How I became vos and died...

To the one who decided to study this text,
This work is nothing but reflections on the cyclicity of our world and on the charm of humanity in its diversity. Reader, I have a rather brazen request to you, please think about what makes a person a person, and humanity a humanity?
This work has changed with me, she has come a long way until she became what she would not be ashamed of in the light, and maybe ashamed, she just doesn't know about it…
Thank you in advance for the time spent on reading.

This diary is a description of the feelings and thoughts of a man who lived in 2100, found it under his pillow on 03/24/2022. I don't know how he got here, but I will use the gift. Still, it's incredibly interesting to find out if people invented a time machine or created artificial life, and what if they met aliens? Further explanations and clarifications will be given as the diary is reviewed to improve understanding and perception.
"2080 year from the birth of Christ, 50 year from the birth of the world1 ,4 month;
Today I saw the paper for the first time, I think that's what the teacher called it, such a strange one. It is not smooth, but rough and rustles unusually. It turns out that people used to write on such sheets, it's strange because it's inconvenient, it ends and becomes unpainted and dirty, and it also needs ink that is in the pens. They are also incomprehensible, why write and get dirty, if you can print, probably people were very stupid and strange before the birth of the world1, vos is not so2, and the fact that vos writes on paper with a pen only to confirm their stupidity. I persuaded my parents to buy them, saying that they were for a school project3. I don't like it, vos got my hands dirty, it's unpleasant. The parent will swear. But I think that I will continue to write (like so say it), it's fashionable now, I don't want everyone to think that vos is not in the stream.
6 month 5
Today, vos has made friends with ASDFV-1927 for the first time; I'll tell you a secret, everyone has a name, despite the prohibitions of the authorities and the desire for depersonalization, adults say so, they give us names, it turns out this is a very ancient tradition, so a friend's name is Sieg-mund. However, I do not know why exactly, it said it did not know. However, it was a lot of fun to talk, it turns out it's cool to be friends.
9 month
We had a fight today. It turns out that Sigmund doesn't like my favorite game "I want to fly away"6, and vos also called it bad and tasteless, vos didn't understand why, it became very sad, vos screamed and ran away. I didn't think that such a thing could happen.
9 month 1/9 part7
We made up and decided not to fight anymore because of such things, but vos will still remember and remember it. In general, Sigmund is a normal being, it's fun with this. I told the parent, they laughed in response, why? Well, that's fine
12 month
The school told me to create a game or a website about what kind of creature vos wants to become. Vos didn't think about this before. The parent said that this is very important, because it will affect my future, it turns out that my future will be built on the basis of the created game, although this is only a beta version, I can change it up to 20 years.8 Vos thought a lot and realized that he wanted to be the one who would find aliens and make friends with them, and then settle on the planet with them and Sigmund. There will be a lot of animals there, now there are very few of them on Earth and almost all either live with people or in special zo-nah7. I have been with my parents 3 times in such a place, the animals are very cute and beautiful. It's a pity that there are so few of them. Stupid people allowed them to disappear. I especially liked platypuses, they are very funny and strange, somewhat similar to vos. Vos would like to lead one, but was not allowed. It is sad. Therefore, there will be a lot of platypuses on the planet, they will live freely.
12 month 1/6 part
The teachers liked my dream, everyone said it was interesting, but we need to change it to 20, because it's impossible to do it. Adults are stupid, everything can be done, I will prove and do it. Sigmund agreed with me, we will create a house for duck-noses and cats together (I like them too)
Then the recordings stop and resume in 2084.

1-I assume that in 2030 there was a revolution either in the scientific sphere or in the public sphere, most likely in both, which led to the transition to a new chronology, the so-called "moment of the birth of the world".
2-the narration is conducted on behalf of the neuter gender, it seems impossible to determine the biological sex. Perhaps this form of self-designation also appeared because of the revolution that led to the destruction of the concept of biological sex. There may be a connection with the growing movement of sexual minorities and their struggle for equal rights.
3-it seems that the school, as a social institution, has not outlived itself, but continues to function, most likely its preservation was aimed at the socialization of children and the formation of their comfortable and not beyond the limits of thinking.
