Artificial intelligence: new opportunities in criminal law

The XXI century is a time when the world does not stand still and develops more and more intensively. The biggest rise can be seen in the IT sector. New information and communication systems are being introduced into society, biometrics for the banking sector, artificial intelligence is at the peak of its popularity and modernization. But, unfortunately, crime remains in the new information society, and nowadays cybercrime statistics are increasing more and more.
The purpose of the study is to identify new opportunities for the use of artificial intelligence in criminal law and highlight its advantages in the legal field.
We have highlighted some of the tasks that need to be achieved in the work:
1. Analysis of modern cybercrime statistics.
2. The study and compilation of new possibilities of artificial intelligence in criminal law.
3. Evaluate the use of artificial intelligence in the successful solution of legal problems in criminal law and the process.
According to official data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, compared with 2021, cybercrime indicators remained stable in 2022. Every fourth crime is committed using high technology. 27.6% more thefts were registered, 29% more fraud involving electronic means of payment, 22.5% more criminal acts in the field of computer information. [4]
It is worth noting that the peak of cybercrime falls in 2020 during the pandemic. This is due to the fact that during the global quarantine, the whole world worked remotely, and all services and needs were provided by marketplaces. 
This criminal situation has a negative impact on the national security of the country. In addition to cybercrime, there are other types of crimes in our society: from petty hooliganism to especially serious crimes. 
Law enforcement agencies do not always cope with the turnover of constantly appearing offenses, but it is even more difficult for them to catch and solve a crime. The operational search system of our country does not cover all the problems that occur in society. Therefore, we believe that the so-called legal artificial intelligence is required to help law enforcement agencies, stabilize the minimum crime rate in Russia and a fast-responding operational search system.
But what exactly is artificial intelligence? Is he a hero of our time or not? Artificial intelligence is a special ability or even the ability of a computer, which is in constant development, to make decisions or perform actions, or solve tasks that are peculiar to humans and even more. Simply put, artificial intelligence is the brain of all mankind, a thinking machine.
Also, today scientists identify artificial intelligence as a new branch of science that solves issues of psychology, medicine, economics, logistics and cybernetics. 
 Of course, this device has its disadvantages, which need to be discussed separately. Since there are disputes that artificial intelligence will lead to the degradation of the human species or even a "machine uprising" that contributes to the extinction of people around the globe. 
But at this stage of development, artificial intelligence is a new peak of progress, which should be counted on especially by large divisions. And do not forget that while artificial intelligence is in our hands and man is developing it, therefore we can create a program that will help humanity for the good and all technical processes will be under our control. Therefore, we are making plans to create a new legal artificial intelligence that will help solve the problems of saving our country from the criminal world and help relieve law enforcement agencies. 
Legal robotic intelligence is already beginning to develop in our country, but with progressive steps. Since this requires time and specially trained people who will have the right ideas and means to implement such an opportunity. 
In the world, there have already been cases of using AI in the legal field. Rechtwijzer technology, created in 2007 in the Netherlands with the support of the Dutch Legal Aid Council and the Ministry of Justice, serves as a starting point in solving legal problems and suggests what steps need to be taken to resolve disputes in issues such as divorce, custody, debt obligations, tenant and landlord relations, that is, it helps to resolve civil cases. [5]
For example, according to the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police search engine, even with the almost universal introduction of information systems in various areas of activity, the degree of their integration into a single information space leaves much to be desired. [2, 139]
In general, at this stage, artificial intelligence helps to automatically conduct the process of investigating crimes, to make a sketch of the criminal. But in legal practice, there is a case when the photo portrait is made up incorrectly or the physiological data is not clearly selected, the database with fingerprints is hanging or it is leaking. 
If we consider from a positive point of view the introduction of a neural network into the legal life and security of Russia, then by 2023 we already have special cameras equipped with an NR system that help police officers in search of a criminal. Now it is common in the city of Moscow, but in the near future it will be applied in all cities of Russia. 
AI is also already helping to unload a large amount of information and messages coming to police officers. This was the case during the anti-corruption investigation against Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC, when a robot from the anti-fraud bureau studied 30 million documents, viewing 600 thousand files per day, it took five days in total. As a result, the necessary materials were found, and Rolls-Royce paid compensation in the amount of £497.25 million. [1] 40 years ago, Soviet policemen could not even imagine such a thing, let's remember how much information people needed to process in the Fischer case and how much time it took to find the necessary information when hundreds of children's lives were on the alert. Russia does not stand still, further – more.
Having studied the sources on the use of artificial intelligence, we propose to train an already created neural network in a broader sense. For example, to develop a team that, when downloading evidence found at the crime scene, will automatically structure the information received and form a ready-made protocol, as well as other necessary documents for the investigation of the case, which will help relieve employees about paperwork. 
It is also possible to create a system like Yandex-Alice, Sber Salute, but only in the person of a police assistant or investigator. Let's say we give this intelligence a name "Uncle Stepa". To begin with, programmers and analysts will need to develop an initial program that will be downloaded on the computers of all law enforcement officers. Each department will select the teams and functions that are needed specifically for their activities, while the rest will be in private access. For example, for an investigator, "Uncle Stepa" will find the necessary information about suspects, interact with video surveillance cameras from the crime scene, open a database of similar cases, etc.
In the future, this program can be upgraded into a device, to begin with it will be in large cities and used in the disclosure of simple offenses, and in further stages of development it will move to the level of assistance for particularly serious and dangerous crimes. 
Also, we see this device as a friend for police officers and other law enforcement agencies. For example, if a person needs to find out the latest news, the weather, discuss their thoughts and feelings about a crime or offense, some points that other people do not need to know, which should be kept confidential. That is, "Uncle Stepa" will be personally at each employee or at each department, but with the help of biometric data, he will recognize people and will not leak personal information, therefore, before the conversation you will need to specify the command "for everyone" (solve work issues) or "heart-to-heart" (to perform the function of a friend).
Also, "Uncle Stepa" could take on the role of an assistant traffic police inspector. After seeing what queues and commotion are taking place at the point of passing exams for obtaining a driver's license, we came up with the idea to come up with a program that, together with employees, will record for practical exams and receive documents for obtaining rights using people's biometrics. That is, to reduce the queue, we need to create terminals with our AI, because this will help unload people.
Again, the "Uncle Stepa" device can also be used in the educational activities of future lawyers. For example, this device will have a child device "Egorka". This program will collect the entire educational base for secondary and higher education, which will be in all law schools of our country. Yegorka is a storehouse of scientific collections, publications, laws and judicial practices that will serve as illustrative examples for future specialists. Also, this device will be a great helper during distance or distance learning, as it will be able to take on the role of a teacher and examiner. 
And of course, during the internal difficulties of students, "Egorka" will become a motivator who, with the help of sensual speeches, will give strength and confidence to realize a dream. We believe that this would be a very important discovery for us - the acquisition of sensual and intelligent artificial intelligence. 

