowledge to become certified specialists and work in various fields.
Internet technologies will play a key role in future scientific activities. With the development of fast Internet, 5G from drones and solar panels will allow you to use the Internet 50 times faster than usual, which will simplify your work. To date, new ways of storing information on glass, using light and a microscope, are already being created. The big founders who have gained a foothold in the market have already come up with a new flexible TV model that can be transported to any part of the world. With such scientific transformations, researchers will be able to conduct experiments and collect data in remote areas. Virtual reality is already being used in South Korea. By scanning the barcode of any item you like or ordering it via the Internet, you can arrange delivery of goods by electric car, without using anthropogenic impact.
Forecasting the future of science is a difficult task, but it is important to identify priorities and resources. Research on global processes such as climate change and demography will help identify research areas needed to address future challenges.
Artificial intelligence
The duration of innovation cycles is shortening, and accordingly new technologies are emerging very quickly. One of the fastest growing and relevant areas, since the 1950s, has been the development of artificial intelligence (AI) [6]. AI today is a set of programs that is capable of reproducing human skills. The fields of application of AI are very diverse: medicine (diagnosis and treatment) [5], education, agriculture (crop cultivation), voice assistants and much more. AI is capable of processing large amounts of data, which allows it to be used in planning processes, solving specific tasks, informing and even in training [2].
It should also be noted that today a generative type of artificial intelligence system is actively developing, which is able to generate text, images and more in response to prompts. McKinsey consulting company predicts the impact of generative AI on productivity, automation and the workforce, which will annually bring the global economy from 2.6 to 4.4 trillion dollars (approximately 2-4% of the total global gross domestic product [4].
The use of AI in the development of future energy is promising. Russia is already implementing a National strategy for the development of artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030. The main goal of this strategy is "to ensure the accelerated development of AI in the country, conduct scientific research, increase the availability of information and computing resources for users, and improve the training system in this area" [7]. As part of the implementation of this strategy, as well as the national project "Digital Economy", AI implementation projects are being implemented in Russia in various industries. Unfortunately, digital systems are currently used quite a bit in the energy sector. However, according to the estimates of the Ministry of Energy, the cumulative effect of the use of artificial intelligence in the fuel and energy sector will exceed 5.4 trillion. rubles in the future until 2040 [15]. With the help of artificial intelligence in the electric power industry, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of systems, as well as reduce energy consumption and reduce financial costs.
The war for ecology
The war for ecology is one of the most pressing issues for humanity today. Producers of goods, in their thirst for profit, often pollute nature by throwing out industrial waste, not using sewage treatment plants, etc. In addition, people litter and deplete nature, extract non-renewable natural resources, litter the oceans with untreated plastic, and pollute the atmospheric environment. Such pollution of our planet can lead to irreversible consequences.
Global environmental problems of the 21st century include: global climate change, a decrease in the Earth's ozone layer, air pollution, pollution of the oceans, and a shortage of clean water [11]. Many of these listed factors, among others, lead to the development of diseases for humans (the occurrence of tumors, cancer, etc.). It is high time for humanity to pay attention to the environment. Since environmental issues are problems of a global nature, they must be solved jointly. Uniform rules should apply around the world in relation to waste disposal, reducing emissions into the atmosphere, etc. For this, international documents (the Kyoto Protocol) are adopted, climate treaties (the Paris Agreement) are signed in order to coordinate the efforts of states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, etc. However, despite the fact that developed countries are reducing emissions, developing countries, in pursuit of high economic growth, are in no hurry to adhere to such agreements. Humanity must realize that if today we do not take the necessary decisions to preserve our planet, then perhaps tomorrow nothing will be saved.
Electric cars – a boom in the car market
Cars play an important role in the life of a modern person. On the one hand, cars are one of the most convenient means of transport for movement, but on the other hand, their operation has a negative impact on the environment. In addition, cars are consumers of an exhausted resource – oil. Due to these factors, humanity has long been thinking about an alternative source of fuel for cars. So, electric cars have been developed to replace conventional cars. There is a boom in demand for electric cars in the automotive market, and some countries are elevating the transition to electric transport and renewable energy sources (RES) to the rank of their state policy [12].
Thus, experts suggest that in the coming years people will switch to electric cars en masse, due to the advantages they have, namely: efficiency (gasoline or diesel costs are incommensurable with electricity costs), no harmful emissions, safety (due to the design of the machine, the center of gravity, which is shifted down), low the noise level. In addition, in a number of countries, it is planned to apply measures to stimulate the purchase of electric cars, including subsidizing part of the purchase costs, and the absence of a transport tax. As a result, all the largest companies in the automotive industry are starting a race for market share in electric cars.
It should also be noted that the transition to electric cars will lead to savings in the consumption of an exhausted resource – oil, and, consequently, an increase in electricity consumption. This does not mean the end of the oil era, since a large number of products are produced from oil. However, these trends will lead to the fact that the economy will have to meet the growing demand for electricity. In turn, the growth in demand for electricity will be reflected in its price. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, humanity will have to look for new methods for generating electricity. Let's take a closer look at which alternative energy sources are already being used in the world.
Alternative energy sources
Today, the main types of energy used in the production of electricity are coal and hydrocarbons (62.9% in the world, 66.2% in Russia) [13]. The second place in terms of specific gravity in Russia is occupied by nuclear energy. However, it is worth noting that due to the threat of environmental pollution in the event of an accident, as well as the release of radioactive waste in operation, an increasing number of countries in the world prefer to abandon nuclear power plants. While the share of alternative energy sources in the world is increasing: wind – 5.3%, solar – 2.6%, biofuels – 2.4%, geothermal, tides, etc. – 0.5% [13].
Alternative sources are those sources that make it possible to use a natural resource economically and without prejudice. Solar energy is one of the most common sources of use of inexhaustible resources. Solar energy will be enough for a large number of supernova technologies in 100 years. The sun's rays hit the photovoltaic cell electrons, absorb light and in the course of this we get current and it is already used in homes. The advantages of using solar power plants are the absence of harm to the environment, long service life, as well as the fact that this resource is free and inexhaustible. However, despite the obvious advantages, there are disadvantages of this alternative energy source. So, for example, depending on weather conditions and time of day, it is impossible to use solar power plants in any regions of the world. Also, the disadvantages of using solar stations are the high cost of implementing the project, the need for large areas for placement [10].
Another popular type of alternative source of electricity is the generation and use of wind energy. Wind energy is a source for converting kinetic energy into electrical energy, it can be used to power houses, buildings, workshops, factories [3]. Kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy using the blades of a wind turbine, which consists of recycled fiberglass and is firmly installed on a foundation with magnetic fields, and a wind direction and speed system is also installed there. If we look at the disadvantages, then the most important ones are the high start–up capital. The choice of territory is the most important issue in the construction of windmills, since not all regions are suitable for the implementation of such energy complexes. The alternative energy sources listed above are dependent on natural conditions. Due to the fact that the vast territory of our country is located in unfavorable conditions for the use of wind and solar energy, it is important to search for other energy sources or transform data taking into account climatic conditions.
The vast territory with different climatic conditions dictates the need to search for energy sources even in the far north. Energy in the Arctic is very underdeveloped, but it is a valuable resource for industrial and social development of the territory of Russia. It is here that the resource bases of the most important oil producing companies Gazprom, Novatek, Rosneft, and others are located [14].
Despite the permafrost, the Arctic region is objectively the most attractive on the planet in terms of wind energy potential. However, at the moment Russia is not a technological leader in this area. The industrial series of wind generators used in warm countries are not suitable for use in the Arctic latitudes of Russia.
The same applies to solar energy. Six months in the Arctic fall on the polar day, so the prospects for using this energy source are great. In this regard, the development of a new type of equipment, taking into account the specifics of harsh conditions at all levels – from materials and mechanisms to solving the problem of energy conservation and transfer, is an important direction for the development of the future of energy in the development of Arctic latitudes.
In addition, research is currently underway to convert and apply Arctic cold energy. The source of this energy can be the temperature difference between water and air. "It is only necessary to find a substance whose vapor elasticity at these low temperatures would allow performing the same kind of circular process with this substance within these temperatures, which is performed at much higher temperatures with water vapor in our steam engines" [13].