4-the erasure of the biological concept of gender led to a modification of the role of the mother and father, who became a parent, without a pronounced gender identity and, most likely, the disappearance of social roles with fixed behavior.
5-month is indicated by a number, not a word. The possible reason for the climate change is the one that was caused by global warming, as a result of which the need for action for the seasons and, accordingly, for months disappeared, perhaps the climate on the planet is regulated by artificial intelligence, i.e. artificially.
6-from English "I want to fly away", it is interesting that languages have not lost their role, apparently, speech and language itself are indeed the greatest inventions of mankind.
7-days in a month are indicated by a fraction, perhaps there is no need for days, since people do not sleep as much as we do now, such development is possible due to the development of technology, a possible goal is to increase human productivity.
8-an increase in the threshold of becoming an adult is most likely associated with an increase in life expectancy and an increase in the standard of living.
The data that we have is not enough for a full-fledged analysis, but the picture has begun to take shape. It is quite interesting what the revolution of 2030 is, judging by the consequences, it can be compared with the Neolithic one, in terms of global significance and importance. Presumably all spheres of society have undergone changes. Changes in science have always been expected, but in social and spiritual they were taken by surprise, quite surprisingly depersonalization, with the greatest probability it entered the norm in order to equalize everyone. Since it is clear as long as everyone is different, there will be no equality, and the aspirations for it have been gaining more and more strength lately. However, it is unclear how everyone agreed to this and how it is possible to live like this. Perhaps the author will reveal at least some details further. However, it is rather ironic that parents still give names to children, giving them a personality, and judging by the passage at school they try to support the beginnings of children (at least partially), it turns out that the system does not work. The childish nature of the problems and, in general, the manner of writing and behavior are interesting. After all, we expected to see more mature children in the future. The disappearance and decrease of animal species is quite expected and logical, there is nothing to be surprised about. I am pleased with the interesting replacement of all pronouns with vos from Latin you are in the plural, no differences, inte-resno.
6 month , 54 year since the birth of the world.
Today an old diary was found, the paper became even more strange, but the notes remained. I will continue to keep records as an adult, which is exactly what vos is. Today we had a fight with Sigmund, vos does not want to enroll in a historical club, it turns out that his friend does not believe in history at all. He says that they have always lived like now, there was nothing else, and adults and scientists scare us, children, with a terrible past in which men and women lived, not creatures and did everything they wanted. That's why we quarreled, because I believe in the past. When did vos become so stupid? Then, when I stopped wanting to breed platypuses. Well, okay, vos will figure it out by myself, especially now everyone is talking about it, I also want to learn and say smart things, because vos is an adult being.
7 month
Vos has learned so much! From the beginning, vos did not believe it, but then they showed artifacts of the past, it's amazing. Creatures lived in a completely different way, it turns out that names are absolutely normal and even necessary for the past, they were given at birth and used them throughout their lives, and they also had to sleep every day, the day consisted of 24 hours, not 72 hours, how much they slept, and still there were women and men, he and she used, so strangely, still the same. I remembered! They also said that before everyone was different and talked about their desires out loud and they had not yet built their lives according to the pattern given by the Hand of God, however, they say that a lot of people lived poorly (they explained to us that there were a lot of people, so there were not enough resources), now we we don't know about poverty at all, because from the moment of birth each creature has its own limit of resources, when it exhausts it, it disappears from the planet (the teacher also told us this, I didn't know where people go). However, I do not know how long life is considered, I will ask the teacher. And now I will speak instead of vos, it turns out that before it was allowed to understand myself as an individual, and not as part of the whole society, so as not to infringe on the feelings of other beings. The teacher said that there used to be people, not creatures, and one person was called a man. This is quite interesting, because now we call ourselves beings, so we used to call unknown and often unreasonable beings, it's even a little insulting how a person has become something empty (the words teach-la).
8 month
I never would have thought I knew so little about the world. It turns out that the duration of life is determined by an AI codenamed "Makosh", this network calculates the duration of life and makes its plan, so my children's plan is absolutely useless.And in general, all the plans that we build in childhood are meaningless, everything has already been decided, we are simply persuaded and inspired that this is exactly what we wanted. However, this is not all, the teacher told us about the birth of the world in which we live. In 2030, a virus leaked from the laboratory, when interacting with a living organism, it certainly leads to mutations (if I understood correctly, these are changes in the body that change it very much). People began to change, but they remained conscious. The state (as the teacher calls it) decided to solve several problems at once: to reduce the population, destroy undesirable states and put into action a plan of globalization (I don't know what it is). When about 59% of the entire population of the Earth was infected with the virus, the plan came into effect, all infected were destroyed, the survivors were settled on an artificial continent, the old earth remained lifeless. To be honest, I don't believe it, it's very similar to the teacher's inventions, so that we don't leave the club. But on the other hand, all this sounds very interesting and unusual, because there are really very few people, and we live on a very large continent, makes you think.
9 month
Our club was disbanded, the life of the teacher came to an end. All the participants were interviewed for a very long time by scary creatures, they were all in black, although you can't wear it. Tomorrow I have to go to the head of the school, though they didn't say why. I've been thinking about what the teacher said for a very long time, it's all very strange. They always said that everything was very bad before the birth of the world, and the previous era died because of the atomic war that began, they explained that this was a very terrible weapon of the past, almost everyone died, but there was a certain council of sages who selected the chosen ones and saved them, they were the ones who did the beginning of our era. But if you think about it that way, it all sounds illogical and unclear, there are few details, and although the information is available to everyone, studying it is not allowed. The teacher said that there used to be a profession of a historian, they studied the past, it turns out the previous era is very big. But they don't tell us about it, why? I think I'll ask those strange creatures tomorrow, they look smart.
Then the records break off and continue in 2090
There is a lot of information in this passage, but it raises more questions than answers. Was the revolution of all spheres of life caused artificially? Judging by the notes, there are 2 theories: the official one is atomic war and the theory of a certain "teacher" about the virus and the further extermination of most of humanity, but I am sure that there are more theories, just the young narrator does not know about them. However, both theories look unconvincing (perhaps more information will be disclosed later). The "Hand of God" mentioned in the text speaks of two phenomena at once: first, the existence of religion, which, most likely, plays the role of a public regulator and serves as an instrument of repression, it is quite interesting that it is God who plays this role, because in the 21st century the role of religion is steadily declining, being present in countries with exactly the same purpose as in the future, but not everywhere. And the name of which is "The Hand of God", it is the people who are most likely to head this body, "the hand" presupposes exactly the fullness, some executors of God's desires. The dichotomy of society is revealed in the fact that the fate is decided by AI, and not by the "Hand of God". Although it would be more logical if God did it. Perhaps this body (AI) restricts the activity of the "Hand of God". This leads to another question, and who created AI? Who's watching him? What else is included in its tasks. From the story we realized that it determines the duration of life, and its device is the hand. It's quite interesting that people have come to terms with such a device. Man is the only being who has freedom, even angels and demons (if we are serious about the manifestations of religion) are not free, they have a mandatory manner of behavior, an unchangeable course of existence. People have always managed their own lives and its course, so it is quite strange to see a voluntary rejection of the main characteristic of a person, of what makes a person a person. Perhaps this phenomenon is the result of humanity's unwillingness to take responsibility, which is quite evident now. The flight from reality and its acceptance caused by the fear of responsibility, namely, the consequences of its acceptance, could lead to its disappearance, along with the right to choose and the concept of "man" in our usual form. The second possible reason may be the desire for equality, which led to "equal" opportunities to achieve happiness, namely, made them zero. Another interesting phenomenon of the future is the ignorance of the children's population about the structure of the world, children have no idea about the world at all, except for their own way of life, most likely they are interested in others up to a certain age, but later curiosity fades, and a small "person" who has become an adult ceases to show interest .This is also surprising, people have always lived in society, such a drastic change is most likely caused artificially, comfortable adults have been raised. Another question arises, where are the people of the old generation, could not the children themselves grow up and appear, especially the adults give names, they also learned it from someone? It is incredibly important that there has been an increase in a person's waking hours, this is cool and useful. However, it is unclear why? There are few people-it is not necessary to produce a lot. What are the others doing
Continued recordings
vos could not remember anything of what is recorded here. It's pretty weird. These events did not seem to be on the thread. What is recorded here is only partially true, the great "Makosh" decided that vos was destined to be part of the "Hand of God", so vos does everything to make the activity beneficial. Vos will always serve for the benefit of the "Hand of God" and strives to make this world a better place, and those stupid records are unworthy of attention.
the recordings are cut off again.
I'm disappointed, I can't stand it anymore, how could I believe in it! During one of the tasks, I got access to secret records, their contents amazed me. There is everything here, starting with the truth about the creation of the world, continuing with the records of the old world and finishing with stories about everything in the world. I was even more struck by their secrecy, why hide them, because truth is a value, only after reading I realized this. How is this possible, our whole world is a lie! Everything I believed in is a fake and a deception! All my efforts were aimed at maintaining peace, and in the end I supported the falsehood that rests on our stupidity and stupidity. How could I so blindly believe everything they say. The truth is too heavy, I am so tired of lies, of its righteousness …
The recordings are cut off again.
Before my memories of the true world are erased again, I will fix them and describe everything in detail. In 2030, the first revolution took place on Earth due to the aggravated social situation, called the second destruction of Sodom. It all started in one of the European countries (exact data are unknown, since the spread was so fast that no one had time to react). The beginning of the process was given by the performance of people of non-traditional orientation, these performances were commonplace, but the scale of this performance was unusual, at the same time the population of the whole country came out. The whole crowd moved towards the government, everything began to be fun and ordinary, but an exclamation came from the crowd that claimed infringement. The main arguments were: "Why are we unusual? We are ordinary people and even better than ordinary people, because we will lead humanity into the future. Why do we worship the "normals"? and a lot of empty, unfounded arguments. However, the crowd, as always, was irrational and listened to this cry. In addition, many of the crowd were broadcasting live, in other countries, too, picked up these slogans. A little later, a variety of minorities joined them, which in fact were already the majority. By the beginning of the next day, a wave of rebellion swept across the planet, the process of globalization of all spheres of public life played its role. Peaceful outrages escalated from the beginning into active actions without the use of violence, however, after 2 days there was 1 murder of a person who considered himself the most ordinary (did not consider himself to be more than one modern trend), a day after this incident, the number of murders worldwide exceeded 6 million, after 2 days the first sexual violence was committed, 4 days after this incident, the number of such incidents exceeded 15 million, not including pedophilia and bestiality (data were lost or hidden intentionally). The arguments in all cases of violence were the same: "we are all equal, our rights are the same, their inviolability (dissent) infringes on my rights and feelings, so I will do what I think is necessary." The governments of the countries could not do anything with the elements and were forced to obey , the army in turn refused to obey , seizing warehouses and providing the rebels with weapons .After a month of unrest, the violence reached its peak, the Governments of the countries were forced to unite and come to a consensus.It was decided to destroy most of the population , or rather almost the entire population , in order to create a new humanity that would be better and more viable , so to speak , to carry out natural selection on its own .Later it turned out that all the protests were organized by the elites, who sought to create their own world. However, they cannot be blamed alone, only people are to blame for feeling omnipotent and omnipotent, if it were not for them, nothing would have happened. The elites were ready for a new world. The old world was destroyed in 6 days, the new one was created in the same way in 6 days. The population by 2030 was 8 billion 500 million people; after the destruction (including the undisputed), 500 thousand people remained. All the rest were destroyed, did not pass natural selection... a new world was arranged for them, on the corpse of the old world that had not even begun to rot yet. Oh, yes, the old world was destroyed by only 1 small virus that destroyed the body in a matter of seconds, he was shown which person to destroy and which not (special cells were introduced into the bodies 10 years ago that isolated them). The so-called world 7 of the sky was organized on the territory of the former Atlantis, which was found in 2025, raised from the ocean floor using an anti-gravity device and studied. Its relief, geographical position and history were ideal for creating a paradise. Using artificial landscaping, 5 heavenly species of Pomegranate, Pear, Apple, Fig, Olive trees were planted on the surface. Each tree had a certain meaning. So the pomegranate is the tree of Love, the pear is the tree of Hope, the apple tree is the tree of Faith, the fig tree is the tree of Knowledge, the olive is the tree of Life. The entire territory was divided into 5 sections, in which one or another culture prevailed. The rationale was chosen convenient. "God divided the plots with the aim that there would be moderation in everything. You can't hope too much, love, believe, know, live. We are all equal, all our opportunities are equal.All our lives are decided by God..." Paradise was created, but it needs a god who will keep the world in check. Yes, it is not simple, but so strong that it will stop any opportunity to change the sky created by 7. The decision to choose God was not easy and caused a lot of controversy and disagreement. From all the arguments it followed that God cannot be a man or a woman, therefore, asexual, the structure of his body should not infringe on anyone, so there should not be a body, besides, if he is without a body, there is no need for a face, therefore, God is an incorporeal being, but it is important that he does not he was so much above people that he caused a feeling of inferiority. So the God-Air appeared. His existence is proven, he is always with us, he gives us the opportunity to continue living, he has no appearance, he is disembodied and most importantly, we –the people of the 7th heaven-can influence him. Clean, pollute, add impurities. It turns out that we are equal, more or less. To confirm the power of the God-Air, his abilities to grant life were shown. In 2033, a man who died of a virus in the old world was revived in Equality Square. The sight was truly magical, the disfigured body was lying on a white sheet behind a transparent dome, the whole scene resembled an excerpt from my favorite fairy tale "Snow White", it seemed that a prince would appear and the princess would come to life. Thinking about it now, I understand that this fairy tale came to us from the past, because now there are no princes or princesses. Then the dome was lifted, the air lifted the body, turned golden and returned a living person, not a lifeless corpse. The crowd rejoiced, the man came to life, it violated all the laws of the universe, now humanity has the right even to solve the question of life and death, the very right that never belonged to people, but they dreamed about it so much. However, all this was nothing more than a performance, a skillful, beautiful and fabulous performance. The man was really dead, he really died in the old era, but it was not God or even some kind of force that saved him, but deception and lies, the body was simply replaced with a still living person, because immediately after the performance, "The Hand of God" together with "Makosh" decided that his life has come to an end. Such a simple technique was used that no one had even a gram of doubt. It's even funny how easy it is for people to believe what they want to believe… People are a big word…
Then, instead of entries, there are incomprehensible squiggles, most likely expressing the author's state and his doom. Just below, the recordings resume.
The world of the 7th heaven was conceived as a paradise. A place where everyone has a place, because everyone is equal, the same and united. For the sake of fulfilling this dream, humanity has sacrificed everything. At first, people gave their bodies to rot and become humus for new achievements. After that, they gave away their souls, eventually losing them forever. Everyone who died in that massacre did not want to die. All they wanted was a happy and peaceful future. A future in which there is a place for the most ordinary person. A person without abilities, who is a gray mass, but his shade of gray is individual, he wants to preserve it and add it to the overall gray. A man who wants to live.Yes, it's easy to live without making any sudden movements and changes. His desire was to spend Groundhog Day every day and he liked it. A man who wanted to die, just die. He didn't see the point in life and decided to leave it. A man whose life is about finding himself. He woke up with one single question and the goal "Who am I?", "Why am I named, and not me?". Yes, these questions destroyed him, but they also gave him the strength to move towards the fulfillment of his life. Man has always been full of paradoxes, that's what made a man a man. However, the concept of the 7th heaven destroyed it, erased everything, uprooted it. I still can't figure out why…
After the appearance of God, the founders of the island decided to create governing bodies. This decision was made quickly and simply. The highest organ was the "Hand of God", and the second most important was the artificial intelligence "Makosh", and at the very top was the "World Serpent" – there is no need to say much about it. They are the same Ali-the one who created the world. These "people" cannot die, their cells are frozen and no longer subject to aging, and in case of violent death, their brain will simply move.

The "Hand of God" is a body that is responsible for literally everything, from managing the internal affairs of the 7th heaven and ending with the supply of products. At the head of the "Hand of God" is the Great Executor of the Will of God, the so-called veritas (Truth). He is the direct head of the 7th heaven, but this does not mean that he is better than the rest, no, that you are. It works just like everyone else, therefore the law of full equality and unity is not violated. Next to veritas(Truth) virtus (Valor) and quies(Calmness) -responsible for conflict resolution; jus(Justice)-solves all issues related to inequality;gaudium(Joy),ingenium(Talent), cachinnus (Laughter) and gracilis (Grace)-solve cultural issues; sapiens (Sage)-education issues; orbis(World)-environmental issues; saeculum(Time)-the most important watchmaker; cura(Care)-health care; honor(Honor)-honoring all managers (necessary to maintain equality) ; animus(Soul)-development of equality (one of the most important fingers) acumen (Top)-monitors all fingers;necessities(Necessary)-can replace anyone in case of danger or unexpected death (only for fingers it is unexpected); utilis (Useful)-assistant ab-solute of all fingers; divinus (Divine)-a kind of analogue of the priest; felix(Happy)-maintaining the mood of society. Quite an interesting title of posts, but their meaning never coincides with reality, in fact, these are empty words, which seem and should be laurels, in fact there is only a weed that destroys the earth. Quite ironic, considering that I am necessities, is necessary in what? One of the most important tasks of the "Hand of God" is to maintain the unity of society and equality of all in everything. And we're doing a good job of it. We get rid of unnecessary people, things, thoughts, and in general from everything unusual and out of bounds, society is afraid of what is different from itself and seeks to destroy it, therefore, in order not to express negative emotions once again, we are doing this. And Makosh helps with this-artificial intelligence created from the souls of great people who died during the riots of the thirtieth year. I will never stop admiring the soul extraction process, it is beautiful and disgusting at the same time. The ability to extract souls was discovered in 2028 by an unknown scientist who, shortly after creating a miracle machine that refused to work, came to the decision that his soul would serve as the beginning of this process, so he abandoned the mortal body, becoming the basis and key instrument of the work of Pangea-that was the name of the machine. I remember when I asked about the principle of work, no one could give an answer, perhaps it was really a miracle that sent humanity into the abyss of hell. After all, it was the possibility of soul extraction that served as the starting point in the creation of the 7th heaven. The great souls of the past, united by Pangea and existing inside Makoshi, decide the future of the present. Ironic. The process itself looks magical. A dead, lifeless body is placed in a "Pangaea", after that a few seconds pass and a tree sprout appears instead of the body, 5 variations are possible, like the actual trees on the island. The type of tree depends on the personality of the body, and the soul itself is a small, wrinkled, terrible ember that burns up when interacting with air. This is explained to the public as the process of transition to the 8th heaven, the highest, in fact it is a simple chemical reaction, there is a lot of white phosphorus in the soul, which interacts with oxygen. However, after everything unnecessary and terrible burns out, a miracle appears, the coal turns into a cookie, they say that the soul is a cookie, because it is easy to absorb it, as well as the soul in turn. They are different: chocolate, sponge, waffle, mushrooms, double, coffee… After this cookie (not necessarily one, there may be 10 of them, most likely the number depends on the usefulness of the person) is referred to as "Makosh". She is a robot that looks like a human, she looks, yes, she is, I'm not afraid to say so, beautiful, neat facial features, pleasant physique, elegant clothes. The cookies are put on the table, she pours tea from the teapot (although I'm not sure that tea, maybe it's the blood of the one whose soul will be absorbed), slowly takes it out. She takes a cookie and... eats it, one by one, then she falls asleep, covers her with a blanket and leaves. This is how Makosh absorbs new knowledge and becomes more and more perfect, because its work is not easy. She determines the course of a person's life, absolutely everything, down to the smallest detail, her intelligence goes beyond what people understand, but this does not make her absolutely independent and independent, in order to prevent her independence, she does not have functions responsible for the personality and the concept of herself. That is, "Makosh" does not know who she is and does not ask this question, because this ability is not built into her. All her insides burn with only one desire, the desire to weave human life out of threads, creating handkerchiefs into which the members of the "Hands of God" blow their noses, because what she is talking about on the handkerchiefs absolutely does not correspond to the wishes of the person himself, no one asked him why? All for the sake of preserving equality, but this equality led to the destruction of man, the destruction of what made man a man. Only man has always had freedom of choice and action , no one and nothing could live as well, not even the biblical angels and demons. It is so amazing and delightful that people have decided to take away this right from themselves, becoming just an empty shell that does not want anything and does not strive for anything…
Is it so bad that humanity is not striving for anything now? I do not know, it feels like the world has stopped and is slowly dying. It's so sad. Every day I see children who dream of becoming someone in the future. So, for example, yesterday I met a girl, her code was quite strange REV-1917, because of this they laugh at her at school, she cried bitterly when talking about bullying, because the code was not the only reason for ridicule, the second reason was her sharp mind, her thoughts are too scary for the world in which we live, that is why the "Hand of God" allows it to be destroyed, I see myself in it.Her mind is needed for great things, there is no need to destroy it. I wish I could save her from this hell…
The recordings are interrupted, then they are kept on scraps of paper glued together, the ink changes its color more than once, as well as the nature of the narrative.

Peacetime has passed, ended, disappeared, as if it had never existed. The waves began quite unexpectedly for the "Hand of God", because "Makosh" does not warn about such actions, for the first time its will was refuted by a person. It was quite expected that sooner or later this would happen, but no one expected it so soon, 7 heaven is paradise, a utopia created by scientists who abandoned their self, fell apart like a card house from a clumsy step of a child. On the morning of the 70th year since the birth of the new world, by the way, the holiday was supposed to be majestic, filled with love, peace and equality. All 18 members of the "Hand of God" came to the festival, and the great Elder was supposed to come later, after a meeting with the World Serpent. However, to everyone's surprise, the holiday began with the murder of the Soul. Crimes that have been forgotten for 70 years have reappeared. It is ironic that it was the Soul that was killed, because there was no place for it in the events that unfolded later. Panic rose, the Fingers got scared, lost all control over the crowd. However, this state did not last long, because the heroes of today's performance came on stage. But what was the catch, but the fact that the crowd, which had just been rushing in fright, knew and showed the ruling elite a real performance in which people were scared to death, and their eyes were looking for support and salvation in fingers that were smoother than others, but they screwed up, having lost their last hope for salvation is primarily for the forgiveness of people. The look of the peers was so desperate and frightened that even the crowd was surprised, because their leaders were strong, knowing absolutely everything, they were those who are always right and carry the truth. But the most interesting thing began after the coming of the Truth, as if God had descended and examined everything that was happening from his height, his gaze, filled with disgust and contempt, blew up the already indignant crowd. The truth, I ordered the Aryans, they have always been amazing in their abilities, endurance, strength and intuition, ideal warriors, exactly what any field marshal would wish.Their ideality is explained simply, they are all artificial, in recent years subordinates of the fingers, have advanced so much in their research that they have created an artificial human. This process is quite simple, artificially created cells are grown like a real embryo, though without a mother's womb, after the formation of the cranial cavity, it is carefully opened and a small chip is inserted, which takes full control over the brain, forcing it to regress and fight with itself, as a result, a person without will and desires. The first creation of a homunculus took place back in the distant 40, but the public found out about it 3 years ago, "The Hand deftly explained it by the way of achieving ideal equality. The creation of a homunculus was one of the reasons that led to such a result. Another reason is the desire of the "Hand of God" to erase the biological differences of people, making each person's body absolutely identical, including gender and appearance, changing the human genome. The argument was a rather simple idea that if one person is more beautiful than another, then an ideal society cannot exist. Fair enough, but for whom? In recent years, people have increasingly doubted the correctness of the ideology and its viability. Forgotten traditions came to life inside the family, they were indeed erased from memory, but like a phoenix they came to life and shone even brighter. Children who sooner or later became adults no longer wanted to obey the will of "Makosha", the cookies that she consumed were no longer able to provide her with energy for weaving life handkerchiefs, because, starting from the age of 50, there was a decline in the standard of living, which was expressed in the complete apathy of society as a whole and everyone This process was dangerous, and in order to prevent its progress, the "Hand of God" decided to develop a project to increase equality, which everyone aspired to when creating the 7th heaven. That briefly led to an increase in expectations and faith in a bright future, and on the other hand, led to an even greater intensity of the situation, because not everyone wanted equality. However, the subsequent disappointment in the idea itself led to indignation, which occurred. It's worth going back to the crowd. After the Aryans came out, the crowd should have at least retreated, and in general, it should have been scared and scattered, but the Truth did not take into account that people knew about the Aryans, about their tactics, abilities, they were ready. Most of all, I was struck by the unity of people, almost the entire population of the island took part in this. There was no limit to my admiration. After that, people came up to the Aryans and took them by the hands, took them to themselves. They didn't resist. Oh, how the face of Truth has distorted. A storm of emotions overwhelmed him, and the fingers stood and simply remained silent. How amazing it was when a young girl came out of the crowd, she looked beautiful: her coal-black eyes glowed with the fire of hope, her hair was so bright red that it seemed as if a light was dancing on her head, confidence and unshakable will were visible in all her movements, it seemed that one of her steps able to move mountains .She walked through the parting crowd, like Moses who pushed back the water column. With a deft movement, she snatched a small pistol from the Aryan's holster, her movements were so fast that no one could prevent the inevitable, but unexpected, and with an accurate shot she ended the power of Truth, although this is too loud, because the power of truth came from the "world serpent", however, their power fell yesterday, actually, that's why Truth returned early from the meeting. Yesterday, a meeting was supposed to take place in order to determine further policy, however, the newest version of "Pan-gay" was installed in the building in which the meeting was to take place, so all the members of the "world Snake" became cookies and by morning they had already had tea with them, plus new scarves were created, which were very ugly, and the "Ma-kosh" itself was turned off, is it true forever?
The square rejoiced. Only the fingers were at a loss. Soon they got to them, the crowd wanted to tear them into small pieces, but REV-1917 stopped them, so we were simply sent to Makosh, as unnecessary trash waiting for its turn to be destroyed. We were brought to the place of our temporary imprisonment, "Makosh" was sitting, her calm appearance caused bewilderment and surprise, but it seemed to me that now she is redder than ever. Such calmness is available only after an excellent job has been done, and they sat alarmed, terrified and their faces took on a dull expression. Calmness suddenly screamed, and then she became hysterical, her appearance reminded me of a movie I once watched, there was a fragment in which a pig was being slaughtered, but her Calmness reminded me. Red from tears, covered in snot from them and rolling on the floor as if trying to wash it, she caused disgust and vomiting feelings. In order not to observe this picture, I went to the window, the wind changed its direction, it became harsh and cold. Is it for good?
After a while, the door opened, the Aryans came in, they told me to get out, I obeyed. The divine wanted to free me, he rushed to the Aryans, but I stopped him with a look. Most likely I was not indifferent to him, but what does it matter now if it didn't matter before. I was quietly taken out, the smell of the air changed, it became bloody and restless, like a river filled with corpses after a battle. Pretty soon we reached the building where Luci's office was located. I calmly entered it, my gaze turned to the shrunken figure that was located in the chair, the only thing that made me realize that it was Lucie were black glowing embers, you gently land on the next chair, I looked at her questioningly. After his reproachful look, she straightened her shoulders like a loaf of bread that was put in water, raised her head and looked at me. After that , she discussed all the plans with me and told me about the situation .Humanity, having regained its humanity, having abandoned Angel wings and demonic horns, returned to carnal needs and desires that had been sleeping in the unconscious for a long time. The logical solution was to leave people to enjoy this freedom for a while. After the first signs of fatigue are noticed, tell about the true history and the world. Then, with the help of power and cruelty, to prove to people that happiness is possible in a certain limitation. Next, it is necessary to divide all people, sending them to the continents that were previously inhabited, using technology to return the territories to their useful appearance for humans, the ruling elite and the scientific intelligentsia will remain on Atlantis, which will monitor the process and provide all assistance. After settlement, humanity will return to statehood, wars, rivalry and inequality as the most optimal form of human existence and of humanity as a whole. The plan satisfied me. Ak-kuratno stroking Luci on the head, I went out.