So, after analyzing the current situation in the legal system of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that our Great country does not stand still, but is steadily moving forward with modern information technologies. Thanks to the use of a neural network, the criminal situation in Russia will significantly decrease. The use of artificial intelligence in the activities of law enforcement agencies gives the Russian Federation incredible opportunities to solve crimes and catch criminals. We believe that the creation and use of such a device as our "Uncle Stepa" will give an irrevocable rise in the legal field. 
No country yet sees a neural network on such a scale as an assistant in any legal activity, even in education. "Uncle Stepa" is not just a legal assistant, he is like a man – with brains and soul. It is not for nothing that the same Uncle Stepa from childhood, the hero of S.V. Mikhalkov, comes to mind. After all, our device is a prototype of a kind child's hero who can come to life in the face of legal artificial intelligence. 
Russia is a country of opportunities and it stands on the threshold of global change and assuming the role of an information superpower and will be able to confidently protect itself and the whole world from crime.


List of sources used:
1. You are protected by a neural network [Electronic resource] // URL:
2. Voitova O.G. The use of artificial intelligence elements as one of the ways to develop information systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - Bulletin of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No.2 / 2020. – 139 p.
3. Mosechkin, I.N. Artificial intelligence in criminal law: prospects for improving protection and regulation: [monograph] / I. N. Mosechkin. – Kirov: Vyatka State University, 2020 – 111 p.
4. Losses of banks from cybercrime [Electronic resource] // URL: /
5. Rechtwijzer [Electronic resource] // URL: